Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 23- Caring Friends

I'm sure most of you have read the blog about my friend in need. At times like these, I really wish I had a million dollars to use to help people. But today, I have something just as good- a network of good friends who are caring people. Most of you don't know her- a couple have guessed who it is- but that doesn't seem to matter. Someone is hurting and you want to help.

Maybe that is why we're friends. I can't hear of someone in need and not want to help them. And I'm thankful to be surrounded by people who want to help, too. So far, you have promised 4 gift cards, two paypal donations, some shopping, and a shipment of "nearly new" items.

This is still early, but I have one person who wants to "adopt" one of the children. I need one or two more. If you want to go shopping for these girls, please let me know. This is truly what Christmas is all about - sharing with one another and helping someone in need. I am truly thankful to have you all as my friends! God bless each one of you!


  1. Nice, Janeen. :) It always makes me smile when I hear about people coming together like this. :)

  2. Aww this is beautiful, I would be glad to help. I've often wondered what I would do if I came into a large sum of money. And the answer to that has always been easy. I would give it away to help my friends and family. I am wealthy already by being blessed with wonderful friends and a beautiful family. (-:

  3. I've been on both 'sides of the fence'. I've had friends, and family, who helped me when I was having a hard time and was in need, and I've been able to help friends who were 'down on their luck' financially. That is how life should be, everyone helping everyone else. Unfortunately it doesn't always work that way. I feel very thankful to have you as a friend Janeen. God bless you,

  4. Kippy, I've been very touched, but I shouldn't be surprised- I knew I had great friends!

    Thanks Greg! I know, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have much of a problem knowing what to do with a large sum!

    Sue, one of the lessons I learned when my brother had his accident (oh gosh, that has been 4 years ago!) is that good people want to help. It was so hard for me to ask for it. So any time someone asks, I try to do what I can (especially if they are people who aren't takers...)

  5. I was pretty sure we had great friends!!!
