Thursday, November 11, 2010

Come to my Thirty-One Party
Tomorrow night I am having several friends over for a Thirty-One party. I hadn't heard of these products until a friend of mine became a consultant. Now it looks like I'm going to do some of my Christmas shopping this way. So, if you want in on the party (or at least in on the deals) click the link and do your own Christmas shopping!


  1. What a great idea. I'll be sure to have Miss Benita take a look to see if she needs anything. :)

  2. Sorry, Janeen, there is just nothing extra to spend around here right now, but I would if I could. :) Have fun, though!

  3. I can so totally understand that Kippy. Don't sweat it!

  4. I checked out the goods late last night but didn't see anything I need. Kinda maxed out right now anyway, the redecorating got kind of expensive. Back to 'robbing Peter to pay Paul' and vice versa. lol

  5. I've been there, Sue. Actually, I usually live there!

  6. There were a couple of bags that I like (for me!) but they were sooooo expensive. *sigh*

  7. It said the event has already taken place ....nothing there now. Was this your party? or a link to the site. I need more coffee.

  8. LOL- this was like a year ago... I'll have to see what's up!

  9. Oh! So you've been doing this for a long time now?? I am so confused.

  10. Me too- with Multiply! I had this party a year ago.. just became a consultant this week. Thanks Multiply, for randomly linking to this old event!

  11. haha...well at least Multiply is trying to drum up business!!
