Thursday, January 21, 2010

Body Pump Hurts!

I need a big bottle of ibuprophen! I have muscles screaming that I haven't even heard from in years! Part of my new year's resolution to get in better shape entailed joining a class at the gym. Usually I go in the afternoon and just zone out on the elliptical or do the weight rotation. But they offer all kinds of classes and I thought it would be fun to join one.

I went tonight with the idea of going to Zumba. I had done that before and liked it- it is really fun- but with the new year the gym changed times around. I wasn't paying attention and got there almost at the end of the class. The next class was Body Pump so I decided to stay for that instead.

Someone should have told me what this class was! It was all weights, and squats and lunges with weights, and planks and ab work. It was a great class but I'm going to be lucky if I can move in the morning! I think I'll be early next time and try the Zumba again. The instructor told me I should come for Body Attack on Monday night. I feel like my body is going to attack me now if I do any more to it!


  1. ROFL!!! You go easy on yourself Janeen, there'll be nothing left of you! I'd suggest curling up in bed with Thomas Kinclaid. ;)

  2. Only I think I spelled that wrong...
    Anyway,you know what I mean!

  3. If I was there I would be going with you Janeen. I am well out of shape right now. My main problem is being unable to find the healthy foods I want.

  4. heh that's a great pic. Did you change it yesterday ?

  5. I did- Cherei said I should use it as my avatar!

  6. I think I will- after a long hot soaking bath!

  7. I wish there was a work out place with classes nearby.. I need it bad! That Zumba class sounds fun!!

  8. *laughing* at the body attack. haha. I've not done body pump, but I have done body sculpt which sounds about the same. All with hand weights and barbells. Hurt. Pain.

    L-Glutamine. I'm tellin' ya. :)

  9. No thanks. I'll stick to bicycles and basketball. Heyyyyyy, try SPIN classes next.

  10. Hey.. GOOD FOR YOU'!!!!!! You just let YOUR body know.. you're in CHARGE!!!

  11. Who is Thomas Kinclaid I wonder ?????????

  12. I really do want to try a spin class, too! I might try them all and see which ones I like the best!

  13. He is a painter, but he teamed up with this lady to write a series of books. I don't know if he wrote anything or just loaned his name (and the cover art) to the project.

  14. And Sue spelled it wrong (she knew that) - it is Thomas Kincade if you're searching him out!

  15. Body Attack? Does this go with my blog for today?

  16. Ha! I suppose it could, but that would be hard to pull off in a gym!

  17. You're not catching me in spandex in a gym!

  18. So, out of the spandex though is possible

  19. Yeah... and into yoga pants and t-shirts!

  20. I'll stick to walking, I guess ... especially after reading this, LOL!!

  21. I used to do Body Pump at my old gym. I stuck with using very low weights!

    Does your gym do Body Flow too? I used to LOVE that class!

  22. No gain...but IT HURTS..keep your resolution..u will be glad you did in as little as 8 weeks...

  23. I need to do something too. Sitting here reading blogs and eating Cowtails doesn't help.

  24. maybe planting Pines will get you in shape bubbles...LOL

  25. If I know Kat, she's waiting for the spring planting time now!

  26. I'm going to have to plant a forest to get this rear end in shape.

  27. They have machines that plant pines- you might be able to plant a forest and not break a sweat!

  28. well then how will I get into shape??

  29. Running after dogs with tortillas in their mouths?

  30. *laughing* that would do it Kip!! rotten animals.

  31. Be sure to stretch good before going to bed.

  32. Good advice Scott. I know the second day is always worse. I'm also planning to go to Body Pump again in the morning. In for a penny, in for a pound!
