Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Clean Cabin Fever

I haven't been out of the house since 5pm Friday. The entire house is clean- top to bottom. Today I finished putting away laundry. I even matched every sock in the house. Well, ok, so I threw away all the socks that didn't have mates. But my sock basket is empty!

Savannah was at my mom's and my brother-in-law offered to go get her. He has 4WD and was probably looking for a good excuse to get out and drive. Of course, she is now at his house with my niece. They've already canceled school for tomorrow so that's really a good thing. I'll probably see if I can slide into work at some point.

I thought of Riete today when I went looking for salt to put at the entrance to the garage. All I could find was lavender bath salt! My driveway is at least going to smell good!

I even cleaned Savannah's room today. I mean CLEAN. As in went through all her drawers, threw a lot of things away, and dusted! I didn't realize that the last time her room was dusted had to be right before Lincoln took office! ICK! She was excited when I told her. She likes to have a clean room but she hates to clean it.

I think one more day and I'd really have cabin fever. As it is, it has been really lonely here this evening. I couldn't figure out what to have for supper. I pretty much snacked my way through this weekend. Tuna sandwiches, sausage biscuits, and hummus and crackers (I love red pepper hummus!) Anyway, I was watching Cake Boss on TLC and he was making pizza. I never eat pizza. But it looked good. So I made a homemade pizza with onions, red peppers, and hamburger. I also opened a bottle of wine that I had on hand. I don't drink much but tonight, pizza and red wine just seemed to be the perfect thing.

I am almost ready to head to bed- which has clean sheets on it! Yeah, I don't know if much around here isn't clean. Brandon's room, but then I'd need a haz mat suit to go in there!

Beth Moore.wmv

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Blog for a Snowy Day

Yes, it does snow in the south! Not too often, but every now and then God grants us a couple of days of a winter wonderland. There's about 4 inches of snow with about an inch of sleet on top. Great day to stay indoors!

Well, I had tickets to Wicked in Greenville.... not going, obviously. But I had taken Savannah to my mom's just in case they were wrong about the snow- which happens a lot around here. So she is stranded there for now (I don't hear her complaining, the last I talked to her they were baking bread!) and I'm stranded here.

I started out in the shower this morning. After I picked up the 4th bottle of shampoo that only had a little left in it, I got on a cleaning kick. Kids don't ever throw things away! I filled up half of the outside bin with trash! I took the time to go through all the bottles of things on the vanity, under the vanity, on the tub, in the shower, and kept going. Decided to clean out my makeup basket and all the drawers, too.

That seemed to take me to the kitchen for more of the same. So now my junk drawers are organized. The dishes are all done AND put away (that never happens) and the counters are all scrubbed clean. I even threw some old moldy things out of the fridge. Laundry stayed going all day (where does the girl get all these clothes? Her pile is twice as high as mine!) and I even dusted in the living room.

I'm tired! And a little bored. There is never anything on TV when I want there to be. I did my Beth Moore Bible study and my reading for my class that starts on Monday. I'm procrastinating on my SOAP study for now- saving something to do in a little bit.

And since I'm here all by myself, I have to figure out supper. I guess I'll go see what leftovers in the freezer look good. I have a book I haven't started yet, so maybe I'll thaw some soup and sit in front of the fire and read. I've already heard that they canceled church for tomorrow so I guess I'll have another snow day!

Laundry's done, kitchen is clean, bathroom is clean.... not as much fun of a day as I had planned. But at least I can see snow!


Not quite 8 inches, but it looks like around 4. It has turned to sleet now. I'm staying in and enjoying a snow day. So much for Wicked!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You Can Teach an Old Dog

I'm starting a class on Lay Speaking on Monday night. I've been wanting to do something that is out of my box- and this may just be it! They sent a big packet of information yesterday that contained a list of things to bring and our workbook. We're supposed to read the first session before Monday night. I thought I'd read through it quickly but after awhile, I realized that session one is longer than I thought! I'll finish it in a little bit.

For those who don't know (and I really didn't, either) the Methodist church offers training for Lay Speakers. This doesn't mean they're training me to talk in front of the church, but it is a chance to recognize your spiritual gifts for work in the church. Each session guides you through a reflection on the areas of leading, caring, communicating, and spreading the love of Christ in the world.

