Friday, January 15, 2010

Finally Friday

It has been a long week. Any time some big project is going on at work, it seems like the week flies by. Too bad I still have all my normal work to get done, too. Some of the special work was fun. The elders are going on a retreat and tonight, they're playing Jeopardy! I made a whole Jeopardy show just for them on powerpoint- all about facts of the church. Mostly about the people of the church. I wish I could be there to see how much fun they'll have with it!

I went by mom's and painted a "test wall" on my faux painting. I think it is going to look really good! I'll work on the rest of the walls tomorrow. That will give me a chance to see this one dry.

I have about an hour to go put a load of clothes in before I leave to go see Brandon play college basketball! This is the first game I've been able to make (of the two they have already played) and I hope he gets some playing time. He's second string so he should get to come in for a bit as the starters need their rest. I'll try to take pictures, although I have a horrible time taking pictures of him in the gym. The flash doesn't reach far enough and "no flash" makes everything blurry as the shutter speed slows down. If anyone has any ideas of how to set it to do better, let me know! It is a little Canon point-and-shoot and that's all I know how to do with it!

I'm going to meet my cousin Bryan for dinner before the game. He lives in Charlotte and any time I'm heading that direction I try to call him and see what he's doing. He's my age and never married so he's often pretty free. He has a long day planned for tomorrow so he won't go to the game with us. I'm trying to get my brother to go but I bet he won't either. His 14 year old dog isn't doing well and is on medication. He won't leave her. It is sad because she really needs to be put down (this 50 lb dog weighed 28 lbs at the vet this week) but he isn't ready to let her go. She doesn't seem like she is in pain, so maybe he'll make that decision soon.

Ok, off to get ready. I'll be home really late tonight so I may not check in until tomorrow. Y'all have a good night!


  1. Sounds like a VERY busy weekend ahead for ya too! Jeeeeeeesh woman.. SLOW down.. you can't smell the flowers at that speed!! Grrrrrrrin!

  2. The Jeopardy game sounds awesome! Clever you. :)

    On the camera, without launching into a whole lesson on shooting manually, is there an option to change the iso setting? If so, setting it higher will speed up your shutter. It'll make for grainier/noisier images, but they won't be quite as blurry.

    Aw, sad about your brother's dog. :( I know how hard it is to make that decision. I had to do it back in 2003, with my great dane, and to this day I still question if I did it too soon, should I have waited, was he in pain, etc. It's horrible. I hope your brother gets a clear msg from his dog soon on when he needs to make the decision for her.

    I hope you have a great weekend .. sounds like a busy one.

  3. I'll check for the ISO setting- thanks Kippy!

    Cherei, it won't be too bad. A late night tonight but tomorrow I can work at my own pace. Wow, you know you're getting old when 11:00 sounds late to be getting home!

  4. Two blogs in two days? If you ask me, you're not working hard enough! :D
    Enjoy, Janeen!

  5. I'm trying harder, Sue. I keep hearing that people care about my mundane life. And I like looking back at ones I used to write and remembering. If I don't blog, I won't have anything to look back at!

  6. Have you a preset for sports? That should do the trick. Most of the point and click cameras have them these days.

  7. I'll look! I'm sitting in the gym now playing with settings. I did find the ISO!

  8. Thanks for sharing all this Janeen. It was interesting reading for me. Have a great weekend Janeen.

  9. Thanks Dai! They lost the game but Brandon got to play a pretty good portion. I'll upload the blurry pictures if Multiply will cooperate!

  10. Try a monopod for the camera, at least you can hold it more steadily that way without interfering with the people around you.

  11. I have the same problem with my camera. Sounds like a a busy weekend. Have fun!

  12. Thanks Lisa! Maybe some of these photo pros should give us amateurs some help!

  13. I saw pictures of the game. Good memories - eh?

    I would have a hard time putting Samwise down.

    I wish I was closer to my cousins. You are fortunate to be able to visit with family.

  14. I have watched so many games it isn't even funny! But the thoughts of not being able to watch any more are sad. I thought when he'd played his last high school game that would be it except for rec or church league. Now I get to see college games!

  15. And, one day that will end, but if he loves the game, he will likely find ways to involve himself and who knows what he has gleaned and will pass on to someone else in their youth. He sounds like a good kid.

  16. He is- and he wants to be a teacher. So you're right- maybe I'll get to go to games as the coach's mom one day!
