Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 7- One More Hour

Oh, yeah, how can I not be thankful for the extra hour of sleep last night! It came on the perfect night, too. After all the craziness with my niece's birthday party, my stepfather had a little medical emergency and had to go to the hospital. That left me with two little girls, my nieces, who had planned a sleepover with my mom. Guess who got them? Whew! One more hour is a good thing!

I'm thankful that I am able to help out with my family when I'm needed, too.

My friend had a great idea this morning- why don't we take an hour out of each Monday and add it to each Saturday?


  1. Why doesnt it feel like one more hr. lol

  2. I'm wondering that today, too. It feels like this afternoon has flown by! Usually, it feels later than it really is, but not this time.

  3. I keep thinking it's later (of course) so I'm not fooling my achey body!! Hope everything is ok now with your step dad?

  4. He's good- he has a super-pubic tube (kinda like a colostomy bag but for the bladder) and it had come out. Usually for him, it is hard for the doctor to get back in. This time it was really easy! I just worry a little each time because just the stress of an emergency run to the hospital takes a lot out of them.

  5. well, emergency rooms are no fun for anyone. I've been in them enough with my mother. I'm glad it went well for him.

  6. Hey I like that idea! Add an hour. Glad your stepdad is doing great. (-:

  7. Thanks. They've just been pretty wiped out today, but doing fine!

  8. Ironically, the first email I got this morning was from my boss, who had made a mistake calculating my sick time. I have to make up two hours from that mistake, probably coming in for two hours on my next scheduled vacation day.

  9. that stinks- he shouldn't make you make it up!

  10. It's not that bad. I am glad they accidentally paid me!

  11. I believe the Lord honors thankfulness. So many people dont even think about being thankful.
    My husbands daughter has been in Cambodia and those kids go hungry sometimes some days with no food. Bad dental etc. We have so much to be thankful for. Im thankful I can read your really nice Blogs and see a lovely Janeen...

  12. Thanks Janet! I'm glad I took Sea up on her challenge- it is making me think about what I'm thankful for at the end of the day.
