Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ok Kat, you asked for it

Kat tells me that she wants to know what is going on in my boring life- and I should blog more. So here's how my day went. Doesn't seem very eventful to me, just the usual get-up-and-go-to-work morning. Savannah gets Hardees on Thursday morning if she has had good grades for the week, so we started out with Smothered Country Potatoes. That's fried square hashbrowns with sausage gravy on them. Not my thing, but she likes them.

Work has been crazy this week. The presiding elders (Presbyterians call them the Session) are going on a planning retreat this weekend, so guess who has done all the planning!? Yep, me. But they should be all set when they get there tomorrow, I just have a few more things to copy and put into organized notebooks for them. Oh, and get a bunch of snacks. So that's tomorrow.

Scott wanted to have lunch so we met at a little dive down the street that has the best salads. That's all I get when I go there. And since I'm trying to stay on my diet, salads are good. And so is Scott. He's back in college after taking last semester off and seems to be back in the groove pretty well. He has a new girl he likes- I sure hope she is better than the last one. He sure knows how to find the crazy chicks (that's what I tell him, anyway!) Guess they have to be crazy to put up with the relationship he has with me. Which is strictly platonic, but we do talk every day. Heck, I'd be jealous of me if I was them! Weird- sure- but it works for me. He isn't the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with but he's a great friend!

Mom sent me her housekeeper today so I have a clean house! Yay! Of course, payback was me painting her hallway today. So I spent a couple of hours and got the base coat on. She wants a faux finish that apparently only I know how to do! It's fine, I like to paint and I got a clean house out of the deal. But I'm tired. Went through KFC for dinner and now I'm going to watch an episode or two of Supernatural. I'm hooked on that show!

How did I do, Kat?


  1. lmao!!! Sounds like an exciting week!

  2. It sounds like a good week. I'm not Kat, but I think you did well. ;) Btw, we are huge Supernatural fans, too .. in fact I have a Supernatural playlist on my iPod with almost every song they've ever played on the show (and a few I think they SHOULD have) ;)

  3. I just watched the episode where Dean is singing "Eye of the Tiger" on the blooper reel at the end. I've gone back through Netflix and watched every episode from the beginning. I'm part way through season 4!

  4. I think that would be an awesome set to be part of, don't you? :)

  5. I love the blooper reels! It does look like they have a lot of fun on the set! Not to mention how cute they both are! But I'm a Sam girl!

  6. You did more than I did today. I just got up, drank coffee, went to work, cut on some tall inner barrels, then hard faced them. Done a little more piddling around then came home, got here around a little after 6 p.m.

  7. Me too, but it took a while for me to NOT think of him as Dean from Gilmore Girls. He is such a talented actor and a real cutie. :)

  8. LOL Scott! I bet there's more to your day than that!

  9. You've had a busy one Janeen, in fact it sounds like you're busy, full stop!
    Those Smothered Country Potatoes sound good. Now I'm hungry. :)

  10. I like Kat's idea that you blog like this. It wasn't boring at all! Thanks for sharing it with us. BTW, is "Scott" of the blog "revscott" up above?

  11. No- but the great coincidence there is that they're both "rev"'s!

  12. wow, I'd rather clean my own house than paint someone elses. But this was definately a story of a day in the life..good job!

  13. I'll probably be saying that after this faux painting! That takes a long time and is tiring on the arms!

  14. THIS WAS GREAT!!!!! Boring??? NO. I learned things I didn't know up till now. Like Scott is dating? I don't know how I feel about that! (like it matters) And Savannah likes hashbrowns?? Do this everyday.

  15. I've also never seen Supernatural..when is it on? I can't think how I've missed it unless it's on later.

  16. Supernatural is on Thursdays at 9pm on CW. You'd like it- the research is done well on demons and ghosts and other things. So the shows follow legends.

    And Savannah is a carb girl- rice, potatoes, pasta... she loves it all.

  17. And it has great humor in it, too! :) I like how it's not always soooo heavy and serious.

  18. I forget, is the church you work at the same church you attend? I don't know much about the Presbyterian religion.
    Speaking of church, did your brother ever make those DVDs of the Christmas program?
    I love those faux finish painting techniques-I used to love to watch how they were done on the decorating shows when I still had the HGTV channel.

  19. am jealous

    roll on the Spring for motivation for me to do what needs doing
