Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 18- Smell

I was having a hard time trying to decide what I'm thankful for today. There's so much to be thankful for, but I think I have hit most of the highlights. I'm finding that I'm thankful for the same things each day, with a few new things scattered here and there. Today, the only really new thing I could write more than one sentence about is my sense of smell.

Think about it- without smell, you can't taste anything. You wouldn't know when the garbage needed to go out. You wouldn't know when something spoiled in the fridge, and you wouldn't know when to stop spraying cologne (ok, some people don't know that now! Ha!)

I'm thinking about smells today because, first, I went to Michaels for some craft supplies for the church I work for. All the Christmas stuff is front and center (and outside) and before I even got in the door, I could smell that Christmas pine scent. The entire store smelled of it. I don't know if it is from what they're selling, or if it is some sort of psychological thing that makes you buy more Christmas stuff. But it was nice.

I came home to an almost clean house. I say almost because, while the kids picked up, they didn't clean. Which is ok- cleaning doesn't take near as long as picking up the clutter. So I did the dishes and vacuumed the floor. Then I lit some candles. It is nice in here now- that calming smell of scented candles is just settled over the room. Smells nice!

So I'm thankful right now that I can smell. But I'm wondering why we only call things smelly if they smell bad? 'Cause it is a good smelly in here right now!


  1. Ooooh, without smell, you wouldn't know if there was a gas leak in your house or neighborhood either! Smell is a good thing, even if some things you smell are BAD! (ie: skunk but hey, it's a nice warning to know those fellows are around!)

  2. Wow. THAT'S looking on the bright side, huh? lol!

  3. LOL yeah- you're a regular Pollyanna!

  4. lol ~

    Great post.............I need and want to go through all your thankful blogs.... :)

  5. Please do! They have been really helpful to me. Now I feel like I need to do something for Advent.... any ideas?

  6. Ha Ain't that the truth. There was a lady in the grocery store today who smelled like she spilled a bottle of cologne on herself. Tried hard to avoid her but kept running into her anyway. lol

    Agree with Susan about smelling skunks too. It is nice to know when they're around. Ugh, can you imagine getting sprayed by one? yuck and eeeewww

  7. I almost wish that there were a skunk in my back yard right now. We have a stray kitteh who thinks that our back porch is home. She won't go away and we can't take in any more stray/homeless kittehs. We have two kittehs, one is a rescue, and we rent. So no more kittehs for us. *sigh* She's pretty. Do you want a long hair calico kitteh?

  8. I wish I could take her but I have two indoor cats and a black stray outside that 'adopted' me a couple years ago. It gets expensive trying to feed them all because other cats come by and eat the outside cat's food so I have to give her extra. She's sweet, I think someone left her behind when they moved or dropped her off because she got tamed down pretty fast. She doesn't like coming inside though, I brought her in a couple times and she hid in a corner under furniture. She stays on my front porch most of the time waiting for food or pettings. lol

  9. This one belongs to the folks who have the church literally just three houses down from us. She's skin and bones and a lot of fur. I think they abandoned her because she is so skinny. *sigh*

  10. Awww, that's so sad. They should be feeding her so she'll fatten up.

  11. Both our cats are pretty fat. lol! Then again, their food bowls are never empty.

  12. lol Yeah, that's how it is here. Except for Sissy, my oldest cat. She's almost 14 and doesn't eat as much as she used to. She's really slimmed down from how fat she used to be. The porch cat is fatter then the indoor cats. She must eat mice and stuff along with the cat food I give her.

  13. The one cat, who I am using as my avatar, is 17. She's still pretty big but since she's gotten old and grumpy (deaf and going blind), she doesn't eat much. She eats enough but not so much to make her fat. Our orange tiger kitty...he's a chunker. He won't kill what he finds...he just tortures it. He prefers people food and kitty crunchy food. Go figure. A cat that won't eat a mouse.

  14. I wondered if your avatar was one of your cats. She's pretty. Sissy has been acting kind of feisty lately. Sneezy likes to pick on her and lately Sissy has been getting back at her. She'll chase Sneezy all over the house and then corner her and hiss at her. Sneezy is super jealous of Sissy and if she sees me petting Sissy she'll go after Sissy and start smacking her. Sigh, never a dull moment when you have jealous female cats around. lol
