Friday, January 1, 2010

What a difference a decade makes

Wow, another decade down. Does it seem that they just go faster and faster? It doesn't seem like 10 years since the Y2K scare. Maybe that is a sign of growing older, but when I look back, boy is my life different.

I had just started a new job at the church in the office. Just me and the youth director. There was a part time interim minister. To say "on the job training" doesn't even describe it! More like self-trained. We had been in our house about a year and the kids would have been 11, 9, and 3. The husband was driving a truck east to west coast, so I was pretty much a single mom.

Early in January, the husband fell at work (on the ice) and hit his head. Temporarily paralyzed and facing several months of rehab, he made a full recovery. This prompted him to come off the road and spend more time with his family. The boys were happy because he wanted to coach their ball teams. I wasn't, because we were strapped for money after his long recovery and he wasn't finding a job making near as much as he was. But it was nice to have some help around the house.

These couple of years are a blur. Savannah started kindergarten. Chris changed schools and began to succeed at the charter school. We continued to charge necessities while the husband "found" himself. Stressful is how I remember them, which means eating for me. I was gaining back the weight that I lost after the girl was born.

This year brought a big change in that the husband found a career- heavy road construction. It would take this year and part of the next to learn, promote, and get to a salary that would let us breathe. We were able to buy a reliable car for me to take kids to school. Frustration would set in because some of this "learning" was coming in the back yard as he made "improvements" back there. Truthfully, they looked like piles of dirt, not improvements to me!

I took a second job teaching music at church this year. I remember the freedom that the extra money brought. I hired a friend to clean my house twice a month, mostly because I was having a hard time keeping up with things. Husband might have not been out on the road, but he really didn't learn that meant that he was supposed to help! And, he wasn't a good influence on the boys on that front either. I began to see the chauvinism as he would say that doing the dishes was 'girls' work.

This is the year everything changed. I made a new year's resolution to take back control. I found a great web site and lost almost 50 pounds. The house was cleaner, the kids grades' better, and the husband decided to bail with a druggie girlfriend who made him feel younger instead of, in his words, living with his mother. He left in October that year but we didn't tell anyone other than immediate family until after Christmas. This is also the year that I discovered the online community at Y360. I don't remember exactly when we landed at multiply, but if it wasn't for Kat, Anne, ZB and a few others in those early days, I wouldn't have the relationships here that I have today.

This was a year of healing. I began to see that life was easier without him. He took without giving, so all of a sudden the work was easier. And, although he took his salary with him, I was able to pare down the bills where I had more money left over at the end of the month than I did with him here. I filed for divorce and didn't look back. Neither did he as he lost touch with the children, too. I took my first mission trip to Montana and got to see Glacier National Park. Turned around a month later and flew to Oklahoma to see the boy graduate from basic training. Giving back gives you things, and in November met and became friends with Scott.

Healing continues and learning begins. Through this new friendship, I began learning more about myself- the girl I had lost in 13 years of marriage. The adventurous girl who loves taking weekend trips to explore, ride, hike, or just see. Savannah found her a replacement daddy even though both of us knew that this was just going to be a platonic relationship. This is the year that my music job turned into a "lead children's worship" job. That meant church every weekend with practice on Wednesdays. This is the year that Chris got married and Savannah started middle school.

Somehow, this feels like the year of arrival. I feel healed. At least, I feel ready to go out and make friends and be social again. Which is only fitting, seeing that I got to spend a week in Cherokee, making a great friend there and also meeting an online friend in Tennessee. Susan, you know I wish we were geographically closer somehow, but I don't know if we could possibly be any closer friends. Brandon graduated from high school and left for college. My grandmother died from a long battle with Alzheimer's and that feels more like a ballast that has been released than something to grieve.

I hope this is the year of moving ahead. I have spent the past two years healing, watching my kids grow and flourish, and I feel like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon after a long metamorphosis. I still need to stretch my wings and figure out how to fly, but I'm ready to test it out. I know God has a plan for my life and, with prayer and meditation, I'll be able to figure out what that is and take flight.

