Friday, November 5, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 5- Spirituality

I am thankful to be a spiritual being. I am thankful that God created me, and more thankful for His mercy and His grace. I'm speechless at the unending love he has for me.

Today has been a very spiritual day. First, I learned a new way to pray! I'm a horrible prayer- always end up making a grocery list or drifting off to sleep. I came across this book "Praying in Color" by Sybil MacBeth. In it, she describes how she draws her prayers. Sometimes they're just squiggles with names in them. She colors them in. She doodles around them. They're not art, they're more like a child's Crayola endeavor. I have tried this twice and wow- what a prayer! I actually sat with my prayer list for an hour, drawing names, doodling in them, making them colorful! I didn't say an audible prayer, or even bring to God my petition for them, I just brought them. After all, He knows what they need already!

At lunch today, I met a friend for a time of meditation. We try to do this every Friday if we can. It turned out to be more yoga but that was fine. I'm all stretched out now!

Tonight was the meeting of my voodoo group. (That's what the kids call it.) It is really 6 women who want to explore things like Qi Gong, reflexology, eating right, meditation, etc. Tonight we did a Qi Gong exercise and some EFT. Talked a lot about different experiences people had with Reike, acupuncture, etc. Since I'm a novice at a lot of this, it was neat to hear what worked for them and what didn't. It is also fun to decide what I will reject and what I want to know more about.

I have gone to church my whole life and rarely miss a Sunday. I lead music in children's worship and lead a Bible study (right now we're doing Beth Moore's "Beloved Disciple.") I am a big fan of the scriptures as a basis for the way to live. (Not that I'm very good at it, but I try!)

So, today I'm thankful that I have different pathways to the Creator. I have prayer, reading and study, meditation, yoga, and more! I am starting to see how all these work together. 


  1. It's a nice blog Janeen. I've been searching here in Kathmandu for a plain English bible but no luck yet. I can't read the old type bibles because they're just too heavy going and my mind wanders off the text all the time. Possibly I find find one in a Bournemouth bookstore

  2. Me too Iggy- I want to learn a few more. Maybe there's a good DVD out there.

    I know what you mean Dai- I like some of the newer translations. I even saw a parallel Bible with the translations side by side. Sometimes you can get something from one that you have a hard time understanding in another. How many days before you leave for the UK?

  3. I love this line and this blog, Janeen. :)

  4. Thanks Kippy! Sometimes it is hard to blog about beliefs... I'm never sure if I'm going to be understood or if I'm going to offend.

  5. I'm flying on 9th Nov at 23:35 and I'll be back on 25th Nov around 18:00 Wow Janeen, I've just realised how close my departure is and I'm nowhere near ready. I will get my act together fast.

  6. Yes, Dai, you have 4 days! Better get packing!

  7. I like this blog too. Especially praying in color. Colors, flames, anything that directs your focus where you want it to go creates productive energy. I'm always surprised by your open-minded self.

  8. I really think that is how it works. I'm sending energy.

    I hope I'm open-minded... there is so much out there that no one knows that it is hard to put everything into a neat little box and tie a bow on it.

  9. Well that reply thing didn't work!

  10. Oh yeah, it's tomorrow for you already!

  11. it IS how it works!! So many people who "know everything" can't think beyond their Significantly Important selves. They limit themselves in their smugness.

  12. I bet he's all excited now...packing furiously.

  13. I read a book once called "Your God is Too Small." It really puts things very nicely. He is so much bigger than we will ever know, and we limit Him to someone that we can understand.

  14. Gotta agree with you there too. Now, if we could stop calling God "He" I'd be even happier. hehehe

  15. She? It? Creator? Source? Spirit? Call God whichever makes you happiest (and still pays respect to Him/Her)!

  16. Praying in Color is a wonderful idea! My cats can concentrate better than I can so things like prayer and meditation are difficult for me. But since I like Art and can concentrate pretty well while drawing or painting I think I would be able to Pray in Color. Thanks for sharing that. Kat's right, you are pretty amazing. You're so much more open minded than anyone I've ever known who attends church.

  17. This is an amazing exercise! I might have to try it!

  18. There are a couple good youtube videos you can watch... here's one:

  19. ahhhh...the age of enlightenment.

    Art, music, appreciation, love - all devotions to creative intelligence. Same thing by any name.

  20. that the same with a camera?

  21. Photography is art! I supposed you could take pictures of the people you want to pray for....

  22. Really intresting Janeen! Wow. I think I need you here cloned as a close friend!

  23. That's the nicest compliment I've ever heard! Thanks, Janet!
