Sunday, January 17, 2010

Another Busy Sunday

Today has been super-busy. Started out with church this morning- I went and helped set up for children's worship before attending the contemporary service. Then we had a great children's worship- the story today was the story of the Lost Son (or the Prodigal Son, however you were taught it.) Only today, the focus was on the son. Usually we talk about the forgiveness of the father, but the point today was in our repentance and in our acceptance of the forgiveness.

I met Scott for lunch after church to catch up. We've both been asked to take the Lay Speaker training that the Methodist Church offers through the district. I have our forms to mail tomorrow- the pastor had to sign them at church today. That is going to take up Monday nights in February but should be faith-building. I'm looking forward to being stretched a bit.

I did sit down and read for about an hour this afternoon before the girl had to be at basketball practice. I don't like it when teams practice on Sunday, because we're so busy anyway. But today wasn't too bad- at least she doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. I, however, have to go to work!

I had my Beth Moore Bible study tonight. That's her pictured above. She is just incredible! This is the second week of our study on Daniel. How she has ever managed to pull so much information together and present it in an entertaining and understandable way is beyond me. I already feel like I have learned a lot- and we have ten weeks to go.

So I'm tired and ready to go to bed. I know, it isn't even 9pm yet. But I might just head that way soon.


  1. Thanks Janeen. You write so incredibly well. I mean when you do decide to write. I used to go to a pentecostal church many years ago but never really got anywhere. I was brought up as a Catholic but again even as a child, I never really believed. We have no power today until lunchtime so maybe this morning I will clean some windows for a couple of hours and use the inverter for the remaining time. Take care Janeen

  2. Oh.. in Texas.. that is ONE time.. the kids NEVER have practice of ANY sport.. for ANY reason.

  3. Thanks for saying I write well, Dai. I do write a lot in my job. Maybe that is why I don't write too much here. I am trying to do better, though. I know several Catholics who have a hard time with belief. Maybe it is the intricate system of prayer that they follow. I enjoy my direct link to God!

    Cherei, it used to be like that here. I can't believe it is changing! This is still the Bible Belt, you know!

  4. They won't stop.. unless.. folks PROTEST.. so.. make a call.. and say.. HEY.. WTH??

  5. This is interfering with YOUR child's right to FREEDOM of RELIGION. Speak up.

  6. Normally I don't let her go... but normally she has praise band practice on Sunday afternoon. They didn't have it this week and she wanted to play. I'm thinking seriously about taking back the Sabbath! That day of rest is a good thing!

  7. Why do you have a photo of Kathy Lee Gifford up there?

  8. *sigh* I should have read all the way to the bottom before asking. Duh. She looks like KLG.

  9. I hadn't noticed that before! She does! Maybe it is her Texas accent that makes the difference.

  10. You communicate so well, speaking should be a piece of cake. It will stretch you, but something tells me you have the gift.

  11. Yea I agree too...Sunday is for getting FED and Worship and Rest. Tah heck with practice!! I love Beth Moore studys too =)

  12. The Netherlands is still quite "conservative" in not having sport practice on Sunday. We do have games on Sunday though, but recently people are talking about having them on Saturday. And for kids all games are on Saturday anyway.

    A Lady Speaker training, that sounds great! I'm sure you'll be stretched but I'm also sure you'll do great!!

  13. I'll have to google that woman in the picture.

    I was VERY pleased to read this blog! Now I know what happens on Sundays with you!! This is good...very good. Keep on posting.
