Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday Ten- Around and Around

1. Girls with bronchitis are not fun to live with. At least she is feeling a little better, but honestly, the constant coughing gets on my nerves! That's one reason I took her to the Minute Clinic today- to see if they had something for the cough. Good thing, because otherwise I wouldn't have known she has bronchitis!

2- I am on a committee for our community chorus to plan a fundraiser for the group. We're looking into having a casino night. I've never planned anything like this before so if any of you have, I'd love to know what you did! Or if you've ever gone to one, what did you like about it? What didn't you like?

3- I got to wear jeans to work today! I don't think that, in the 10 years I've been there, I've ever worn jeans. But we were cleaning out the attic. I earned the right to wear these jeans today. The attic is a catch-all for things that don't have a home. It is probably 20' x 40' and had one little pathway down the middle of it. Thanks to six of us, it is now neat and orderly and a LOT of things hit the dumpster!

4- I got the materials for my class next month. Holy cow, there's a lot of reading to do before Monday. The note said read session one... by the 25th page I was wondering how much longer session one was! (32 pages, I looked!) But this is going to be a really neat class.

5- I'm excited about trying something new. A class is just what I need!

6- So is a new class at the gym. Thanks to Leece (thanks Leece!) I found out my gym has a flow class. That's yoga, Tai Chi, and pilates all put together. Sounds a lot like the Miranda Esmonde Classical Stretch I used to love! (I have 2 of her DVD's but it got pretty old.) Maybe it will be all new again!

7. I think I got a lot of attic dust up my nose today. I'm sneezing! I hope I didn't catch Savannah's bug!

8. I have a friend who is making some not-so-good choices right now. I asked a few of my Christian friends what they would do. It is hard to confront someone but I know (or I'm at least pretty sure) that she will look back on this and be very ashamed of herself. I don't know if she'll thank me in the long run or if she'll stop being my friend. I know I should confront her and let God work it out.... but it is hard!

9. I'm really ready for spring. Enough of the cold and wet and wind. Or at least it could snow- then I might want winter to hang on a little more.

10. Why is it that when there's nothing to do, there is nothing to do for days and weeks. And when I'm busy, I'm busy every night of the week for weeks? Can't there be something in between?


  1. #8--I don't envy you . #1----poor baby. #7---dust up yer nose....dust up yer nose. Feeling like a fool, with dust up yer nose. #9----ME TOOOOOOOOO. #10----yup. #4---yuk.

  2. 8. I always think that's me.

    I hope Savannah gets better soon.

  3. That is not you! (Unless you're sleeping with a guy you just met?) Nope, I know you. That isn't you!

  4. Yikes! I'm just window shopping and admiring (coveting?) fancy doll clothes. Okay um I shouldna thought you meant that. Wow.

    Um can I add a prayer?

  5. 9. All weekend I've been wanting snow back because the warm thaw just meant mud and slop. Now we've GOT snow and my feet are too cold for words! Yes... I want Spring. Now.

    Hope you feel okay tomorrow Janeen, then you'll know it probably was just dust and nothing worse. There seems to be an awful lot of buggy stuff going around!

  6. Absolutely! She has a role in church as a children's Sunday school teacher and leader and apparently he is a leader also. I'm so worried that they're both going to hurt their ministries, too. And she can't see where she is doing anything wrong. Not to mention the fact that they met a month ago- and she has children! I'm worried about them getting close to someone who won't stick around. (I'm full of worry over this if you can't tell!)

  7. That's why I'm worried that if I don't confront her things could be worse. So pray for me too that I can do this. I just keep praying for God to give me a good opportunity and give me the right words. So far the hints I've dropped she hasn't even noticed.

  8. The next time you go up in that attic, wear a dust mask...you can get one at a local WalMart or a hardware store. That should take care of your sneezing problem. And I'm ready for spring also.

    Here is a little prayer for you in your handling of that situation...WISDOM
    "Father, I pray I would ask and that you would generously give wisdom to me as you promise." James 1:5

  9. Phew!! Glad you took her to the doctor! Hope she is on the road to a full recovery!

    Yes.. I"ve done the casino nights.. many times.. the key.. is finding a local organization that has all the equipment.. and will do it for a bit of the entry sales. Make sure you get LOTS of good door prizes. They are a blast!!

    Sounds like dirty work!! lmao. UGH! Watch out for spideys!

    All you can do.. is ASK your friend.. if you can voice your opinion. If she says NO.. then respect that.. if she says yes.. then tell her... and take it from there.

  10. 4/5 what class are you taking? [since I am new to your pages?]....

    sounds like are really busy... but filling up your life is a good thing.... and watching out for others is too!

  11. I'll do a blog today about the class... because I want to get a good description from the materials about it.

  12. 1. i know what you mean hearing my husband cough all the time.
    2. Casino night - hell yah ! We did that in school once it was so much fun. I'll help if i can just let me know.

  13. Tell me what you did for casino night? Did you have a cover charge that included play money? Did you sell more money inside? Was food free or for sale? Was there entertainment?

  14. We did not do a fund raiser -it was just for entertainment purposes. Being in a school there was no cover charge but that's a good idea. i guess the biggest question is how to raise the funds ? You could just charge a flat rate cover and then provide everyone with X amount of play money dollars. Or maybe have levels - say $5 in gets you $100 play money, etc. OR if you do the straight gambling - exchange real money for play money (you may have to check your state law in regards to this).

    The set up is easy. Lots of green cloth. If you could get a roulette wheel that would be great. Craps was definitely the big attraction. You can get the layout for the table anywhere and just draw it on the green fabrics. Same with poker tables and blackjack tables. You just need a lot of volunteers to run the tables and hopefully everyone can scrounge up a white shirt and a black jacket or something like that.

    as for entertainment- well youre the chorus...SING For your funds ! lol or if all chorus members need to be attending tables, an ipod and a PA will do just fine.

    Here's some links that look like they have some good info on them as well.


    I would def charge for food sales if entertainment is provided for free. You could do a bake sale at the same time ! Plus those links have stuff about corporate sponsorships too.

  15. Thanks Jamie! Those links will really help!

  16. Casino night? I don't have a clue about that at all. I drive by one twice a day, everyday I go to work. Never darkened the doorway to the place. I learned at an early age,okay not so early, 24, I stunk at gambling, lost a lot of money playing penny anty poker, with quarter limit. So I quit playing. lol

    My older brother used to have chronic bronchitis, he heard that Cayenne pepper would help, he built up a tolarance to be able to handle it, but he hasn't had any problem since he has started using cayenne pepper a few times a week. I use it quite often, my sinuses get to acting up, I fix a half cup of warm water with a small pinch of cayenne, stir well, and one gulp it. Whatever you do, DO NOT SIP. It will burn with each drink. Cayenne is a natural expectorant, so therefore it will help. When I am cooking, I put a little bit of it with all the meat I cook with. Nothing overbearing, just enough to give it the sweet taste.

  17. I didn't know that! I'll try that, especially with all the allergies I have!

  18. 6. I went to her website to check it out because honestly, I am DYING to do flow again, but no gym does it around here...boooooo. It does look similar, but Flow is SO awesome! I think you'll love the class....and the music. SOOO relaxing! Keep me posted!

  19. I didn't get there last night. With the girl being sick, she didn't want me to leave her and she didn't want to go. Mom had already kept her all day so I didn't want to ask her to keep her longer. Maybe I'll make it next week!
