Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 13- Electronic Gadgets

Today, I'm thankful for electronic gadgets. I'm not one of those people who have to have the latest thing out. I'm the one who waits until they're out there long enough for the price to come down! But I do enjoy things like my digital camera, my Blackberry, my little mp3 player, and my gps system.

Today, I took Savannah, my niece, and her best friend to the movies for Savannah's birthday. They have been hammering to see Paranormal Activity 2. The parents all said it was ok- it is rated R and they're 14 years old, so an adult had to stay with them. Great. Not the movie I want to see at all! (I don't like scary movies.) Fortunately, we chose the afternoon show with the cheaper tickets. The girls wanted to sit on the back row, so I pulled out my Blackberry and read a book on the Kobo app. Also put in my headphones and listened to country music loud enough that I couldn't hear the movie.

That's the first movie I ever went to that I didn't watch! The electronic gadgets helped me pass the time, and I made my daughter happy for her birthday. The little things are handy- and I'm thankful for things that make life a little easier.


  1. I love electronic gadgets. I think that is part of the male DNA. I don't like scary movies either.

  2. That's how I am, but if I were rich I'd be buying them as soon as I saw some good reviews on them. I still don't have a gps, mp3 player or a blackberry. My digital phone isn't fancy. My digital cameras aren't the newer high megapixel ones. I don't have a web cam for my pc, I want a laptop but don't have one yet-it's low on my list of priorities. I shocked myself when I became so addicted to having a computer because I never even thought I was smart enough to use a computer. Now I can't imagine not having one. lol
    That was so sweet of you to take them to the type of movie you don't like. I like some scary movies but a lot of them give me anxiety. I even scream out loud when 'things' jump out and grab people. lol
    Happy Birthday to Savannah!

  3. Well that's a unique story, Janeen! haha. You weirdo. Cool, though, and happy birthday to Savannah!

  4. I know, right? Leave it to me to read a book at the movies!

  5. LOL @ Digital Phone. I was really sleepy when I commented on this last night. I meant to say Cell phone.

  6. I don't do scary movies at all.

    My cell phone is not anything super cool. But, I do like it. It would be way cooler if I had web access on it.

    Savannah will appreciate you even more for going to the movie with her. She knows it wasn't your favorite type of movie.

    Happy birthday Savannah.

  7. Tee hee! You wouldn't believe how many movies I've seen and hadn't really wanted to watch.

    I'm glad I have my iPod (love music) and the iMac, plus my cheapo cell phone because I can text with it.

  8. I doubt I could have NOT watched the movie!!! Even with the headphones I'd have to know the money's worth and all that. Is Savannah sleeping with you now? hahahaha

  9. I did look up a few times- lucky for me only once when something scary was happening- even then, I couldn't hear it so it was more funny than scary!

  10. She has told me "thank you" several times. And thank you!

  11. I like it you're posting again. Unfortunately yours is one of the blogs that won't let me comment easily. So if I'm short it's because it would take a week to get a paragraph written.

  12. I'm happy to be posting. I suppose I need a topic to get started. This is good! No problem on not commenting- wonder why you're having trouble?

  13. I am glad you are posting again also.

    I am back to commenting again. Haven't posted anything on my page in a while.

    GOD bless you greatly.

    BIG OKIE HUGS for you.

  14. I'm glad you're back to commenting again- I've missed you!

    I am pretty good at commenting on other posts, just not creative in posting my own. Maybe this will get things rolling again!
