Saturday, January 30, 2010

Laundry's done, kitchen is clean, bathroom is clean.... not as much fun of a day as I had planned. But at least I can see snow!


  1. I showered, got dressed and went outside to scrape ice and remove 5 inches of snow off the cars..... since I couldn't get to my work out today..... cooked some meals... and did a load of wash... but watching movies is the main focus of today... the parking lot is a sheet of ice.... can't even get to the mailbox..... seems you are more productive than me! lol.....

  2. I started in the bathroom. Took a shower this morning and there were at least three shampoo bottles that barely had anything in them! Got me on a cleaning spree. Now everything is organized and restocked with full bottles!

  3. LOL ... and it will be a few days before it all starts again, so enjoy the moment!!

  4. I wish I could do laundry. Laz broke the dryer again.

  5. Went out and visited my brother in the hospital, went to WalMart and got some snacks for tonight's party. Took Pat to Applebees for lunch and came home and started to clean up the apartment for the party. Now we are all ready to go...whooo hoooo!

  6. Have fun Bill-sounds like you should be tired already!

  7. How did he manage to do that again?

  8. You're right Riete, although I have some projects I think I'll save until tomorrow.

  9. I like cleaning, actually. When I know it's going to stay that way for a little while. Of course here, there is hardly any point. But I do it anyway.

  10. I actually liked it today because Savannah wasn't here. It is hard to throw things out with her around. As it is, I'm going to have to make sure she doesn't see the trash. I know there are things in there that she would try to rescue. But she'll never miss them if she doesn't know I threw them away!

  11. I do that when Jonathan is gone too. His room is beyond terrifying. When he's gone, he doesn't even know his junk is gone.

  12. That's a project for tomorrow- her room! Yikes- I don't know if I have what it takes! *giggles*

  13. He breaks the start switch every time. I'm getting tired of it. Art's going to try to fix it after they get back from Ian getting new glasses.

  14. There's not much point in cleaning our house, either. Then again, we don't have a dining room table as it's covered by all my sewing right now.

  15. You can console yourself with the fact that I had a fun day.

  16. Snow? Isn't that that cold stuff.. um.. frozen water that falls from the sky I think? If so.... you can haz it alllll!

    lol.. I read your blog on your cleaning spree... I have a chore to do myself and keep putting it off. I have to re-grout and re-seal the bathroom tile. *procrastination rox*

    So.. snow huh? I lived in SC for a few years, we got one dusting of snow that was enough for a good snowball fight. Had to scoop most of it off the cars cause the ground stuff was too slushy lol.


  17. SNOW??? Not here.. nope, nope, NOPE!

  18. Visiting the parentals in San Antonio; it's nice and cold.

  19. Swing around the corner and see Mommabearcherei- that's where she is, too!