There is an advanced level that I may take after I take this basic course. That allows more options to serve in the Methodist conference, not just at my church. We'll see about that later- it isn't like I don't have enough in my schedule now, but it may open some doors. It is definitely going to teach me something!

I'm firmly in week 3 of my Beth Moore Bible study on Daniel. It has been very enlightening so far. I just love learning new things!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday Ten- Around and Around

1. Girls with bronchitis are not fun to live with. At least she is feeling a little better, but honestly, the constant coughing gets on my nerves! That's one reason I took her to the Minute Clinic today- to see if they had something for the cough. Good thing, because otherwise I wouldn't have known she has bronchitis!

2- I am on a committee for our community chorus to plan a fundraiser for the group. We're looking into having a casino night. I've never planned anything like this before so if any of you have, I'd love to know what you did! Or if you've ever gone to one, what did you like about it? What didn't you like?

3- I got to wear jeans to work today! I don't think that, in the 10 years I've been there, I've ever worn jeans. But we were cleaning out the attic. I earned the right to wear these jeans today. The attic is a catch-all for things that don't have a home. It is probably 20' x 40' and had one little pathway down the middle of it. Thanks to six of us, it is now neat and orderly and a LOT of things hit the dumpster!

4- I got the materials for my class next month. Holy cow, there's a lot of reading to do before Monday. The note said read session one... by the 25th page I was wondering how much longer session one was! (32 pages, I looked!) But this is going to be a really neat class.

5- I'm excited about trying something new. A class is just what I need!

6- So is a new class at the gym. Thanks to Leece (thanks Leece!) I found out my gym has a flow class. That's yoga, Tai Chi, and pilates all put together. Sounds a lot like the Miranda Esmonde Classical Stretch I used to love! (I have 2 of her DVD's but it got pretty old.) Maybe it will be all new again!

7. I think I got a lot of attic dust up my nose today. I'm sneezing! I hope I didn't catch Savannah's bug!

8. I have a friend who is making some not-so-good choices right now. I asked a few of my Christian friends what they would do. It is hard to confront someone but I know (or I'm at least pretty sure) that she will look back on this and be very ashamed of herself. I don't know if she'll thank me in the long run or if she'll stop being my friend. I know I should confront her and let God work it out.... but it is hard!

9. I'm really ready for spring. Enough of the cold and wet and wind. Or at least it could snow- then I might want winter to hang on a little more.

10. Why is it that when there's nothing to do, there is nothing to do for days and weeks. And when I'm busy, I'm busy every night of the week for weeks? Can't there be something in between?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sick Monday and a Workout Schedule

No, I'm not sick, but the girl has had a fever for three days now. Doc says it is a virus, most likely the flu. Of course I took her today and by day 3, tamiflu doesn't work. She does have a prescription for cough syrup which is good since she has been coughing so much she says her abs hurt.

So we're home tonight having movie night. Well, she is having movie night and I'm on the computer. I'm not much for watching a movie more than, say, five times! (Now if I could talk he into watching The Pacifier again, at least I could sit and stare at Vin Diesel!)

I'm really hoping she feels like going to school at some point tomorrow. My mom kept her today and will do so again tomorrow. I'm skipping Body Pump tonight because I don't want to leave her alone, but I did get to go by the gym and get on the elliptical for 30 minutes. And looking at my schedule this week, it seems that I won't get to do Pump again until Saturday. Instead, I want to try Body Flow on Wednesday night. (Yes Leece- they do have it!) And I have time for Zumba on Thursday. Mixing it up is probably good- keep my body guessing!

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Single Friday Night

I'm really proud of what I accomplished today. My laptop died and needed a new hard drive. I decided that heck, if it was dead anyway, how bad could I hurt it? So I got a new hard drive and an operating system from a friend who works on computers and installed it all myself! I'm typing on it now! Yay me! (The only thing I have to figure out is the sound- it says there is no sound card installed.... that's tomorrow's problem!)

I doubt there are too many of you out there who don't know that I'm divorced. I also haven't dated since my divorce- which means I haven't dated since 1993! Yikes! That's fine, I figure when God is ready for me to date someone He'll send him along.

My church is trying to get a single's ministry started. I have been wanting to do this for a couple of years now but have too many other things going on already. (I'm lay leader, children's worship music leader, community chorus leader, and I lead a Bible study. Not looking to lead something else at this point.) But God sent along a wonderful lady who has a real passion for this ministry, so I'm going to support her in it as she leads it!

