Friday, November 12, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 12- Free Stuff

Ok, so who doesn't love free stuff? My friend Jamie finds things free on the internet a lot. I don't know how she does it but I'm thankful that she shares it with us! It might be a free shampoo sample, breakfast cereal, or toothbrush, but it is free!

Tonight, I hosted a Thirty-One party. Or as the boys called it, a purse party. Ok, so they have more than just purses, but that describes it pretty well. Anyway, a lot of my friends came and we had a great time. I even made sangria- a first for me- and it was good! We got some Christmas shopping done and they bought so much that I get almost $90 worth of free stuff! Not much better than free Christmas presents!

But you know, there is more free than just stuff. Another amazing person at my church died yesterday. We all feel a little numb, but it is awesome to watch friends rally around the family. This is what friends should do. There's no amount of money that can buy that!

I stopped by a friend's house for 45 minutes this afternoon to do yoga. It was such a pretty day that we went out on her dock. The temps were just right, the lake was calm, and the sun was warm on my face. You can't buy weather like that, either.

Savannah had a couple of friends over for the party tonight. They went upstairs and just got silly. Now they have faces drawn on their bellies with the belly button for a mouth. There's not much better than a group of giggly girls acting silly!

So today, I am thankful for the free stuff. Not just the gifts, but all the blessings we're given each day that we don't earn, but get to enjoy! (and that's what's amazing about grace!)


  1. *big hugs*

    This is just so awesome, although I'm very sorry to hear about the death of one of the church members.

    *big hugs*

  2. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your fellow church member too. (((HUGS)))

    Glad your party went well. That's cool that you'll get almost $90 of free stuff, can't beat that.
    That's sooooo funny about the girls and their belly button faces. LOL

  3. Thanks Susan and Sue. This death kicked me in the gut- I literally couldn't breathe. She was healthy, started coughing and vomiting, and died. They think it was a blood clot. Happened fast. She was 69. This lady took her three grandsons with us on our trip to Montana 3 years ago. She was an amazing lady!

    If I can get them to send it to me, they took a picture of their bellies. They put straws in their "mouths" and made it look like they were drinking from a glass. Totally silly!

  4. loving your theme blogs..... makes me reflect into my own life..... glad you had fun celebrating life!

  5. I'm enjoying this Mo- I get to the end of the day and think back over what I am thankful for. It is becoming a good habit!

  6. I'm so sorry about your friend.

    Isn't it good to know some things can't be bought? It means they will keep their worth ...

  7. I'm still thinking about doing this. Being thankful is key to getting more out of life. But sometimes life itself overshadows Thankful. I love the free stuff James finds too.

  8. That's true, but if you look really hard you can usually find something. I know, that's a little Pollyanna-ish but it's true. Problem is, during those times, you just don't feel like looking.

  9. Exactly.

    Ma Ingalls used to say something...about some little good being found in any bad...don't remember how it went exactly. Rachel is the expert on Ma Ingalls. But she was right. No matter how bad something is, there is some good that comes out of it. Lessons are like that. Much as I hate them hahaha.
