Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 6- Weekends

Sea mentioned today how she loves holidays- they break up the monotony of our lives. I feel the same way about weekends, too. Mine are usually packed with things to do, but at least it is different stuff than throughout the week, and usually optional.

Today, I slept until 9:15am! That's the first best thing about a weekend- no alarm clock! I really should have been up earlier, but didn't set the clock. I didn't want to and didn't have to!

My mother helped my single-father brother throw a birthday party for my niece today. Being a good daughter, I helped. We had it in the youth center of the church I work for. It is the perfect place to have a party. There's a foosball table, ping pong table, air hockey, big screen TV, kitchen, and plenty of room. Bad thing is, we spent 6 hours there. For a 2 hour party!

But now I'm home and have the night off! Oh, I have 2 places I could go, but I'm tired after entertaining ten 9 year olds! I think I'll cook something good for dinner and then read for awhile. Maybe even take a long bath!

So I'm thankful for weekends- especially for the lazy, relaxed time that they bring with them!


  1. that cat is for thanksgiving meal?

  2. Well since the man and i are both Not working at the moment, every day is a weekend lol. But I totally agree with this :)

  3. You did well. It was nice of you to help that little kid have a nice birthday!

  4. Everytime I see the word foosball I think of Bobby Buchet and his Momma (The Water Boy) Ebil game, dat foosball.

  5. No Iggy- no cat on the menu here!

    I'd say you're pretty lucky Sea, but no work here means no money, which is bad!

    Thank you Cap! She doesn't have much of a momma, so she uses me as one. Plus, my mom needed my help. Works well all the way around!

    LOL Kat- me too!

  6. Means no money coming in here either and it sux.

  7. I love Saturdays too Janeen. Get up when I want, wear what I want, do whatever I want. I wish every day was Saturday.

  8. Nah, then it would be the norm. This is what makes Saturdays special!

  9. I'd end up being bored. I do like structure. I'm a planner. But every now and then, those unplanned times are the best!

  10. It depends on what I would have to do. I have always loved long, lazy breakfasts out on the balcony. reading the paper, chatting etc. And if I had my laptop and the BBC and some DVDs, the family, music and non urgent things to do, wow I could so easily pass my days. Am I lazy at heart I wonder ?

  11. whatever counts as your days 'off' is great.... sounds like you always make the best of them... ;-)
