Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 4- Help

I'm sitting here tonight trying to figure out what I'm thankful for. These next 20-something days are going to be tough if I'm already having a hard time! Actually, I think I'm just tired. This is one of those weeks that I've had something every night until after 9pm. I really enjoy being home in the evenings. *sigh* Maybe one day next week.

This week has been so hectic that I've had to call on several people for help. I am thankful that I have friends that I can call on when I can't do it all. First, it is hard for me to admit that I can't do it all. I should be able to, right? I suppose that's why Wonder Woman didn't have kids- then she wouldn't have been able to do everything, either!

We're changing themes in children's worship this week which means new sets, costumes, acting parts, music, etc. We had a lot to do on Monday to get ready for this coming Sunday, but I had a meeting. Fortunately, my friends covered for me while I was gone. They painted my portion of the set, probably better than I could have. Or at least just as good!

We were supposed to have drama practice on Wednesday night  but the girl had volleyball practice. I also had to take her friend whose mom went to get her dad back from the army! So they graciously moved the time of rehearsal so I could do both.

Then tonight, the friend's mom (and newly home from Afghanistan dad) took the girls to practice. Which was wonderful because I had a meeting for a committee I chair- not really something I could miss.

I don't know where I would be this week if I hadn't called for help several times. I am thankful to have people to call on, but I don't like to use them if I don't have to. I also like to make sure that when they call on me, I help however I'm able. I wish the whole world were like that- wouldn't this be a nicer place?


  1. You are a Wonder Woman. You are involved in creating the lifetime and special memories of so many. Remember you can't do it all ... take time for yourself. I know you trust in the Lord to strengthen you. Rely on His strength. I am tired just reading all you are doing. Good nigh .. you are a wonder of a woman - that's a compliment.

  2. You would go stir crazy if things were any different.

  3. I love getting help when I need , your lucky you can call on some friends :)

  4. Yes Janeen, I am with you 100%. I love to help people and sometimes I need help too.

  5. Yes, the world would be a much nicer place. Unfortunately there are too many people who just want to use you and then not help you when you need it. Makes me truly thankful when I meet people like you.

  6. you do spread yourself around, and that is wonderful,[as in Wonder Woman!] but as you say... with help...

    the song "a little help from my friends' comes to mind..... true friends is something to be very thankful for!

    so now I see your pattern for the thankful blogs.... I was wondering if you had a list, or have to come up with it yourself..... the latter makes it more special.... ;-)

  7. You sure have been busy. I'm so happy that you have such wonderful people around you that can be such big help.
    I hope to someday have that too. I have been so proud for so many years that I never asked for help. When I finally did it's not there. Kind of frustrating. So be extra thankful you have it.
    I hope your able to get some rest soon. You don't want to be on the run all the time your gonna wear down and start resenting everything that you do.

  8. Thanks Jimmie- I'm not Wonder Woman but God made me wonderful! (I think Sheila Walsh said that- and I stole it!)

    Steve, you might be right but I'd like to try! Actually, thank goodness every week isn't like this. I do enjoy having a night or two at home. Past that, I might be stir crazy!

    Yes I am, Sea!

    I think we learn that as we go, Dai. I'm sure you need a lot of help when you're trekking (or living) in another country!

    Thanks Sue. I try not to be like some of those people. I love Kat's word for them- vampires!

    Now I'll be singing that song all day, Mo! But friends are truly something to be thankful for. Yes, the challenge was to choose something every day that you're thankful for- open to whatever comes up in your life!

    It took me awhile to learn to say yes to help Jamie. I hope you find that there are people out there you can call on. And thank goodness every week isn't like this or you're right- I'd wear down. I do things to keep my energy up, though.

  9. What a treasure trove Janeen to have these friends to call on. They sure are gifts from the Lord ox