Thanks to all of you who came with me on part of this journey. You'll never know how much a kind work, a ribbing joke, or a silly distraction helped me get from one day to the next. You're all special to me and I hope 2010 is the best year yet for us all. HUGS!


  1. Thanks Janeen for sharing this with us. I found it very interesting to read. Much of it I hadn't known before. I feel the same way about my Multiply friends. I value them all very much. I worry a lot about Kat and wish she could sort out everything and hoepfully live near you in NC. My newest Multiply friend is Janet Macdonald and I'm not sure until I check in a few minutes if you two are connected. But she is great.

    My best wishes to you Janeen for 2010 Hugs from Dai

  2. *sniffs* I so wish we were closer geographically! It would be so nice to have a friend right next door (or at least a town or so away!). Your life in 10 years has been amazing! I know you've done a most excellent job raising Savannah, since I got to meet her, too. (She made Ian blush and Laz thinks she's neat but, meh, a GIRL! lol!) I'm sure you've done a great job with your boys, even though I've not got to meet them, yet.

    I hope that the next ten are nothing but smooth sailing from here on out!

  3. Wow, Janeen! What an amazing rebirth you have in your life. Amazing. Good riddance to the weights holding you down, right? So glad to know you and so glad to be along for the rest of the journey. :) Yay for 2010 being the best year ever!

  4. Thank you Jan for sharing this with us all. Isn't it amazing how we all dubbed the past years? For example the year 2008, for me, was the year of shock and planning. (that was the year I decided to take the early out at my job and learn to live a little differently.) 2009 was a rebirth for me. (continuing to live life as a semi retired person and re connecting with some long lost friends.) 2010 will be a year of change for me. (I enter the 2nd year of my opening my new window of opportunity and striving towards a long awaited goal.) Yes, 2010 is gonna be a fun year for us all.

    Thanks for taking me along on your journey...

  5. That has been quite a journey! I am so glad to read that things are taking more shape again and you've found your own life back again ...
    Here's to a wonderful next decade, with lots of new and exciting discoveries!

  6. I'm glad I got to read this, because I got to catch up on who you are quite quickly. And I see a strong, smart, caring woman who won't wallow in the negative and hold on to grudges. I'm sorry to read that your husband left the family. Your daughter would have been the age I was when my dad left, so I understand how painful it can be. I'm glad that FFWD three years later, and healing has happened and happiness is ensuing! Here's to a great new decade!

  7. You have certainly been through a lot in the last ten years.
    I didn't realize I had known you so long. But since you broke it down like that. I realize that I met you fall of 2006 at that same website. As Melinda told me about it.
    I'm gonna have to do a break down of the last ten years also.

    Fly little Butterfly, fly

  8. This may seem very Multiply-cliche to say but what a powerful blog. Seeing your progression to now is interesting if only because I am amazed at how you seem to have remained true to yourself. Life's twists don't seem to have made you a bitter person, only stronger. Knowing you through the studies you faithfully offer every day tells me that you have allowed God to teach you. I find myself wondering what the next decade will be like for you. Thanks for sharing this blog.

    Are you sure you have totally lost "the girl"? I know what you meant when you said that, but I think I see "the girl" sneaking out here now and then!

  9. I feel grateful that I have walked along your path to rebirth with you!!! I remember when we met, tho not how. I think it was me dragging you to ZB's virtual costume party? Maybe before that...

    Anyway, I feel like a part of this transformation and getting rid of the shitbox (STBX) (my all time favorite word now)...heehee.

    I have to check out your website to see if I can lose half of my largess soon. Love ya xoxox

  10. Dai, I'd love for Kat to be closer! Heck, I'd love it if all of my Multiply friends lived closer. So many seem to be in the midwest, and I'm just a southern girl (read that as "I don't like to be cold!")

    And yes, I'm friends with Janet. She's a great person! I'm glad you're connected with her!

