Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pay it Forward (or is that backward?)

I was just going to PM this to Kippy- who will really appreciate it, but it was too good not to share with everyone. I was in line at a fast food place today and when I got to the window, the lady told me that the car in front paid for my food.

"Why?" I asked. "Did she know me?"

The window lady told me no, that actually I was the 7th car in line to have this happen. Someone started it by paying for the person behind them, then that car paid for the person behind them, and so on and so on until it got to me. She was smiling big, obviously enjoying being the bearer of good news to one car after another.

Unfortunately, there was no car behind me to keep it going. But I think I'll try it next time I'm in line- see if we can start it all over again!


  1. That is AWESOME! :D I loooove stories like that. haha.

    I remember the first time I did that, in a McD line. I only do it when I've come into some unexpected money or something, because sometimes those McD bills can get hefty, especially if there's a carload! But I remember the HUGE shocked look and the gasp of "But I don't even know her!" Well, more like a shriek, but it still made me laugh. That kinda stuff just makes my day. :D

    Thanks, Janeen! I'm glad you shared it here instead. What a great way to end 2009, huh? :)

  2. It is really great, Kippy! I've had a couple of neat things happen this week. Met my cousin for supper one night- we get together about once every 10 years- and he insisted on paying, even after knowing that Savannah ordered $20 crab legs! (She had Christmas money, and really likes crab legs!) Anyway at that dinner, we discovered that we both have tickets to the same show on New Year's Eve. Since it's in downtown Charlotte and I was a little worried about walking around down there with no guy around, I'm going to ride with him! So this "once every 10 year" pattern is officially broken!

  3. Wow, that kinda gives me goosebumps, Janeen! I'm so glad to hear it. :D It has been a great week! I hope next year's even better!

  4. That is a great story!! I did that once, paid for the person behind me. As I sat at the next window waiting for my bag, I remember her confused face...and I just smiled to myself as I drove off. The best part - someone on Multiply inspired me to do it! I love this place!

  5. That is simply fantastic!!!!! I love to hear about things like that!

  6. lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's wonderful!

  7. Incredible. I just can't imagine that happening here. But then I can't ever imagine drive-in takeaways here. Hugs for you Janeen from everybody here and Happy New Year !

  8. I read about someone having this idea some time ago ... but it is really happening! Wow, that's amazing!

  9. wow...I just watched the movie "pay it forward". Thought it was a great idea. Boo also posted a blog about it. Excellent Janeen!!

  10. Very neat! It's funny what a blessing it was to the person at the window who got to pass on the good news. Think of how they are telling the story to their friends now.

    My church pastor did this a while ago by buying Starbucks for the employees at Kinkos around here. Then he bought the coffee for the people behind him in line. It snowballed the same way as your situation. Someone on KLOVE caught wind of it as well as many international and national radio stations and he was interviewed many times about it. A friend of his started a pay it forward group on Facebook for him and it drew a huge amount of attention.

  11. THAT'S where I heard it! LOL ... now I remember!

  12. I have heard on AIR1 of people doing that. That would be a great way to bless someone.

  13. I can't wait to see an opportunity to start it again.... Isn't it funny how, when we look for a chance to give, we get so much more! My meal was $3 something, but by the kindness of the person in front of me, that $3 made me more aware of giving to others.

  14. How did they know what to pay? You could have been picking up an order for 30 people...must have been with a credit card? I like details. haha

  15. Kat, when I do this at Starbucks, I just say "put the person behind me's order on there too, please" (on my debit card, usually). Only once have I ever had someone hesitate. He said "Their order came to $15 .. do you still want to?" Well of course I did. :) It could be tricky, which is why I am not quick to do it at fast food places, where the costs can really add up. I'm nice, but not THAT nice. haha. Usually at Starbucks, it's only a few dollars. I remember one time, a lady got my web site off my license plate holder (she had been reading my bumper stickers about how Life Is Good and Abuse an animal, go to jail!) and sent me an email later that day, thanking me for buying her drinks and being almost embarrassed because she'd ordered TWO that day. *shrug and smile* Doesn't matter, it just makes me feel damned good! That day I paid for her order because in the car was her and her two kids ... both with 4 legs. ;) Apparently she goes through the drive-through every day because they give her a little cup of whipped cream as a treat for the dogs. I thought that was sweet. :) Starbucks used to have dog treats they handed out, but like so many places these days, someone complained about the sanitary nature of that, so they can't do it anymore. I like that the folks at this particular drive-thru figured out a way around it. ;)

  16. Well if it is a place like McD's, the car behind has usually already ordered. You can ask how much theirs is and then decide if you want. If it is going in a chain like this, then you just saved whatever yours would have been, anyway. Actually, I feel like I owe someone $3 plus now!

  17. great thing to read
    thanks for sharing it

  18. Wow, I'd never heard of doing that before.

  19. Cool. I think I might do that when I get some money. I'll she was having fun with that. It's always nice to see people being nice, especially when you're working the drive through.
