Friday, December 18, 2009

The Christmas Quiz- lifted from Bill

1) Wrapping paper or gift bags? I like wrapping paper but there are some things that just work better in gift bags.

2) Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. Way less mess!

3) When do you put up the tree? After Thanksgiving

4) When do you take the tree down? After Christmas

5) Do you like eggnog? It's ok.

6) Favorite gift received as a child? Probably the opal ring my parent's bought me for my 16th Christmas.

7) Hardest person to buy for? My stepdad. He's one of those guys that if he needs it, he buys it.

8) Easiest person to buy for? My daughter- she wants everything!

9) Do you have a nativity scene? One full one and part of another (I have the Mary and Joseph from the Willow Tree collection- maybe some nice person will get me the others to go along with these!)

10) Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail is so fun, but I can do email too.

11) Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I really don't remember if there was a worst ever- we usually got things we needed (like underwear and socks) but I don't remember them being bad.

12) Favorite Christmas Movie? Wow- I like them all! Favorite, probably Its a Wonderful Life. And I love the Santa Clause!

13) When do you start shopping for Christmas? November

14) Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No, but I have threatened to. Early on in my grandmother's Altzheimers, when we didn't know what was happening, she would leave gifts in their boxes and hide them. I threatened to re-wrap them and see if she noticed.

15) Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? All the good chocolate treats! Oh, and my mom makes the best party mix with Life cereal.

16) Lights on the tree? Loaded with white lights.

17) Favorite Christmas song? Do You Hear What I Hear?

18) Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home.

19) Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Not according to Trivial Pursuit. There's a question that asks how many reindeer Santa has- I rattled off Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen, and Rudolph. That's nine. The answer was eight!

20)Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel

21) Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We do a gift exchange with the entire family on Christmas Eve, so everyone gets a present, and then open everything else on Christmas morning.

22) Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Rude people crowding in the stores. I swear yesterday must have been "go really slow down the center of the aisle so no one can get by" say at WalMart.

23) Favorite ornament theme or color? I'm a traditional girl, so red and green. But I love that snow blue that is new out this year, it just doesn't fit in my traditional house.

24) Favorite for Christmas dinner? sweet potato souffle!

25) What do you want to do for Christmas this year? Enjoy it with my family and friends


  1. Thats really Nice Janeen I enjoyed reading this!

  2. 5) I absolutely love store bought egg nog poured over the cheapo vanilla ice cream I buy at my grocery store.
    9) I still have the Nativity Scene I bought when I was about 19. I still lived at home with Mom and Dad and worked so I bought a 3ft artificial Christmas tree and a nativity scene for my bedroom.
    24) Yum, have you posted the recipe for that yet? It sounds delicious.

  3. Instead of wrapping paper or those bags, I used quite alot of those decorated shirt boxes and just put a bow on them. Quick and easy...
    What tops my tree? I have a long bow with streamers that tops the tree.
    My tree is blue and silver with some U of Michigan ornaments sprinkled around.
    Thought Rudolph WAS one of Santa's reindeer?
    Yep I have a nativity scene sitting on the floor in front of the tree.

  4. with Life cereal ? Is that like a chex mix ?

  5. hahahaha that's every day at walmart

  6. It is like Chex mix only different- with Life cereal instead of Chex cereal. Life is a little heavier- more like shredded wheat.

  7. This even seemed to be worse than usual. Maybe there were just more people there than usual!

  8. I have a big bow on mine with streamers down it, too! There's just an angel in the middle of the bow! I need to take pictures of my tree now that all the ornaments are here!

  9. Duh, it didn't dawn on me that you said Life instead of Chex. I'll have to look for that recipe online, unless you're going to post it, hint-hint. lol

  10. I'll have to see if I can find it- I make it by guessing. I bet you'll want measurements!

  11. i bet that tastes great cos Life has that cinnamony thing going on

  12. Measurement would be nice but if you can put estimates such as a pinch of this a dab of that I might be able to figure out how to make it. lol

  13. You may want to reduce these portions, but here goes:

    1 stick butter
    1 c. worchestershire sauce
    1 T garlic powder

    Melt the butter and add the other ingredients. Spread cereal, nuts, pretzels (whatever you want to use- we use Life, Cheerios, peanuts, pecans, and pretzels) in baking pans and drizzle mixture over (I like to use a pastry brush to get it more even.) Put the pans in a warm oven (170 degrees) and stir every 15 minutes. They should be done in an hour and a half. Note- nuts may get done sooner so it is best to put them in a separate pan.

  14. Elvis is on top of our tree this year.. cause the damn kid.. is taller than me.. and thought it would be "funny" to put it there.. and he won't take it down. CRETIN.

  15. LOL- Blue Christmas came on the other day and the girl said "eww... turn it... that guy can't sing!" No respect for the king!

  16. You and my youngest.. NEED HELP. I mean it.. REAL HELP. We had to spend an entire day at Graceland.. cause we are STILL the bestest parents on the planet.

  17. I'm not that bad Never been to Graceland. I don't get the allure, really. But it was funny to hear her go "Elvis who?" But she did that with Springsteen, too... that, I will have to get her for!

  18. I did this survey last Christmas. I may have to re-post!

    I always love learning more about my friends!
