Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 9- Music

Today I'm thankful for music. I cannot imagine life without it. I hum it, I sing it in my head, I listen to my daughter sing all over the house (which I take as a sign of a happy child!)...

Music moves me. I can put on a song and cry. I can crank up the tunes and clean the house. I can sing to the top of my lungs and just be happy and free. I love to sing!

I watched the Sound of Music cast reunion on Oprah the other day (I never watch O, but I couldn't pass this up!) So sad that Julie Andrews can no longer sing. Throat surgery left her vocal range very small. She talked about working through the depression from the loss. I can't even imagine!

I had community chorus rehearsal tonight. Three more rehearsals before our Christmas concert. Not only is the music fun, but this group of people is funny! They never miss an opportunity to joke or kid around. And they really like each other! A lot of them go out after rehearsal for a beer or martini or just to sit and talk. I don't, but I have a child to get home.

There isn't much music I don't like. I'm not real happy with some of the popular songs out right now, especially if they repeat themselves so much it is like you end up in a trance. I tell Savannah that I think it hypnotizes me! And I'm not that crazy about bluegrass. I can hear a song or two and that is enough. But bring on the rest! I am a classically trained musician, so I can enjoy a symphony or opera; I'm a southern country girl, so bring on Garth or Brad Paisley; I'm a Christian so give me Big Daddy Weave, Casting Crowns, or Chris Tomlin; I am a child of the 80's so give me Phil Collins or Billy Joel; I love children's music, especially Sesame Street classics.... I'll even listen to Barry Manilow!

I'm so thankful for music, and for the big part it plays in my life. I'm also thankful for the good friends I have made through band, chorus, and ensembles.


  1. Excellent! And a great thing to be thankful for, I think. :) Like you, music moves me and I have to listen to the appropriate music for my mood or I feel a discord. Although, on the flip side, I can work my way OUT of a mood with the right music, too. :)

  2. It definitely is a mood-controller! The right music can give me energy or put me to sleep, or bring me out of a funk.

  3. I love music too. I have my favs of course just like you. And Yanni at the Acropolis album gets me moving so I can clean lol. Or Santana......

  4. Ooh Santana is great! I bet I could make a list of 100 artists I like! Stevie Ray Vaughn, the Eagles, America, Pink Floyd, Yes.... I am just getting started here!

  5. Big daddy weave was one of the best concerts I have been to. Great stuff. I am a fan of some of the older Christian rock -- Larry Norman, Randy Stonehill, Petra, the Imperials, Second Chapter of Acts, Sweet Comfort, Gary Paxton, Darrell Mansfield.

  6. I'm not fond of opera but this is one of my favorites. I have a copy of Figaro's Aria and he laughs at the end of it. I love it.

  7. Wonderful post!!!

    You are so right about music........................ :)

  8. Wow, I haven't heard those names in a long time! I'd put Rich Mullins in there, too. He was great!

  9. I like this opera! I like the fun ones much better than the tragedies.

  10. Thanks Susan- I had a feeling you'd agree about this one!

  11. I am very thankful for music as well. I couldn't imagine an existance without it.

  12. Have I told you that Rich Mullins once was my Spades partner for a week of CIY conference?

  13. I love music! I like almost every style, there's a few I don't care for. Since my youth music has changed so much! Still its a light in a dark world. I didn't know you were a classically trained musician. Awesome!

  14. I really wanted to watch Oprah with the Sound of Music people on it and missed it. I need to go and watch the telecast on her page. I cant imagine Julie losing that voice. Can you imagine that loss? What a loss too..a shame.

  15. I can't imagine... it must be like losing an arm.
