Friday, January 29, 2010

Tell me this is wrong! They're predicting 8-12 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow! And a low tomorrow night of 10. This is the south, people!


  1. this is soooooooooooooooooooo Wrong................ we've got tickets to a play in Durham on Sunday..... I am used to lots of snow, and driving in it.... but the roads have to be prepped!

  2. I have tickets to Wicked in Greenville, SC tomorrow... I called the Pease center and they won't cancel for weather. Don't know if I'll get to go or not- it isn't looking good!

  3. we're gonna see Mamma Mia at Durham Performing Arts Center..... they won't cancel either..... hope you make it to your show!.....

  4. I hope you make yours, too! How bad is it supposed to get there?

  5. If the performers aren't there before the place gets shout down, they don't really have much of an option

  6. That's true. I don't know where the performers stay. Downtown Greenville has several hotels and this is the traveling Broadway production, so I imagine they'd be staying in one close by. They can probably walk (or ski) to the venue.

  7. Yeah, I'm really seeing signs of that all over!

  8. this is my first winter in NC..... they say 6 to 12..... we'll see... I just hope we don't lose power.....

  9. We are getting snow now, after getting sleet and freezing rain all morning. I think I am in for the evening for now. Unless, Amy wants me to go get something.

  10. It usually only snows 1 or 2- I get skeptical when they start talking 12.....

  11. I'd get skeptical too. About getting out of my driveway

  12. You're a good hubby, Scott. I'm making one more trip out today and getting anything I think I'm going to need for the next couple of days- which isn't much. I'm sure all the bread and milk are gone already!

  13. This is the south- you just wait for it to melt.

  14. You wait for it to melt here, you better have a month's supply of food laid in

  15. Sounds about right!! You wanted a white Christmas.. right?? Well, you know the post office.. they JUST got your wish delivered!! lmao!

  16. send it up here! I bought a load of wood and the next week it was 60 degs out. You might try doing that - in the mean time, better make sure everyone has gloves and a shovel:) Have fun Dish!

  17. whether or not the snow comes - it's still plain WRONG !

  18. Blame el nino...

    and be thankful it's snow and not the ice storms some are getting!!

  19. I'm very happy to share the white stuff with you all down there.

  20. Amen to that! I like my power, and heat!

    Yes Dai, I am spoiled. I don't know how you do it.

  21. Meanie!

    And I love the snow- it is so pretty. This is a wet snow and it is already stuck to every tree branch and limb with about an inch on the ground. It is the 10 degrees I don't want!

  22. Meanie!

    And I love the snow- it is so pretty. This is a wet snow and it is already stuck to every tree branch and limb with about an inch on the ground. It is the 10 degrees I don't want!

  23. It is south- came through Oklahoma and on up through the south. That's usually when we get socked in!

  24. Be thankful you are not in a place where it stays cold, so that the snow sticks around for a month or more. Yuck!

  25. I am with shenry, what if you were in yankee country? You know that is up near the North pole. Stays lots colder up there than down here in GOD's country and the south. :)

  26. Scott and Steve, that's why North Carolina is my home!

  27. In Oklahoma, we do have tornadoes, hot summers, cold winters, but, usually not this much snow anymore.

    I think we can say "THANK YOU GLOBAL WARMING"!!!!!
