Sunday, December 13, 2009

Not enjoying my liquid snow today. If it is going to be this cold, it should snow. Oh well, at least it isn't ice!


  1. Hey.. could be worse.. dust storm!

  2. I'd take the liquid snow...well, actually that's what we have...liquid snow also known as freezing rain mixed with icy snow crapulas.

  3. We've had rain on and off all day, but it's been up to 40 degrees! Woohoo!! No doubt our turn for the nasty stuff will come around eventually.
    Stay warm Momma!

  4. We were having rain off and on. Tomorrow we're supposed to have a heat wave, it's supposed to be near 60.

  5. Same here, Sue. Talk about being sick- it's been lows in the 20's highs in the 30's/low 40's all week. 60 tomorrow. Its really foggy right now, too!

  6. We keep getting rain/freezing rain. Tomorrow it's going to be in the 40s...actually, for most of next week. I know we'll get hit in January with some nasty stuff. Stay warm!

  7. It's foggy here too. Sounds like we've been having similar weather. It warmed up some today but my house stayed cold all day. I crawled back in bed and the cats glued themselves against me so I guess they were cold too. lol My legs are cold now. I think I'm gonna go watch TV in bed.

  8. Sounds like a plan. I'm heading there myself. Nighty night!

  9. Reminds me of the lyrics to an old Mark Heard song, "Some Folks World" (Victims of the Age):

    Rain can ruin your weekend
    Or rain can spare your life
    Depending on who you are and what your thirst is like

  10. That's a good one, Steve. My grandma always recited me this poem:

    As a rule, a man's a fool-
    When it's hot, he wants it cool.
    When it's cool, he wants it hot-
    Always wanting what is not.

  11. And this one:

    Whether the weather be mild or whether the weather be not,
    Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot,
    We'll weather the weather whatever the weather,
    Whether we like it or not.

  12. She was a cute little lady. She had a million little poems. Some were just silly, like:

    I eat my peas with honey,
    I've done it all my life,
    It makes my peas taste funny
    But it keeps them on my knife!

  13. ROFL! What a great way to eat peas! lol!

  14. Your grandma reminds me of Mir's mom. She always had a cute poem and delivered them with a little twinkle in her eyes.