We had our first interest meeting tonight and had 8 women and 2 men show up. (The men really liked those odds!) There are another 10 people who have expressed an interest in joining, too, so we're off to a good start. We made Valentine's plans to get together and also planned another meeting. This could be a really fun group to get to know.

It's almost 9:30pm and I've had my contacts in way too long now. They're really starting to hurt so when I finish this, I'm going to take them out. And speaking of hurt, I don't feel as bad today after my gym class last night as I thought I would. I'm planning to take that same class again in the morning. Might do the spin class beforehand to get some cardio in, too.

As for what else I've done today, not much. Moved the Wii into the entertainment center. That took 30 minutes because I had to clean that side of the cabinet out! I did have the Wii in the basement but the kids hate going down there in the winter. Even with the heat on, the cement floor is REALLY cold! So they moved it back up to the living room. Of course, when kids move things it isn't always done well. So for several months, the remote chargers have been in the floor, the guitar is in the floor, the Wii Fit board is in the floor. To get it all in the cabinet I had to do a major cleanout. I figure those 15 VHS tapes I threw away that were unmarked don't have a purpose anymore! (Since I haven't had a VCR in about 3 years now!) It is all packed away nicely and at least one corner of the room is clutter-free. I guess I'll start on another corner tomorrow- there are plenty left!

The girl is at a sleepover at church tonight, so I'm off to take out the contacts and find a good book to read. Think I'll turn the fire on, too. Y'all have a good night!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Body Pump Hurts!

I need a big bottle of ibuprophen! I have muscles screaming that I haven't even heard from in years! Part of my new year's resolution to get in better shape entailed joining a class at the gym. Usually I go in the afternoon and just zone out on the elliptical or do the weight rotation. But they offer all kinds of classes and I thought it would be fun to join one.

I went tonight with the idea of going to Zumba. I had done that before and liked it- it is really fun- but with the new year the gym changed times around. I wasn't paying attention and got there almost at the end of the class. The next class was Body Pump so I decided to stay for that instead.

Someone should have told me what this class was! It was all weights, and squats and lunges with weights, and planks and ab work. It was a great class but I'm going to be lucky if I can move in the morning! I think I'll be early next time and try the Zumba again. The instructor told me I should come for Body Attack on Monday night. I feel like my body is going to attack me now if I do any more to it!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Look Ma! No Glasses!

Well this may be the most boring blog ever. I can't imagine what I'm even going to say. I don't have anything to even whine about (so Whiny Wednesday will have to wait for another week, Katl) I can't see too well but I'm trying to get used to these contacts. I really like them other than the fact that I have to wear reading glasses with them! I do like having the choice to not wear glasses if I want to. I think it makes me look different, though. That's something to get used to!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Support UMCOR in Haiti
Samuel Dixon, Executive Director of UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) died in the earthquake in Haiti. Two other board members were trapped 55 hours in a collapsed hotel. UMCOR has resolved that 100% of donations to Haiti will go to the cause- no administrative costs will be taken out.

Tuesday Ten- All Day

1. I wonder sometimes what things I say that drive my kids crazy? Kippy reminded me of "is it Friday? All day long!" And I know Brandon gets peeved when he tells me he needs a haircut and I say "better have them cut more than one!" It is so fun messing with the kids! Not that they're not silly, too- that's one of Savannah's self-portraits above!

2. I went to the eye doctor yesterday for my annual exam. Good news is my eyes haven't changed so I don't need new lenses! So I asked about contacts. I wore contacts pretty much from age 20 to age 40. Then they got really uncomfortable and I went back to glasses full time. I would like to have a pair of contacts to go swimming, skiing, boating... things that glasses don't work well for. Considering I have something like 20/300 vision, it would be nice to see while doing those things. So I have had a pair in today. Not too uncomfortable, but I can tell they've been in for a bit. Other bad thing is that since I have "over 40" eyes, if I want to wear the contacts I need reading glasses. So I'm typing this from across the room right now, and it is still a little blurry!

3. I'm making spaghetti for supper. I haven't had any for a long time, mainly because I don't want to give up calories on pasta. Well tonight I'm cooking my first spaghetti squash! Wish me luck- and let's hope it tastes like pasta!

4. I wonder how much a dumpster costs? I am about tired of the after-Christmas clutter in the house and am ready to throw lots of things away! Maybe this is just getting me ready for spring cleaning!

