Monday, January 18, 2010

Thirteen Questions from the Hawaiian Blue

1. What makes you happy? My daughter. Seeing other people happy. Watching people play like children and just enjoy life!

2. What are you interested in? Learning. I love to know new things! Right now I'm interested in my Daniel study because I know I'm going to get a really good Babylonian history lesson!

3. What are you good at? Writing, creating, and music.

4. What's your "guilty pleasure"? York peppermint patties! I could eat an entire bag at once. I have to restrain myself to one every now and then, though.

5. Where do you like to be? This is a hard question! I love to be home in the bed under my quilt with a book. I love to be at the beach under a warm sun with waves at my feet. I love to be in children's worship jumping up and down with the kids and praising God, I love to be at my kids' ball games cheering them on, I love to be out by the pool by myself with some good music....

6. What do you like to do? Read, play on the computer, catch up with everyone here on Multiply and on Facebook, cook, see new places, go to the mountains, ride my bike, and take a nap!

7. Who do you like hanging out with? My daughter, Scott, my ministry team, the book club girls, and my community chorus friends.

8. What upsets you? Seeing the devastation in Haiti, watching the kids at church whose parents are going through a divorce, watching friends make bad choices, watching my kids make bad choices...

9. What scares you? The thoughts of something happening to one of my kids.

10. Who scares you? No one. Well, maybe Nancy Pelosi!  EEEK!

11. What would make you feel powerful? I don't think I want to feel powerful.

12. What would make you feel safe? I feel safe because Jesus is with me all the time.

13. What makes you laugh? Jeff Dunham jokes; parts of Supernatural; my daughter (she can be really funny) and talking to Kat and Dai about public toilets!


  1. I like to ready your answers Janeen. These things teach us very much about people.

  2. Thanks Dai! And you reminded me of:

    13b. Public toilets!

  3. You say you're good at writing Janeen... as in creative writing, poetry etc? You should blog some, I'd love to read it! I try every now and then myself but I think my Muse fled back to England during the winter of '08....

  4. I agree with you that this is a great way and a fun way to learn more about our online friends!

    Oh yeah, Jeff Dunham makes me laugh too; gotta go add him to my blog, lol ~

  5. hah..the toilets are everyone's highlights.

  6. That was some of the funniest reading I have had in a while; I 'bout fell off my chair I was laffin' so hard! Tears rolling down my face..............

  7. I'm still giggling- the picture in my mind of people 15 feet away with these really long-handled mops....

  8. omg Nancy Pelosi scares me too !!!!!
