Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 10- Children

Today I am thankful for children. I have always enjoyed kids. Married a man who had custody of his two sons and raised them like my own. Even when the marriage ended, they stayed with me.

I have a daughter I adore. She is the light of my life and I don't know what I would do without her.

I took a job teaching children's choir at church several years ago. Went from teaching 3 and 4 year olds to middle school. Every age has their joys, every age has their challenges. But children are wonderful! Even the challenging ones can bring me much joy.

I keep my niece on Wednesday nights. If you've been my friend for long enough, you'll remember the horrific accident my brother and his family had 4 years ago that killed his wife. My little motherless niece needs her "Aunt Neen" fix every week. We have children's choir on Wednesday nights and she likes to go with me. Since my brother is a devout athiest, she comes with me. I also take her to church on Sunday mornings.

I lead music for our children's worship team on Sundays. We have a blast! You can check out a little of our silliness at if you're really bored!

Kids are a big part of my life. My kids, and other people's too! I'm thankful for the things they teach me- remember to listen, be nice to each other, and tell the truth. But mostly, I'm thankful for the love they show.