Friday, November 19, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 19- Free Time

Today, I'm enjoying some free time. Put a coat of Kilz on the wall in Savannah's room. She is getting a new color, sheets, bedspread, etc for her birthday. I have another coat of Kilz and two coats of paint to go. The rest of the evening I had no plans. I took a hot bath and watched the last 3 episodes of Supernatural online with Savannah. We have now seen all episodes through the one shown on TV tonight, in season 6.

I am lucky to be able to just spend silly time with her. For the past hour, she has been playing some silly game on the computer (rag doll volleyball on It was one of those irritating games that she was just determined to win, so she played over and over again. She did finally win.

Free time is a blessing I'm truly thankful for. We spend a lot of time on the go, and don't always get this time just to lie on the bed and relax. So today, I'm thankful for the free time I got to spend with her.


  1. And I bet she's super thankful that she's getting her room redecorated. lol That's a great birthday present.

  2. Hi Janeen. I am also in your boat right now and so thankful just to get time to lie on my bed and relax. My tenants did so much damage here and I am working like hell here to get everything done before I fly back to Kathmandu. If you love painting, fly over here today Janeen.

  3. Sue, she is thankful. When her older brother moved out she wanted his room. So she's been living in "boy stuff" for about 6 months. Her comforter didn't match his walls. Her stuff mixed with his that he left behind. Now it is all getting fixed.

    Dai, I'm sorry to hear you went home to such a mess! Is there a way to keep that from happening again? I'd love to come help you paint- you pay for the air fare. (You could probably hire a painter cheaper than that!)

  4. I miss seeing Rat . We used to do a lot together. Free time is wonderful. Multiply is making it diffcult to write here so will be short.

  5. It was wonderful Riete!

    I hate you can't comment much here- I miss you!
