Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 24- Paint

I moved into this house 12 years ago today. It doesn't seem like it has been that long but it has. When we first built the house, we let the kids choose which room they wanted. (Well, Savannah was 2, so she didn't really "choose." Brandon wanted the room over the garage because he liked the sloping walls. Chris chose the only room that faced the back yard because the window is 26 feet off the ground. He always had a fear of someone breaking in his window. Savannah got the room closest to mine.

They also got to "choose" their color. Well, I pre-chose several things for them to choose from. Then they got to choose. Brandon took (big shock) Carolina blue. Complete with UNC wallpaper border. Savannah chose pink (again, big surprise for a 2 year old girl!) Chris wanted (strangely) a navy blue room. We opted for one wall to be navy and the other three taupe.

Since then, Chris has moved out (and back in) and Savannah has taken over his old room, not because she is afraid of people breaking in, but because the morning sun comes streaming in her room. Now that she is a teenager, she wants to sleep late. But the girl didn't like the color scheme. So, for her birthday, I'm painting her room, my mom bought her new furniture from IKEA (we gave her old furniture to my niece) and she has new bed linens.

It has taken me 2 coats of Kilz to cover the blue wall, but I think I succeeded. Today, I was able to put one coat of her new color on- she chose yellow. From the looks of it tonight, it is going to need one more coat tomorrow. It is amazing to me how new and fresh that room looks, though! Paint is amazing! Messy, but amazing! So I suppose my morning will be taken in one more coat of paint. Then I'm done! Well, until we have to put all this furniture together. I'm going to get my handyman to come help!

Now I'm thinking my bathroom looks bad.....


  1. I know our whole house looks bad. We need to paint everything - and patch the ceiling while we're at it and then paint he ceiling. It's a good thing I don't mind painting.

  2. I like to paint. There is a sense of accomplishment that is very visible!

  3. I'm with you, Janeen. I really like to paint ... for a while. hehe. I like the huge change it can make in a room! I have one bathroom and one bedroom to do still in this house. Oh, and a hallway. Hallways are tough, aren't they? Anyway ... I would LOVE if you would share PICS of the paint jobs. *hint hint* You DID do "before and after" stuff, right?? ;)

  4. I'm horrible... I didn't do a "before" shot. But I'll definitely do an "after" once we're all done!

  5. I love painting too. Prep work and putting it all back is horrible though. Yellow, huh? That's Rachels' favorite color too. I saw a room makeover once--yellow, white and black. Very dramatic. Can't wait to see pics.

  6. We're doing yellow and white with accents of pink and orange. She also wants chalkboard paint in a few places so there will be some black. That's the part I haven't figured out yet- how and where! I'll know once we get everything else in there, though.

    Oh, and a friend of mine is giving me dry erase board paint. I didn't even know they made that!

  7. wow...that room is going to pop!

    Dry erase? They're all over at work.

  8. oh... I read that wrong...dry erase PAINT.

  9. Yes, paint. I didn't even know you could do that!

  10. Carlin invented that when he was 2...only it was regular wall paint.

  11. LOL- Savannah figured out a long time ago that you can use dry erase markers on mirrors....

  12. I didn't even think of that. *Dumbfounded*

  13. Well, it takes a kid writing on things they're not supposed to. When I learned it worked just like a dry erase board I didn't care. She wrote all over it!

  14. wish I had been that smart...I still have the crayon drawings he did on the walls. I don't want to paint over it.

  15. Me too! I can "see" most of it in my head, but I want to see the real thing! Maybe by this weekend we'll have most of it together.

  16. Just don't forget to post pictures when you're all finished.
