Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 2- Election Day

Sea came up with this fabulous idea! Take the days between now and Thanksgiving and blog about something you're thankful for. I missed yesterday, but later's better than never, right?

Today, I'm thankful that the elections are over, or will be in a few hours. I'm so tired of political ads, phone calls, signs, pamphlets, etc. Does anyone notice how even the news doesn't have news on it? Just politicos trying to tell you why to vote (or not to vote) for someone.

I'm thankful that we live in a country where we have the right to vote. We have a voice, and should speak it! I have voted in every election that I was able to from the time I was able to vote. Several times, I didn't feel like my vote made a difference. But voting does! So if you were thinking about staying home today, get out there and get it done!

I don't believe in voting for one party on a straight ballot. It isn't hard to get to know something about the people running for office, at least enough to be able to choose one over the other. I also don't believe that you have to vote in every category. There were two people running for a soil and water conservation office- I had no idea about either of them. I left it blank. Let someone else who knows them decide. I don't want one of them in there because I thought their name sounded good!

Lastly, I'm thankful that we can agree to disagree about things like politics and religion. If you're my friend, you know that I come down on the conservative side of both. Most of you respect that, and I respect where you are. Let's keep it that way.

Now, go vote!


  1. I think I keep getting more conservative as the years go by...which makes me drift farther and farther away from the Republican party. I had one write in vote today...and for the rest? I voted Libertarian. It was either that or the *shudders* Green Party and no options for write ins for a lot of the folks.

    I'm glad it's over but the only problem is that we'll be beat over the head with the Presidential race. Bleh.

    I don't know about you, but I'm tired of politics.


    I AM thankful I have you for a friend, though.

  2. Im thankful all this will be over soon too. Ive had enough lol. Ill add you to the list. :)

  3. Wonderful blog..............really good.

    And great idea of Sea's, too. She is an amazing woman.

  4. Me too, the phone calls were the worse-they've been worse than the ones I used to get from telemarketers.
    I'm just thankful I have stuff to be thankful for.

  5. She is an amazing woman! And so are you! I'm lucky to have found some awesome people here!

  6. I am thankful to live in a time and place where this is still decided by ballots and not bullets. Besides how else would Rudi Guiliani, Thurmon Thomas, Bill Clintonm and many others call my unlisited phone number and ask for my support?