  11. Thanks sweetie! I hope the next 10 years are wonderful for you, too. Savannah really liked Ian and I know she thought Laz was silly (which is good in her eyes!) And you have a treasure in Art- give him a New Year's hug from me!

  12. You know, I didn't know what this blog was going to be when I started it. There's always the work aspect, the kids, the finances, the relationships, but you hit it- it is about coming through the mire and getting rid of what held me back! I'm glad to know you and hope the rest of the journey is positive and productive.

  13. Thanks for coming along on the journey, Bill.

  14. Thanks Riete! I do think I have found the real "me" - or at least the 40something version of her! I can't wait to see what 2010 brings!

  15. Thanks Sandy- I guess this was a good way to get caught up quickly! I'm excited to get to know you better, too!

  16. I forget that sometimes, Jamie! You were there years ago with Melinda. I still keep up with her on FB. So many people have come and gone from that website but there's still such a sense of support and community. I'm glad it is still up and running!

  17. For years I did lose the girl! I was surprised to meet her when she came back. (Great, now you're all going to think I have multiple personalities or something!) But it happened the first time I went snow skiing in 20 years. I had more fun that day! I rediscovered the adventurous girl that I totally forgot about. Of course, my mom said she could have reminded me. And yes, I see her a lot more now, too!

  18. Kat, I have always counted you as my first friend here. Jamie's reminding me of knowing her at that other web site makes me thing that she's the one who turned me on to 360, where I met you. What's funny is, no matter how we met, it seemed like it was meant to be. You've come through a lot of this with me. I still wish sometimes that I'd let you put a hex on the shitbox (and I'll always call him that in my mind) but I think things turned out pretty well. Come on over to the website any time. You'll just find a great support system like there is here!

  19. No, not at all.. these voices in my head mean nothing... right? LOL!

  20. Do you remember Exidor from Mork from Ork????

  21. Here's to hoping and praying! Ian is such a...I want to say shy young man, but when he's with friends, he's a regular teen. It takes him awhile to get to know folks. He's a listener and watcher. You know, he's a lot like Art (unless he's mad at his brother). Laz being silly? There are so many facets to that boy. I'd love for you all to get to know the boys and Art better (and me! lol!).

    I'll give Art your hug. He'll appreciate that!

  22. I loved Mork, but didn't remember Exidor! This was fun to watch, Kat!

    I'd love to get to know you and the family better, Susan. Laz is silly, but I could see in two days that he is a thinker, too. There are probably many facets to everyone- that's what makes it fun to really get to know someone!

  23. You are so good at remembering what happened when. Sometime I can remember what happened during which year, but most of the time I can't. I know I met you on Y360 but I don't think we really got to know each other until the first time I was blogging on Multiply before I hit one of my weird and depressed moods and dropped off of Multiply for awhile. I'm not even sure what year I started blogging on Yahoo-it may not have been until 2006, or maybe even 2007. I do seem to remember one of my first blogs being at Ground Hog Day because I posted a photo of the ground hog that was visiting my yard.
    I'm so glad you shared this. It's always nice getting to know your friends better. xoxoxoxz

  24. I don't remember what year you arrived either, Sue. I do remember looking at your page and your paintings and thinking "wow!!" and then how friendly you were, and you were also very down to earth so I could identify with that too. I'm glad we all came together when we did.

  25. I didn't do much online until I started to lose weight, and that was Jan 06. I don't know when after that I started blogging at Y360- I think spring or summer that year. I'm not too good with what happened when, but I have a general idea. I can't even tell you when we moved here!

  26. I hope all of the best for you as well. Lord knows several of us have struggled during this past decade. I myself am really relishing a chance for a new way forward. The biggest thing for me is that I had used all personal time, sick time,and vacation time from work since 2006 on illness, injury, and recovery. As of Jan. 1, 2010, I have vacation , sick and personal time on the books, and I believe,well on the road to recovery. It sounds to me like GOD has blessed you going forward. Keep up the good work.

  27. Thanks Jeff! I hope you get a real vacation this year- one not spent at the hospital!
