Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ten Thoughts for Twenty Ten (The First Tuesday)

1. I've been thinking about who is the better singer- Mark Hall or Mac Powell. I still can't decide!

2. Have you noticed how God gives you just what you need when you need it? My nana died 2 days before Christmas but the gathering of the family after the funeral brought me back in touch with a cousin that I haven't talked to in 20 years! We've met for dinner a couple of times and are planning a day trip to the mountains this weekend. Yes, God is good!

3. Why is it that the kid feels sick on the first day back at school? I think it is psychological.

4. I have the bestest friends in the world on Multiply!

5. I started a new diet yesterday. I hate diets- and I hate exercise. Explains why I'm still trying to lose this 20 lbs, huh?

6. I have a headache this afternoon- wonder if I have what Savannah has or if it is food deprivation?

7. I'm glad to have Patrick back on Multiply. I don't like it when you make a friend and they disappear! (I know, real life gets in the way sometimes!)

8. Susan has me thinking about vacations now. I don't know what we're going to do this summer. My church has asked if I'll lead a group on a mission tripto New Mexico. And it has been 4 years since I've been to the beach so I'd like to sneak in a trip there. I don't know if there is enough time or money to do it all.

9. Almost time to cook dinner. We're having chicken and mushrooms.

10. The dog is driving me crazy. But then I read all that Kat goes through with her animals and I think I can handle this one. For now.


  1. 3. Why is it that the kid feels sick on the first day back at school? I think it is psychological.

    yes :)
    my 2 are under the weather, 1 should have gone to work and 1 to college

    6. I have a headache this afternoon- wonder if I have what Savannah has or if it is food deprivation?

    strange, I got a headache this afternoon too [and don't usually get them]
    I think I worked out about an hour ago it's from strong coughing

    9. Almost time to cook dinner. We're having chicken and mushrooms.

    it's nearly 11pm here in England
    I cooked beef stew earlier as it's snowy artic conditions here

  2. 3. I feel the same way every Monday.

    4. Me too!

    5. I've given up trying to lose weight.

    6. Both?

    8. Hmmm....Art wants to do a lot this year...and we're having the same thoughts. Will or won't the $ be there?

  3. Who is Patrick and where was he, that he's back? I don't know who Mark Hall or Mac Powell is either...but I do know Patrick Powell. Does that count?

    I want to go to the beach too...and GO TO THE BEACH. So far I have headed that way twice, and never got there, or only for 45 minutes. This year I am going for an entire day or 2 !!! I'm determined.

    Today the dogs have been pretty good. But I know what you mean! Even one ratty dog can be too much.

  4. Patrick is http://earnesttphdthc.multiply.com/. Mark Hall is the lead singer for Casting Crowns and Mac Powell for Third Day- arguably the two best Christian rock bands around right now.

    Let's go to the beach! Hurry up and win the lottery and I'll meet you in SC!

  5. #5 ~ I used to be overweight by roughly 20 lbs too, some years back. AND hated dieting, AND hated exercise! Then I read somewhere (Readers' Digest I think), that if you just walk, briskly, for 45 minutes a day, you'll lose weight and keep it off. You don't even have to do the 45 minutes in one go ~ I just started walking to and from work every day, and lost what I needed to gradually and permanently

    But then, that was in Liverpool, where walking anywhere wasn't a big deal. Here in Thornville, I can't even walk to the local grocery store!

  6. 1. I have decided. Mark Hall. I still have tears in my eyes from watching "I Am Yours" at Riete's blog.
    8. New Mexico and the beach. God will bless you. Do them both.

  7. 1. Josh Groban.

    2. Amen!

    3. Psychological. And all in her head. (just kidding :D )

    4. I believe it!

    5. Join a dodgeball rec team with your son.

    6. Its...uh...um...I dunno.

    7. Yay Patrick!

    8. I hate that feeling.

    9. YUM!!!! Did you say mushrooms??

    10. The dogs in the movie "Up" had me rolling tonight!!
