Friday, December 18, 2009

I see snow! Which in this part of the world in December is unheard of! Yay!


  1. Yeeeeehawwwwww (I know you hear plenty of that)!!!

  2. Yeaaaaaaaaaa!!! The grits made it!

  3. Wow, it just started here too, it was sleeting a little earlier. I noticed on the TV weather forecast last night that they were calling for snow down your way too. You may have a white Christmas yet. Last night they were saying my area might get up to seven inches.

  4. LOL @ Ajax- tell me about it.

    Too funny Cherei! I had grits yesterday- sure hope this stuff doesn't harden like those do!

    And Sue, looks like you're getting a lot more than me. They're saying 1-3 inches here.

  5. I'm happy for you :)

    we had snow here in England yesterday, which may not seem unusual for us, but in recent years it can be, in December.
    The east and south-east have got it bad - we, in the West Midlands, are getting more over the weekend I think...but the temps are predicted to drop to about -5
    [my toolbar temp thing actually says it's -1C and ''feels like'' [because of windchill] -6C
    well, I didn't realise that as I haven't been out and we have central heating

  6. Uh oh, better buy some bottled water and food. ;p

  7. Awesome! Send some my way! We just have rain!
