Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day of Thanksgiving- Day 16- Modern Medicine

Today I'm thankful for medicine- doctors, nurses, tests, and drugs! Yes, I went to the doctor because my bladder infection wasn't getting better. It wasn't getting worse, but wasn't going away, either. I actually saw the nurse practitioner, who gave me an antibiotic and told me to drink more water! I don't know how that is possible, seeing that I usually drink about a gallon a day.

I am lucky to live close to a major trauma center (Carolinas Medical Center), two University schools with excellent diagnostic care (Bowman Gray and Duke), and also to have a good local hospital close by. Good care is just a phone call away.

But I wonder, what do people in underdeveloped countries do? Suffer? What did people do 200 years ago? I did try the homeopathic things for two days before I went to antibiotics. They at least helped it not be worse, but they didn't make it better.

I'm thankful to live in a place where good medical care is less than a 5 minute drive away and the pharmacy closer than that (and even has a drive thru)!


  1. They prayed, and then either survived or they died.

  2. true.... some things we should be thankful for we take for granted..... glad you got good care ;-)

  3. Yep.... probably. They did know more about the healing qualities of indigenous plants than we do, so maybe they had something that worked.

  4. I'm so glad you're on your way to feeling better.
    I've ofter wondered what people did about things such as bladder infections in the old days. I know a lot of people, such as the mountain people and Indians, used plants to heal. When I was going through the hot flashes and cold sweats of menopause my psychiatrist recommended Black Cohosh. I tried it and had to adjust the recommended dosage because of my allergies and after experimenting found that if I took it every other day it didn't affect my allergies but it did get rid of the hot flashes and stuff. I could always tell when I had forgot to take it for several days in a row because the hot flashes would return. Supposedly the Indian women used Black Cohosh for their menopausal problems.
    Black Cohosh is a Phytoestrogen. "Phyto- is from the Greek phyton meaning plant. A phytoestrogen is a naturally-occurring plant nutrient that exerts an estrogen-like action on the body. Scientists have discovered hundreds of phytoestrogens including soybeans, whole grains, seeds (especially flax), nuts (especially walnuts) and many herbs."
    It amazes me that the people in olden days figured out that certain herbs and plants had healing properties. They didn't know all that stuff about phytoestrogens, they just knew what worked.

  5. I am not thankful for modern medicine

  6. When it came to serious disease, such as plague or even small pox, it was pray and hope you survive or on the other hand, pray and hope that God ends your suffering. Some of the cures were more dangerous than the disease, such as calling in the 'physician' for bleeding you or giving someone a heavy narcotic for their 'vapors'. *shudders*

    I'm VERY glad we live in the days of modern medicine. Ether was NOT a good thing to use when operating on someone, as there was no accurate way to measure the medicine. *shudders* Make that I'm EXTREMELY glad we live in the age of modern medicine.

    P.S. I'm also thankful for flush toilets and what makes them work, too.

  7. Amen! I would quite likely be dead by now, were it not for modern medicine. Glad you went and hope you're feeling much better soon!

  8. Ok Iggy, then you can send me the proceeds from your medical practice! You can keep the headaches, though!

  9. Me too- I should have covered that in my water blog!

  10. I was going to answer...people died. From diseases, from infections, in childbirth---they just died! I worry about Dai sometimes. If the hospitals are run like the government he could be in serious trouble if he got really sick.

  11. Going to the doctor this afternoon myself because my hearing is suddenly limited. Try coaching practice for two girls basketball teams while your hearing is limited. It's not fun!

  12. And the list goes on, and on, and on!

  13. I think about Dai a lot- remember that nasty water picture? Ugh. I hate to thing what you get in Nepal if you need serious medical care!

  14. Oh no, Steve, that doesn't sound too fun! I hope that it is something easy and they can fix it!

  15. Me too. My guess it's called getting older.

  16. Getting older sure seems to have a lot of symptoms!

  17. Miraculously healed. One of the doctors at the office I go to used to be an Air Force doctor and took care of their ears when they didn't pass inspection for their ears. A quick flush with warm water with a big stainless syringe and I am good to go.

  18. The Queen used to take homeopathic medicine Janeen but when I tried it in India, it was completely ineffective.
