Friday, January 22, 2010

A Single Friday Night

I'm really proud of what I accomplished today. My laptop died and needed a new hard drive. I decided that heck, if it was dead anyway, how bad could I hurt it? So I got a new hard drive and an operating system from a friend who works on computers and installed it all myself! I'm typing on it now! Yay me! (The only thing I have to figure out is the sound- it says there is no sound card installed.... that's tomorrow's problem!)

I doubt there are too many of you out there who don't know that I'm divorced. I also haven't dated since my divorce- which means I haven't dated since 1993! Yikes! That's fine, I figure when God is ready for me to date someone He'll send him along.

My church is trying to get a single's ministry started. I have been wanting to do this for a couple of years now but have too many other things going on already. (I'm lay leader, children's worship music leader, community chorus leader, and I lead a Bible study. Not looking to lead something else at this point.) But God sent along a wonderful lady who has a real passion for this ministry, so I'm going to support her in it as she leads it!

We had our first interest meeting tonight and had 8 women and 2 men show up. (The men really liked those odds!) There are another 10 people who have expressed an interest in joining, too, so we're off to a good start. We made Valentine's plans to get together and also planned another meeting. This could be a really fun group to get to know.

It's almost 9:30pm and I've had my contacts in way too long now. They're really starting to hurt so when I finish this, I'm going to take them out. And speaking of hurt, I don't feel as bad today after my gym class last night as I thought I would. I'm planning to take that same class again in the morning. Might do the spin class beforehand to get some cardio in, too.

As for what else I've done today, not much. Moved the Wii into the entertainment center. That took 30 minutes because I had to clean that side of the cabinet out! I did have the Wii in the basement but the kids hate going down there in the winter. Even with the heat on, the cement floor is REALLY cold! So they moved it back up to the living room. Of course, when kids move things it isn't always done well. So for several months, the remote chargers have been in the floor, the guitar is in the floor, the Wii Fit board is in the floor. To get it all in the cabinet I had to do a major cleanout. I figure those 15 VHS tapes I threw away that were unmarked don't have a purpose anymore! (Since I haven't had a VCR in about 3 years now!) It is all packed away nicely and at least one corner of the room is clutter-free. I guess I'll start on another corner tomorrow- there are plenty left!

The girl is at a sleepover at church tonight, so I'm off to take out the contacts and find a good book to read. Think I'll turn the fire on, too. Y'all have a good night!


  1. ROFL!! I BET they did!! :D

    I'm glad you're not as sore as you thought you would be. And yay! for you, fixing the laptop! I wouldn't even know where to begin. I'm a complete technodork.

    Enjoy your book Janeen! I'm about to put a DVD on. "The History Boys" ~ it looks like an English "Dead Poets Society".

  2. When you wake up in the morning, look for the device manager window and scroll down to the sound, video, and game controllers. See if the sound card is recognized. If not, then click on the properties box and re install the drivers for the sound card. Whaaa Laaaa you will have sound.

  3. I think you did more than I could with your laptop. I am really dumb with such things. I even type with only two fingers.

  4. Sounds to me like you did a good job with your laptop! =D I let Art mess with the computer now that it's a newfangled model. (Hey, I spelled newfangled right!) I'll learn one of these days, but like Art likes to say, "Necessity is the mother of invention!" whenever I learn something new. It has nothing to do with the fact that I made anything 'new' but just learning something new requires him to say that. (We're a quirky bunch but you know that.)

    I'm glad you accomplished the organization. I try to but it never stays that way. lol! Then again, our boys are a bit chaotic. I keep hoping that will get better as they get older.

    Your new church group sounds like a lot of fun. I'd like to find one for old fuddy duddy married folks. lol!

  5. You go girl with the laptop! Geekettes are cool! Reference singles ministry - I started singles ministries in 5 different churches I served. My only counsel in pray and follow God's leadership. Let Him build it. In one church it never worked. In another we just reached college kids. That one was in Decatur, Georgia, just a mile or so from Emory University. A church I served north of New Orleans, Louisiana got a small group of younger singles going (12 to 15 regular attenders). They were folks who never left their hometown for college. The last church I served had a small group of younger singles, but we grew a group of over 50 who attended multiple times a week and got together every weekend for social events. They were over 40 and under 65 who were divorced, never married, or widowed. God did each so differently. Trust in Him as I know you will and he will guide and build the ministry.

  6. Dang, and that's ALL you did? Sheesh! Haha. Sounds like you had a very successful day .. you deserve to be proud!

  7. LOL -- you have reason to be proud.

    If you ever want stories about leading singles ministries, I have plenty of them. I was a leader for the singles ministry at our church for a few years, even after Mir and I married! They kept asking me to come back to speak at retreats and we got invited to their parties for a few years after we were no longer single. I was even asked to consider a position as singles minister. For that matter, guess where I met my wife? LOL

  8. Woohoooo!!!! You go girl! Awesome job on getting your pc up and running!

    Sounds like the church singles group will be fun. Good way to get to know people better and you all already have something in common!

  9. Hey!! NO FEAR!!! That's the ticket!! Good for you! In EVERYTHING!!

  10. No fear when something is broken to begin with. I knew if it didn't work already I couldn't make it worse!

    I do have sound now, too!

  11. Well done you, I dont think I'm brave enough to go that far, sound card could just be a driver, which if you havent got you, should be able to download, once you know which soundcard you have!

  12. That's exactly what it was Carol- needed its driver! And WMP needed its codecs- never did figure that one out, just loaded VLC and will use that. All is well!

  13. VLC is good, just check settings or it sets itself as default for everything!!

  14. That's probably ok, since WMP isn't working anyway!

  15. Cool! though you can probably update that driver through windows if needed!

  16. I rambled around on the Microsoft website for awhile and couldn't find the right ones.

  17. Awesome Awesome that you have sound now. Good job Jan.

  18. Well if they cant make it easy enough, they dont deserve you as a customer!!!

  19. WOW you did that yourself ? Good job ! I bet in a laptop it was a real pain too. HP made me change out the hard drive in my lemon (a few times no less) and it's in all-in-one type deal (all the hardware and screen are one piece) so i have some understanding of the work involved.

    Single's Ministry sounds like a great idea too. I'm sure as it gains popularity the men to women ratio will balance a little.

    Entertainment center cleaning -look out ! About 3 years ago when we finished out family room i set up in there "temporarily" yanno ? thinking i would get to making it right some time but no. three years later it's still rigged. one of these days i swear i will do it !
