Monday, November 22, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 22- Computers

Today I am thankful for computers. Oh, I know they have their share of problems, and we like to complain about them, but they make our lives so much easier! I am the secretary at a church. I cannot imagine being a church secretary pre-computers. If the pastor wants to change a hymn or a scripture, I just change a line in the bulletin and we're good to go. Before computers, I would have had to re-typed the whole thing!

Today I was working on our community chorus program. Making fonts bigger, lines closer together, and various other subtle changes to make it sit on the page just right. I don't know how I'd do that with a typewriter.

But most of all, I come here and find a world! From anything you need to know about anything, to shopping for anything you need (and a lot you don't), and for a world of people I'd not have met otherwise, I'm thankful for my computer. Even though it drives me crazy when it doesn't work right, I don't know what I'd do without it.


  1. You are dead right Janeen. I feel the same about mine even though I do swear and curse it sometimes.

  2. I'm happy for my computer for the very same reasons and MUSIC on my computer! Right now I'm listening to Berlioz : Les Nuits D'ete, L'Orchestre de la Suisse Romande & Regine Crespin! I never would have found it without the computer!

  3. Computers are just like children. They require our almost constant attention, take up a good part of our time, can frustrate us, and bring us great joy.

  4. I love mine but I just lost my external HD, so Im not real happy. All my graphics are gone. I have to see if the geeks in town can save them somehow.

  5. You're right Susan- music, pictures, photoshop!, youtube....

    Berlioz is good, too, although I'm not familiar with that piece.

  6. I never thought about it that way, Jimmie!

  7. I hope you're bringing another laptop back with you, Dai!

  8. Oh no! I hope they can save it. My external hd is the same way- has all my pictures on it. I actually stopped scrapbooking because it is so easy to put things in a folder and label it- put it in a folder for the year,etc. I got way behind with the scrapbook!

  9. That's why I never started scrapbooking, I knew I'd never be able to keep up with it. Don't they have digital scrapbooking programs where you can do your scrapbooking on your computer? Ok I just looked and found a free site where you can put a scrapbook together and if you want to you can pay to have it put together and mailed to you. Hm, Kat might be interested in that too just in case she wants to do another album for someone.
    Oh yeah, and I'm thankful for my computer too. It's helped me to fill a lot of lonely hours, and to make new friends. ;-)
