Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 21- Chores

I called a family meeting today. I'm tired of doing all the work while the kids do what they want. But I basically appealed to them, pointing out all I do for them and how I don't get anything back but excuses. They're 14, 20 and 21, and can do just about anything I can (and the strong boys can do more in some cases!) So they came up with an idea for a chore list that just might work.

They have always had chores, but on a haphazard basis. Usually it falls to whoever is around at the time I need something. What they came up with was a weekly chore list. This week, Brandon gets to do the dishes and take out the trash every day. Chris chose the yard/basement/garage. Savannah has laundry and living room. We'll shuffle it all again next Sunday and they can do different things.

I went to Bible study and came home to a clean house! They found with about 30 min. of work it was all done. Not too bad for day one. Now, we'll see if this works long term. I need to figure out rewards/consequences still- they couldn't come up with what they wanted, although Savannah wanted it to be an allowance. I can do that for her. It is harder with the boys because $20 doesn't mean that much to them anymore!

So if anyone  has ideas about what would motivate 20 year old boys, please tell me! Until then, I'm thankful for kids who choose and do their own chores.


  1. That would've never happened at my house.

  2. wow.... nice to come home to.... not sure how to motivate except to trade info.... do they want to learn to cook? but yeah..... thankful is good! ;-)

  3. what do the boys like to do? Any activity such as having access to a computer, playing computer games, etc, etc...maybe their chores will allow them the privilege to these luxuries in life

  4. That's what we were trying to figure out, Iggy. There isn't much that they do that I can really use. I have taken away Brandon's truck before (which is in my name) but he needs that for school and work now. Chris is rebuilding after some bad decisions and doesn't have anything to bargain with, either. About all I can do is cancel Netflix! But that affects me, too.

    I think it is going to have to be reward, although I do provide food and shelter! They don't have to live here, and I don't have to let them. And they know it.

  5. perhaps the chores will allow them the privilege of selecting the netflix movie they want to watch

  6. Hmm... maybe. But we instant stream most of them, so all I could do is maybe turn some off? I don't know- it is harder with them being older. The girl is easy.

  7. how do they get their spending money? Do they work? Allowance?

  8. They work. I do give them money along the way, though. And I buy food. Ooh... maybe I could take them out to eat once a week. They will work for food!

  9. That could really work- thanks Iggy!

  10. $5 gift cards or $10 gift cards for iTunes or another music site they like?

  11. That's cuz you would have been taken out behind the woodshed.

  12. No, they'd do it right there in the house.

  13. I'm taking notes on this one. I want to see how it turns out!

  14. You understood what I meant, though. *rolls eyes*

  15. I'm glad to blaze the trail for you!

  16. We have real strict rules around here. If they want to get online on any of the pc's, they will do the things we ask of them. Main rule here, is they HAVE to drink water. Clean on their bedroom some. And because of that, I am a meaner. :) I tell them they have seen me even trying to be mean yet.

  17. Wow Scott- you're a pushover! I look like the meanie compared to you!

    Day 2- so far, so good except one boy isn't home from work/school yet. We'll see how this works when he gets home late!

  18. Tell them if they don't do their chores you're going to take them to the messy junked up house of a mean old lady so they do her chores and if that doesn't work just go ahead and bring 'em on over, I could really use some extra help. LOL