5. It sure feels like spring today. Highs in the low 60's! After weeks of sub-freezing temperatures, I was outside in a t-shirt!

6. Feeling like spring makes me want to plan a vacation! Especially after watching the move of the "Nights in Roadanthe" house, I want to go to the beach. I haven't been in 4 years and it is only a 4 hour drive! Now, who to go with... where to stay... what will it cost?

7. My laptop died and it needs a new hard drive. Which means it also needs a re-load of an operating system. I have a new hard drive on the way but I'm wondering if I can find a Windows XP system to put on it. That is what it had but considering that it is several years old, I have no idea where the discs are.

8. I wish I was skinny. Or at least not fat. Susan had another doll come in the mail today and I made the comment that I wish I could just order a new body! I don't hate my body, just my stomach. It is the first place I gain and the last place I lose. Grrr. I did go to the gym today, so I'm trying to get back to a schedule that works. I'm just too busy to find a time that is consistent.

9. It has been really quiet here, for here, anyway. Patrick disappeared again, Kat isn't on at night much, and no one is blogging like they used to. Since I can only change me, I decided to do just that! So I've blogged several days in a row. It is actually fun! I really forgot how good it is to get things out of your head sometimes.

10. I feel like I'm at some sort of crossroads in my life. I don't know why. Just like things have stalled and I'm looking around trying to figure out which direction to go in. I'm not dissatisfied with anything, just don't feel like I'm accomplishing things. Maybe this class that I'm taking in February will help some of that. It will open doors for me to do some new things which I'm really excited about. And it will challenge me, which is good, too.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Thirteen Questions from the Hawaiian Blue

1. What makes you happy? My daughter. Seeing other people happy. Watching people play like children and just enjoy life!

2. What are you interested in? Learning. I love to know new things! Right now I'm interested in my Daniel study because I know I'm going to get a really good Babylonian history lesson!

3. What are you good at? Writing, creating, and music.

4. What's your "guilty pleasure"? York peppermint patties! I could eat an entire bag at once. I have to restrain myself to one every now and then, though.

5. Where do you like to be? This is a hard question! I love to be home in the bed under my quilt with a book. I love to be at the beach under a warm sun with waves at my feet. I love to be in children's worship jumping up and down with the kids and praising God, I love to be at my kids' ball games cheering them on, I love to be out by the pool by myself with some good music....

6. What do you like to do? Read, play on the computer, catch up with everyone here on Multiply and on Facebook, cook, see new places, go to the mountains, ride my bike, and take a nap!

7. Who do you like hanging out with? My daughter, Scott, my ministry team, the book club girls, and my community chorus friends.

8. What upsets you? Seeing the devastation in Haiti, watching the kids at church whose parents are going through a divorce, watching friends make bad choices, watching my kids make bad choices...

9. What scares you? The thoughts of something happening to one of my kids.

10. Who scares you? No one. Well, maybe Nancy Pelosi!  EEEK!

11. What would make you feel powerful? I don't think I want to feel powerful.

12. What would make you feel safe? I feel safe because Jesus is with me all the time.

13. What makes you laugh? Jeff Dunham jokes; parts of Supernatural; my daughter (she can be really funny) and talking to Kat and Dai about public toilets!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Another Busy Sunday

Today has been super-busy. Started out with church this morning- I went and helped set up for children's worship before attending the contemporary service. Then we had a great children's worship- the story today was the story of the Lost Son (or the Prodigal Son, however you were taught it.) Only today, the focus was on the son. Usually we talk about the forgiveness of the father, but the point today was in our repentance and in our acceptance of the forgiveness.

I met Scott for lunch after church to catch up. We've both been asked to take the Lay Speaker training that the Methodist Church offers through the district. I have our forms to mail tomorrow- the pastor had to sign them at church today. That is going to take up Monday nights in February but should be faith-building. I'm looking forward to being stretched a bit.

I did sit down and read for about an hour this afternoon before the girl had to be at basketball practice. I don't like it when teams practice on Sunday, because we're so busy anyway. But today wasn't too bad- at least she doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. I, however, have to go to work!

I had my Beth Moore Bible study tonight. That's her pictured above. She is just incredible! This is the second week of our study on Daniel. How she has ever managed to pull so much information together and present it in an entertaining and understandable way is beyond me. I already feel like I have learned a lot- and we have ten weeks to go.

