Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blurry Belmont Abbey Basketball

This is Brandon's first college game that I could get to (only the third he has played so that isn't too bad. The bad part is I can't figure out a setting on my little camera that will take a fast shutter and still let in enough light. The pictures are ok if no one is moving!


  1. I wish I could get my hands on your camera! I'd try to find a sports setting for you! Otherwise, you've got some good photos that show you have an eye for taking pictures. *sigh* I also wish I were there with MY camera to either lend to you or take photos (just so I could watch the game). lol! I'm an adrenaline junky and love to watch kids play sports.

  2. Come on any time! I wish you had your hands on my camera, too. There isn't a sports setting. I tried action, night, indoors, and several presets before switching to manual and trying several things. I'd love to figure this out because it seems like my kids like indoor sports!

  3. Throw it on the ground, kick it twice. Then it will work just fine. :)

  4. Or spend $500 on a camera that will do what I want it to. *sigh* I guess I'll just keep taking blurry pictures!

  5. Canon has one that is almost indestructable, for less than $400. Even waterproof, takes pictures in water up to 30 feet deep. Impressed me.

  6. The action setting should have been it! Hmmmm...... I'd like to get my hands on your camera to figure that out. Hmmmm......

  7. I've seen that one around. I have to admit that is something I'd like to have. *sigh* Not sure why as I HATE water.

  8. You did get some good shots, I've never been good at taking these type of pictures.

  9. I am amazed at how long basketball shorts are nowadays. In my time they were half as long!

  10. I told him they got their money's worth on the shorts! (But they could have paid a little more and had pants!) His are actually too big for him.
