Saturday, January 16, 2010

This was a fun one....shatched from Cherei

1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Pee!

2. Have you ever had a reoccurring dream and if so what is it like to have those? I have never really had a recurring dream. Some seem to have the same theme but are different dreams.

3. What is your favorite meal for breakfast? Grits, eggs, and bacon! That's what I just had this morning.

4. What is your worst /best habit? Worst...probably putting my fingers in my mouth (I'm trying to do better with all the germs going around!) and best... drinking water all the time.

5. What is your number one priority in life? To raise this girl to be the best Christian she can be.

6. If you could had a choice of a life filled with ambition and achievement over a life of leisure and luxury which would you choose? It is my ambition to live a life of leisure and luxury- and travel a lot!

7. When you are in a fight with someone do you place blame first or do you realize that you are a part of the blame? I can usually see both sides of a situation, even if I am in it. Don't get in too many fights, though, unless you count wrestling with teenagers!

8. What is your favorite thing to do when you have nothing to do? Read or get on the computer

9. What does your favorite outfit consist of? spandex

10. If you had 10 bucks left to your name and you met a child who had just been through a house fire and lost everything…what would you do? Take them to my church who would be able to help them far better than I!

11. How important is religion to you based on your background and upbringing? God is number one on my list. I am fortunate to belong to a church where it is more about Him than about rules and dogma.

12. If you could be anywhere else in the world right now but where you are, where would that be and why? I'm dreaming about the Galapagos Islands right now!

13. Who was the last person that you said I love you to and really meant it? Savannah

14. What is your favorite song and why? I have a hard time choosing just one song. Hmm... may have to think about this one for awhile.

15. You have a choice of skydiving or bungee jumping….which would you choose? I've always wanted to try sky diving. For some reason, bungee jumping never had that same appeal!

16. You have been chosen to give a speech on “netiquette” and the proper techniques of communication; what form of the proper netiquette would you base your speech on? Proper spelling and limiting the use of acronyms.

17. You find a wallet in the street with 1000 dollars in it, all 100 dollar bills. What would you do with it? If it had an ID in it, I'd try to call the owner. If not, take it to the police.

18. You have a day off for the first time in 2 weeks with nothing to do, what would you do with your day and why? If I hadn't had a day off in two weeks I'd probably need to do laundry and clean the house!

19. If you could be anything else in the world career wise than you are today, what would you be and why? I'd be a flight attendant and get to travel  lots of cool places!

20. Have you ever loved more than one person? Do Jesus, two sons, a daughter, a mother, brother niece.... count? Absolutely!

21. When faced with the fear of the unknown what do you do? Stand back and look at a situation from several angles before going in.

22. What is your favorite “trixy” moment? I don't know what this means

23. When was the last time that you laughed till you cried? You know, I can remember when but I don't remember what was so funny!

24. If you could change one thing about yourself what would that be and why? I'd get rid of this extra 20 lbs!

25. What is your FAVORITE color of sexy undies? I have a pair of white silky lacy ones that are actually comfortable!


  1. This survey does look fun. I liked reading your responses. I wonder what a trixy moment is?

  2. Good answers!!! lol. I have NO idea what a trixy moment is.. I wish.. someone would enlighten us! lol

  3. Well.. duh.. google.. and you shall find the answer! It means.. PERFECT moment!

  4. A trixy moment? Don't have any idea. And I don't have any sexy undies - unless that poka dotted boxer shorts counts?

  5. No funny boxers? (As if it's our!)

  6. A perfect moment? Wow, I don't know.... I'll have to think about that one, too!

  7. #14. HE believes in lost causes. Phillips,Craig and Dean.

    #25. I don't really have any of those. Unless you count that fig leaf Amy got me for our last anniversary. (c;

  8. I'll do this one after I get back Monday. Probably Tues. or Weds. But I do have some funky funny boxer shorts, if that counts for anything. LOL

  9. I guess the term means different things in different places, lol; the term I know about basically refers to the stereotype of a "dumb blonde" or a "bimbo".

    I'll come back and do this later, gotta go make supper ~