So I'm tired and ready to go to bed. I know, it isn't even 9pm yet. But I might just head that way soon.

Memo from God

…I already gave you the Ten Commandments. Keep them. But follow these guidelines, also.

1. Quit Worrying

Life has dealt you a blow and all you do is sit and worry. Have you forgotten that I am here to take all your burdens and carry them for you? Or do you just enjoy fretting over every little thing that comes your way?

2. Put It On The List

Something needs to be done or taken care of, put it on the list. No, not your list. Put it on MY to-do-list. Let me be the one to take care of the problem. I can’t help you until you turn it over to me. And although my –to-do-list is long, I am after all, God. I can take care of anything you put into my hands. In fact, if the truth were ever really known, I take care of a lot of things for you that you never even realized.

3. Trust Me

Once you’ve given your burdens to me, quit trying to take them back. Trust in me. Have the faith that I will take care of all your needs, your problems and your trials. Problems with the kids? Put them on my list. Problem with finances? Put it on my list. Problems with your emotional roller coaster? For my sake, put it on my list. I want to help you. All you have to do is ask.

4. Leave It Alone

Don’t wake up one morning and say, “Well, I’m feeling much stronger now, I think I can handle it from here.” Why do you think you are feeling stronger now? It’s simple. You gave me your burdens and I’m taking care of them. I also renew your strength and cover you in my peace. Don’t you know that if I give you these problems back, you will be right back where you started. Leave them with me and forget about them. Just let me do my job.

5. Talk To Me

I want you to forget a lot of things. Forget what was making you crazy. Forget the worry and the fretting because you know I’, in control. But there’s one thing I pray you never forget. Please don’t forget to talk to me- Often! I love you. I want to hear your voice. I want you to include me in on the things going on in your life. I want to hear you talk about your friends and family. Prayer is simply you having a conversation with me. I want to be your dearest friend.

6. Have Faith

I see a lot of things from up here that you can’t see from where you are. Have faith in me that I know what I’m doing. Trust me, you wouldn’t want the view from my eyes. I will continue to care for you, watch over you, and meet your needs. You only have to trust me. Although I have a much bigger task than you, it seems as if you have so much trouble just doing your simple part. How hard can trust be?

7. Share

You were taught to share when you were only two years old. When did you forget? The rule still applies. Share with those who are less fortunate than you. Share your joy with those who need encouragement. Share your laughter with those who haven’t heard any in such a long time. Share your tears with those who have forgotten how to cry. Share your faith with those who have none.

8. Be Patient

I managed to fix it so in just one lifetime you could have so many diverse experiences. You grow from a child to an adult, have children, change jobs many times, learn many trades, travel to so many places, meet thousands of people, and experience so much. How can you be so impatient then when it takes me a little longer than you expect to handle something on my to-do-list? Trust in my timing, for my timing is perfect. Just because I created the entire universe in only six days everyone thinks I should always rush, rush, rush.

9. Be Kind

Be kind to others, for I love them just as much as I love you. They may not dress like you, or talk like you, or live the same way you do, but I still love you all. Please try to get along, for my sake. I created each of you different in some way. It would be too boring if you were all identical. Please know I love each of your differences.

10. Love Yourself

As much as I love you, how can you not love yourself? You were created by me for one reason only—to be loved, and to love in return. I am a God of Love. Love me. Love your neighbors. But also love yourself. It makes my heart ache when I see you so angry with yourself when things go wrong. You are very precious to me. Don’t ever forget that! With all my heart, I love you. GOD

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blurry Belmont Abbey Basketball

This is Brandon's first college game that I could get to (only the third he has played so that isn't too bad. The bad part is I can't figure out a setting on my little camera that will take a fast shutter and still let in enough light. The pictures are ok if no one is moving!

This was a fun one....shatched from Cherei

1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Pee!

2. Have you ever had a reoccurring dream and if so what is it like to have those? I have never really had a recurring dream. Some seem to have the same theme but are different dreams.

3. What is your favorite meal for breakfast? Grits, eggs, and bacon! That's what I just had this morning.

4. What is your worst /best habit? Worst...probably putting my fingers in my mouth (I'm trying to do better with all the germs going around!) and best... drinking water all the time.

