Monday, January 25, 2010

Sick Monday and a Workout Schedule

No, I'm not sick, but the girl has had a fever for three days now. Doc says it is a virus, most likely the flu. Of course I took her today and by day 3, tamiflu doesn't work. She does have a prescription for cough syrup which is good since she has been coughing so much she says her abs hurt.

So we're home tonight having movie night. Well, she is having movie night and I'm on the computer. I'm not much for watching a movie more than, say, five times! (Now if I could talk he into watching The Pacifier again, at least I could sit and stare at Vin Diesel!)

I'm really hoping she feels like going to school at some point tomorrow. My mom kept her today and will do so again tomorrow. I'm skipping Body Pump tonight because I don't want to leave her alone, but I did get to go by the gym and get on the elliptical for 30 minutes. And looking at my schedule this week, it seems that I won't get to do Pump again until Saturday. Instead, I want to try Body Flow on Wednesday night. (Yes Leece- they do have it!) And I have time for Zumba on Thursday. Mixing it up is probably good- keep my body guessing!


  1. Yepper, good plan for keeping the body guessing. Smart lady. :) Hope your kiddo feels better. And I hope this isn't your medicine cabinet .. because I can't imagine this being any person I know having a neat and empty cabinet like this! hehe.

  2. Shoot, my medicine cabinet probably has everything BUT medicine in it. The medicine is in one of the kitchen cabinets! Closer by that way!

  3. Give her a half a cup of vinegar. Or if she is tough enough, 1/4 cup of warm Cayenne water.

  4. I always hate it when my kids are sick - feel so helpless. At least you are sticking with it one way or the other. Bravo!

  5. It's all I can do to get her to take the prescription cough syrup! I tried to get her to do honey and lemon last night and she wouldn't!

  6. Oh.. if she has the flu.. no.. she won't be ready for a few days... this year's flu.. knocks you down and out. And, this one.. is a killer... so, no messing around. I am VERY serious about that.. you watch her like a hawk. Ms.E on my list.. can tell you how fast.. her neighbor's son.. died.. in just a short time.. and he was a VERY healthy active kid.. no prior health issues. NONE. If she has the swine flu.. there's no pushing her.. she's a VERY sick little kid. Baby the crap outta her.. she needs REST.. and toss the homework.. she is probably too ill to do it anyhow.

    If she can handle it.. a warm NOT hot bath.. not a lot of soap.. and no washing hair.. that'll keep her from getting dehydrated. The steam may help her breathe a bit. Get her some peppermint candy.. to suck on.. THAT is something she'll probably take. Mountain dew tasted ok.. everything else sucked.

    When Steve got this one.. this year.. this man.. in the decades we've been together.. had never taken but a few sick days... EVER.. But.. this time.. he went to bed.. and didn't get back out.. for TEN DAYS. I had to take him to the doctor.. he needed massive antibiotics.. for THREE WEEKS. An inhaler too..

    No.. this is NOT the bug you're used to from the past.. where you work through it.. it isn't. We've seen many deaths in San Antonio. It got so bad here.. for a while.. that they even had tent hospitals. I'm NOT kidding. Take this one.. SERIOUSLY!

  7. I'm sorry she's been sick. I hope that she gets better soon. It sucks when you keep coughing so much your abs hurt. Been there done that.

    Though I have to giggle at the k-y jelly in this medicine cabinet.

  8. I used to have a friend that taught Zumba, and I really wanted to try it, but there's no one around here that teaches it. That and the fibromyalgia is acting up again, so I'd be limping around the floor to the beat, lol! Always looked like fun ~

  9. I had to go back and look at the cabinet again...K-Y?? hahaha.

    I really hate when my kids are sick...even now. I worry about Erin more than the other 2, because I can't check on him. And he's male - "nothing wrong" sorta guy. At least if he was within reach I could doctor him whether he thought he was ok or not.

    Zumba looks like fun kinda. I have a feeling my knee wouldn't agree. Fibro doesn't help one bit either.

    Guess what's missing again? Yup...My cold coin. Loki has been in the bathroom in my jewelry cup. I'll find it. That darn cat.

  10. What's Zumba What's Zumba ?

    From the title of your blog I was all ready to think all that working out you are doing has made you ill. i wanted to believe that at any rate. I will use any excuse i'm sure to save everyone elses ;)

  11. Zumba is a Latin dance aerobics class! Way fun!

    Savannah isn't better today, so I decided to run her by the minute clinic. Maybe it is mother's intuition, or maybe I hate it when you pay the doctor to have them say "just let it run its course." Her fever is gone but she has the most horrible cough I've heard. Thanks to a nurse practitioner, who diagnosed the onset of bronchitis, we have an inhaler and some cough pills. I hope this is just what she needed!

  12. Zumba does sound fun !

    Hope Savannah feels better soon.

    Minute Clinic ? lol Sounds like what I am used to calling Doc-in-a-Box.
