Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Blog for a Snowy Day

Yes, it does snow in the south! Not too often, but every now and then God grants us a couple of days of a winter wonderland. There's about 4 inches of snow with about an inch of sleet on top. Great day to stay indoors!

Well, I had tickets to Wicked in Greenville.... not going, obviously. But I had taken Savannah to my mom's just in case they were wrong about the snow- which happens a lot around here. So she is stranded there for now (I don't hear her complaining, the last I talked to her they were baking bread!) and I'm stranded here.

I started out in the shower this morning. After I picked up the 4th bottle of shampoo that only had a little left in it, I got on a cleaning kick. Kids don't ever throw things away! I filled up half of the outside bin with trash! I took the time to go through all the bottles of things on the vanity, under the vanity, on the tub, in the shower, and kept going. Decided to clean out my makeup basket and all the drawers, too.

That seemed to take me to the kitchen for more of the same. So now my junk drawers are organized. The dishes are all done AND put away (that never happens) and the counters are all scrubbed clean. I even threw some old moldy things out of the fridge. Laundry stayed going all day (where does the girl get all these clothes? Her pile is twice as high as mine!) and I even dusted in the living room.

I'm tired! And a little bored. There is never anything on TV when I want there to be. I did my Beth Moore Bible study and my reading for my class that starts on Monday. I'm procrastinating on my SOAP study for now- saving something to do in a little bit.

And since I'm here all by myself, I have to figure out supper. I guess I'll go see what leftovers in the freezer look good. I have a book I haven't started yet, so maybe I'll thaw some soup and sit in front of the fire and read. I've already heard that they canceled church for tomorrow so I guess I'll have another snow day!


  1. I did the bathroom today. You inspired me. I had already done all the sorting a month ago or so. When I come across 6 bottles with a dab in the bottom I mix them all together. I don't think it much matters what's in there...they all smell good. LOL.

    The kitchen is better...I have to wait till it's warm out to really clean it out. All the door opening makes the heat go on (that's my excuse). I can't stand having piles by the back door, and that's where they'd all be if I started sorting. And, it would only take Jonathan one project to turn it all upside down again... I remember when the tools were all mine. I knew where they were. I knew where they weren't. Not anymore. *sigh* And he is not a neat person. At all. Even his own's just too much for me to tackle today. This spring. I will. I will!!!

    What is that across the street in your picture??

  2. My friend Linda in Hendersonville got 9" up on the mountain. She is not happy.

    Were you going to Greenville SC? Vikki lives in Spartanburg.

  3. I haven't done anything much either. Played some CoD 4 and done some commenting on here.

  4. Kat, that's an assisted living center. Nice neighbors- quiet except for an occasional ambulance. Yes, we were going to Greenville, SC to the Peace Center. It is about a 2 hour drive from here but I bet today it would have taken 6 or more, if we'd even ever made it.

    Scott, everyone needs a play day. Just seems like today there isn't anything to play! I do keep taking breaks and jumping online. I'm really addicted to y'all, you know!

  5. That's where I saw Bela Fleck! At the Peace Center!! We ate at Macaroni Grille I think...before the show.

  6. If it's only 2 time I'm visiting Victoria, we are going to have to meet up. Last time was difficult with Emma and all.

  7. Assisted living huh? I could live there....

  8. Yum... I love the Macaroni Grill. We were going somewhere called the Lazy Goat-- don't ask why it is named that, I didn't choose the restaurant.

    And yes! Next time you're this close we will figure it out!

    You could live here when you get old and forgetful....

  9. Then what are you waiting for? Pack your bags!

  10. do they take younger old people?

  11. It is one of those places that takes Altzheimers patients mostly. People who need to be looked after a little more but aren't nursing home candidates yet.

  12. Well...I guess I'm not quite ready then. Unless you want a room mate.

  13. My ex-F-I-L was in an assisted living center, he was early 50's at the time. But, he had dementia and early stages of Parkinson's.

  14. You could always have Chris' basement apartment!

  15. I'm sewing a dress right now for Miss Aimee. And watching a bad horror flick on TBS....and trying to dry a couple of sweaters in front of the fire.

  16. omg.. Guess God took one look at your area.. and thought.. yea.. they need a REASON to pray!! So.. I'm betting drivers prayers were up a thousand fold today!

  17. Well, this is the Bible belt- guess we were slipping a little!
