Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday Ten- All Day

1. I wonder sometimes what things I say that drive my kids crazy? Kippy reminded me of "is it Friday? All day long!" And I know Brandon gets peeved when he tells me he needs a haircut and I say "better have them cut more than one!" It is so fun messing with the kids! Not that they're not silly, too- that's one of Savannah's self-portraits above!

2. I went to the eye doctor yesterday for my annual exam. Good news is my eyes haven't changed so I don't need new lenses! So I asked about contacts. I wore contacts pretty much from age 20 to age 40. Then they got really uncomfortable and I went back to glasses full time. I would like to have a pair of contacts to go swimming, skiing, boating... things that glasses don't work well for. Considering I have something like 20/300 vision, it would be nice to see while doing those things. So I have had a pair in today. Not too uncomfortable, but I can tell they've been in for a bit. Other bad thing is that since I have "over 40" eyes, if I want to wear the contacts I need reading glasses. So I'm typing this from across the room right now, and it is still a little blurry!

3. I'm making spaghetti for supper. I haven't had any for a long time, mainly because I don't want to give up calories on pasta. Well tonight I'm cooking my first spaghetti squash! Wish me luck- and let's hope it tastes like pasta!

4. I wonder how much a dumpster costs? I am about tired of the after-Christmas clutter in the house and am ready to throw lots of things away! Maybe this is just getting me ready for spring cleaning!

5. It sure feels like spring today. Highs in the low 60's! After weeks of sub-freezing temperatures, I was outside in a t-shirt!

6. Feeling like spring makes me want to plan a vacation! Especially after watching the move of the "Nights in Roadanthe" house, I want to go to the beach. I haven't been in 4 years and it is only a 4 hour drive! Now, who to go with... where to stay... what will it cost?

7. My laptop died and it needs a new hard drive. Which means it also needs a re-load of an operating system. I have a new hard drive on the way but I'm wondering if I can find a Windows XP system to put on it. That is what it had but considering that it is several years old, I have no idea where the discs are.

8. I wish I was skinny. Or at least not fat. Susan had another doll come in the mail today and I made the comment that I wish I could just order a new body! I don't hate my body, just my stomach. It is the first place I gain and the last place I lose. Grrr. I did go to the gym today, so I'm trying to get back to a schedule that works. I'm just too busy to find a time that is consistent.

9. It has been really quiet here, for here, anyway. Patrick disappeared again, Kat isn't on at night much, and no one is blogging like they used to. Since I can only change me, I decided to do just that! So I've blogged several days in a row. It is actually fun! I really forgot how good it is to get things out of your head sometimes.

10. I feel like I'm at some sort of crossroads in my life. I don't know why. Just like things have stalled and I'm looking around trying to figure out which direction to go in. I'm not dissatisfied with anything, just don't feel like I'm accomplishing things. Maybe this class that I'm taking in February will help some of that. It will open doors for me to do some new things which I'm really excited about. And it will challenge me, which is good, too.


  1. Hehe. The title of your blog made me laugh. :)

    I think this constant "we're moving" interruption crap from Multiply has stalled a lot of blogging. Just a guess, but that's how it feels. Good luck with the spaghetti squash. I think it tastes good. Takes a little getting used to with the sauce, but it's good.

    I hope you find a good path out of your crossroads. That kind of thing can be very reaffirming and refreshing! :)

  2. I bet the move has a lot to do with it- especially if the site was down at the one time you had to sit down and write. I hope people come back to it! And thanks for the good wishes on the crossroads! It isn't anything I'm particularly down or upset about, just feels like a pause for some reason.

  3. Ooh, I love spaghetti squash, whether with a tomato sauce or a little butter and honey, or with olive oil and fresh basil and mozzarella cheese!

    I wish I had a garden to grow my own "what-evers" here (fill in the blank), 'cause food is so expensive here! We used to pick papayas around here, and avocados, and bananas, but the management told everyone that we're not allowed to pick any more fruit around here as "someone may get injured, so the insurance company won't allow it"; yeah, right, like I'm gonna sue someone if an avocado falls on my head, lol ~ (rolls eyes)

    Yeah, this feels like a crossroads for me, too, and I'm hearing that from other friends as well....so we shall see...............

    Edit: on exercising: Qigong is great, and the company, "Sounds True", based in Boulder, Colorado is a great mail-order company that carries all kinds of mediation, music, yoga, and other self-empowerment type materials.

    For other references on the transformative nature of personal power (as opposed to how a lot of people think of power), I just added a bit more to my blog "Thirteen Questions" about the meanings of power.

