Monday, November 15, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 15- My Girl

Today I'm thankful for my daughter. Ok, every minute of every day I'm thankful for my daughter, but today is special. Today is her 14th birthday. I cannot believe 14 years went by that quickly! It still seems like she should be 8 years old or something, not turning into this beautiful young woman.

I'm proud of who she is- a caring, helpful person who is very concerned over others. She gets mad if her schedule keeps her from going to church. She still wants to sleep with her mommy every now and then after she has watched something scary. And she absolutely loves children- she makes the best babysitter because she actually doesn't want the kids to go to bed!

I'm so blessed that God sent her to me 14 years ago. 


  1. Your daughter sounds really awesome, Janeen! Great "thing" to be thankful for. :)

  2. Well... I think she is awesome! I might be a little biased, though...

  3. Haha, no way! She's beautiful, too. Just in case you're feeling biased there, as well. ;) Makes me wish I lived closer .. would love to shoot you both!

  4. That would be so fun! She keeps talking about a 16th birthday trip to the Grand Canyon- we make it that far, you're on!

  5. Happy Birthday! My daughters is this month too.

  6. The Grand Canyon is a long way away from me! Can you convince her she'd rather see Lake Tahoe? *laugh* Or maybe Yosemite?

  7. Happy Belated Birthday to Savannah! Yes, you are very, very blessed. She sounds like such a sweet child.

  8. She is awesome, like her mother! Happy birthday Savannah!!

  9. Thanks for the birthday wishes! (And thanks for the compliment, Kat!)
