Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 3- Relationships

Today, I'm thankful for relationships.

One of the pillars of our church died this week- a man who was very involved in many good things. He had been faithful to his wife and was known to many of the church children as "the man with candy in his pockets." Here's a brief clip from his obituary:

He was a member of Denver United Methodist Church, where he was a member of the United Methodist Men and a former Sunday School teacher. He was a member of the Denver Masonic Lodge #757 A.F. & A.M., the Oasis Shriners in Charlotte, Oasis Ragtop Unit, member and past president of the Lake Norman Shrine Club, member of the Royal Order of Jesters Court 109, where he served as Director. He was chairman of the Oasis NFL Alumni Golf Tournament and member of the Verdict Ridge Golf & Country Club. He was a member of the Board of Surrender House in Lincolnton, Salvation ARC Board, sponsor in AA, and mentor at Rock Springs Elementary School and North Middle School.

There were over 700 people at his funeral. He was all about building relationships.

A friend of mine drove nearly 4 hours (one way) today to meet her husband off of a plane. That isn't too extraordinary in itself, but he has spent the past year in Afghanistan as a Chief Petty Officer in the National Guard. I have her daughter overnight tonight as they have a small "honeymoon" on the way home. The kids don't know- and will be surprised tomorrow at school that their father is home two weeks earlier than planned.

I met my best friend and some other girls for lunch today. Their lighthearted banter makes me realize how grateful I am for good friends to just be silly with. Some of the topics may have been more serious but when shared with friends, become lighter.

And I am so grateful for my friends here. I would love to solve your problems- take away your pain, get you better jobs, heal your relationships, but hopefully just by being here some of your burdens are a little lighter. Kat, I feel like we've been more than just friends for forever- I have you to thank for bringing me over here from 360; Susan (Abby) I really wish you lived closer. Just the day we got to spend together tells me that we'd be great friends to hang out with. Dai and Kumar- I wish I had endless money and could jet off to the other side of the world. I'd love to meet you and see those pretty mountains! China isn't too far away, so I'd trek on up and meet Susan (Libby) too, my sister in Christ. Kippy, I'd jet off to the other side of the country and hang out with you and Jeremy, roll in the floor with the dogs, and eat some wonderful food. I'd spend a day with Jimmie, walking in the mall and listening to sage advice and knowledge. Sue, next time I head to the Creeper trail I'm going to make time to come on up and at least have a cup of tea. Maybe Eby could join us! And there are so many others, I'd never have the time or the money to meet in person but because of this wonderful place, I get to be a part of your life- all for free! Thank you for sharing yourselves with me!

And lastly, I'm thankful for my family relationships. I have a fabulous mom. (Not many people can say that- I know, I hear you!) I have a great daughter. I have two stepsons on the verge of manhood (they're 20 and 21- and hopefully one day can afford to NOT live with me! But I still love them!) My brother is so supportive and ready to help with things at any time, and I have enjoyed getting closer to my niece as she spends the night with me about once a week or so.

I could lament my divorce, or the lack of a "significant other" in my life, but I won't because my life is so filled with joy, the joy of my relationship with Christ and with the many people I named above. I love you all!


  1. Beautiful, Janeen. I'm so thankful to be a part of your circle and to be able to be called friend by you. :)

  2. That's one nice tribute to the folks important in your life. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Thanks Kippy- I'm glad to have you as a friend!

  4. It's Dai from Kathmandu. What a wonderful blog Janeen. I wish I could write like that. I feel the same about my Multiply friends. They really make me feel better when we are besieged with problems here. The problems continue and I wonder how long I can keep up. Luma and the girls are all going to the village today so my stomach will be tight until I get the phone call saying they have arrived safely. Take care Janeen and thanks for writing what you did. Dai

  5. I love this. I too love my friends on here. I wish so many of us lived near each other so we could party in person .....often!

  6. Thanks Dai (soon to be Dai from Bournmouth!) I hope the girls arrive safely!

  7. Me too, Sea- but isn't it great that we have a place like this where we can be together?

  8. I almost missed seeing this, I saw Day of Thanksgiving in my email notifications and thought it was one I already read.
    This was such a nice blog post. I'm sorry you and your church lost a member this week. You're such a caring person. I know I feel blessed to have found such nice friends online. I remember when I first started blogging how surprised I was to find out that you and Kat and so many others had never met in person. You all seemed like a community of friends and family, and actually you are here in Cyberspace, and I'm thankful to have met you all. (((HUGS)))

  9. Thanks Sue! Sometimes I wonder if we're not closer because we don't see each other in person. I know that sounds strange, but the people you have to live with don't get to see this much of your inner thoughts. They get poured out here!

  10. Awww Janeen that was a Joyful Post! Your life is so are truly Blessed in so many ways! xo

  11. How sweet to say all this. Maybe I should try the Thankful Blog too. I'm a little worried what I'd come up with though (Thankful Bill fell down the stairs...hehehe). I'm glad I dragged you over here too! We clicked right away. One of those wonderful internet experiences. Hugs.

  12. amazing post.... you must be starting a series..... I will enjoy that...

  13. Thanks Janet! I am- and this is forcing me to really look at things. Wonderful idea that Sea had!

  14. I am Mo- Sea ( had this wonderful idea. I hope I can do one every day between now and Thanksgiving!

  15. That's exactly correct Janeen. Maybe on the net we lose our inhibitions because we are not facing the person.

  16. Of course I am sitting here smiling after reading that one Kat. Don't know what I'd do without reading all your stuff every day to make me smile

  17. Yes everybody arrived safely in the village yesterday evening. I had three texts, one from Luma, one from Kumar and one from Rasmi and Rekha. I slept very well after getting those texts.

  18. Your life is so filled and Blessed! I have rejoiced as I have read this Janeen!
    Just lovely!!