  4. Can you eat the avocado if it falls on your head? 'Cause I might have to stand under the trees and wait for one to fall! *giggles*

  5. Spaghetti squash sounds really really good right now! =D

  6. I am sorry I haven't been around and post much, but we are still on O.T. I am not complaining, the extra money is nice. Yesterday, I had to take my son home, left work early and went on the 3 hour drive, 1 way. Stayed at my brothers house, until Bro's Mom got there to pick him up. The return trip took 3 1/2 hours, partly due to the fact I was a little bit tired.

    Some times, when it seems we are at a crossroad, it is the LORD letting us know, time to step out of the boat.

  7. It was awesome! I may never eat pasta again! Can't beat no calories vs. 120 calories!

  8. I think that is totally it, Scott. I've been thinking a lot lately about my comfort- how I don't like the thoughts of being uncomfortable. Maybe God wants me to be a little uncomfortable sometimes!

  9. I am also back to writing more blogs but this is because we are in a flat spot with work. I have had my comments open for several days now so that keeps me busier also.

  10. 1. Egads your daughter has stunning eyes!

    2. I can just see you typing with 4 foot sticks :D

    3. So...how'd it turn out?

    4. I am ready for spring cleaning too...at least for someone else to do it for me! ha

    5. Sure. Rub it in.

    6. That close to the beach and its been 4 years? SHAME ON YOU.

    7. I understand.

    8. I often think that the midsection is the best place for it to go first, because I think it is the easiest to hide. I gain it there too, and its ugly. But with the right pair of jeans and a wrinkly shirt on top, you can pretend you don't weigh 20 pounds more than you did a few weeks ago.

    9. Yeah, I've been quiet too, and I hate when its quiet! So, I'm sorry for my part! :)

    10. Its the age and the season? We don't live on the edge like we used to, accomplishing grande things and experiencing new things? I don't know, except I've felt the way you've described before too.

  11. Spaghetti squash is amazing! I had no idea I wasn't eating pasta with the sauce on it. I tried some plain and it almost doesn't have a taste at all. I can see it being good with olive oil and basil like Blue said. I don't think I'll ever eat pasta again.

  12. Have you ever looked into KOA kampgrounds?? You can rent the kabins.. (make reservations NOW). Bring your own sleeping stuff.. and they provide mattress.. heat... a/c... shared showers.. but.. still.. usually pretty private.. pools.. and VERY inexpensive!! One of the best trips we ever took with the kids.. we stayed at a KOA kabin.. all the way.. and had a BLAST!

  13. That is a very pretty child up there, all right. Gorgeous eyes. Typing from across the room? HAHAHAHAHA. Love spaghetti, squash. Spring cleaning? BRING IT ON.The temp wasn't bad today, but it was so damp, it felt very cold. My poor nose.

  14. Thank you. I think she's pretty but I'm biased- I'm her mom! She got those eyes from her dad- the boys have them, too. Best thing he ever gave them!

  15. 2. I am going through the same thing. I just got new glasses a week and a half ago, but skipped the bifocals. I also need to wear reading glasses when I wear my contacts, but I only wear my contacts for sports now.

    5. I am going to smack you just because. God will understand and forgive me.

    10. OK, are you reading my journal?

  16. I don't care about the calories. Just as long as it tastes good and is healthy!

  17. When you find a place to order a new body, let me know! I have never liked mine, but then again, I don't know ANYONE who does like their body and if they do, I probably won't like them..lol.

    I'm jealous of your 60's weather, although it has been 'warm' here....in the 40's! I would love a vacation too, but don't see that happening. If only we could hit the lottery!

    Glad to see you blogging again! I'm trying to get better at reading and commenting!

  18. For twenty years when someone in my house of 4 males gets a haircut someone invariably says, "oh, you got a haircut". And the answer always is "I got them all cut". I had to laugh at your number 1. No we all say "I got my hairscut" LOL

  19. 1. I don't care. HAHA. Actually we finish each other's sentences...usually from a movie. Like I will say "it's possible" and Rachel will say "Pig" (Princess Bride).

    2. I need to have mine checked some day. For now, it's Dollar Store readers.

    3. Yum. I make it often with store-bought meatballs.

    4. They're expensive here. I was sadly surprised. So no dumpster.

    5. It's not like Spring...but it's not below zero either (here).

    6. BEEEEEACH!!!! I want to go too....wonder if we could share expenses??

    7. My laptop is 11 yrs old. Still going strong.

    8. I wish I was skinny too. I used to be so skinny and happy about it.

    9. I'm sorry...I just can't do it yet. But soon I will be over my isolation period. Text me!! Almost the same.

    10. Me too. You aren't alone. I don't know what's coming, but something is on its way. Maybe we'll get hit together! With a happy stick!!!