5. What is your number one priority in life? To raise this girl to be the best Christian she can be.

6. If you could had a choice of a life filled with ambition and achievement over a life of leisure and luxury which would you choose? It is my ambition to live a life of leisure and luxury- and travel a lot!

7. When you are in a fight with someone do you place blame first or do you realize that you are a part of the blame? I can usually see both sides of a situation, even if I am in it. Don't get in too many fights, though, unless you count wrestling with teenagers!

8. What is your favorite thing to do when you have nothing to do? Read or get on the computer

9. What does your favorite outfit consist of? spandex

10. If you had 10 bucks left to your name and you met a child who had just been through a house fire and lost everything…what would you do? Take them to my church who would be able to help them far better than I!

11. How important is religion to you based on your background and upbringing? God is number one on my list. I am fortunate to belong to a church where it is more about Him than about rules and dogma.

12. If you could be anywhere else in the world right now but where you are, where would that be and why? I'm dreaming about the Galapagos Islands right now!

13. Who was the last person that you said I love you to and really meant it? Savannah

14. What is your favorite song and why? I have a hard time choosing just one song. Hmm... may have to think about this one for awhile.

15. You have a choice of skydiving or bungee jumping….which would you choose? I've always wanted to try sky diving. For some reason, bungee jumping never had that same appeal!

16. You have been chosen to give a speech on “netiquette” and the proper techniques of communication; what form of the proper netiquette would you base your speech on? Proper spelling and limiting the use of acronyms.

17. You find a wallet in the street with 1000 dollars in it, all 100 dollar bills. What would you do with it? If it had an ID in it, I'd try to call the owner. If not, take it to the police.

18. You have a day off for the first time in 2 weeks with nothing to do, what would you do with your day and why? If I hadn't had a day off in two weeks I'd probably need to do laundry and clean the house!

19. If you could be anything else in the world career wise than you are today, what would you be and why? I'd be a flight attendant and get to travel  lots of cool places!

20. Have you ever loved more than one person? Do Jesus, two sons, a daughter, a mother, brother niece.... count? Absolutely!

21. When faced with the fear of the unknown what do you do? Stand back and look at a situation from several angles before going in.

22. What is your favorite “trixy” moment? I don't know what this means

23. When was the last time that you laughed till you cried? You know, I can remember when but I don't remember what was so funny!

24. If you could change one thing about yourself what would that be and why? I'd get rid of this extra 20 lbs!

25. What is your FAVORITE color of sexy undies? I have a pair of white silky lacy ones that are actually comfortable!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Finally Friday

It has been a long week. Any time some big project is going on at work, it seems like the week flies by. Too bad I still have all my normal work to get done, too. Some of the special work was fun. The elders are going on a retreat and tonight, they're playing Jeopardy! I made a whole Jeopardy show just for them on powerpoint- all about facts of the church. Mostly about the people of the church. I wish I could be there to see how much fun they'll have with it!

I went by mom's and painted a "test wall" on my faux painting. I think it is going to look really good! I'll work on the rest of the walls tomorrow. That will give me a chance to see this one dry.

I have about an hour to go put a load of clothes in before I leave to go see Brandon play college basketball! This is the first game I've been able to make (of the two they have already played) and I hope he gets some playing time. He's second string so he should get to come in for a bit as the starters need their rest. I'll try to take pictures, although I have a horrible time taking pictures of him in the gym. The flash doesn't reach far enough and "no flash" makes everything blurry as the shutter speed slows down. If anyone has any ideas of how to set it to do better, let me know! It is a little Canon point-and-shoot and that's all I know how to do with it!

I'm going to meet my cousin Bryan for dinner before the game. He lives in Charlotte and any time I'm heading that direction I try to call him and see what he's doing. He's my age and never married so he's often pretty free. He has a long day planned for tomorrow so he won't go to the game with us. I'm trying to get my brother to go but I bet he won't either. His 14 year old dog isn't doing well and is on medication. He won't leave her. It is sad because she really needs to be put down (this 50 lb dog weighed 28 lbs at the vet this week) but he isn't ready to let her go. She doesn't seem like she is in pain, so maybe he'll make that decision soon.

Ok, off to get ready. I'll be home really late tonight so I may not check in until tomorrow. Y'all have a good night!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ok Kat, you asked for it

Kat tells me that she wants to know what is going on in my boring life- and I should blog more. So here's how my day went. Doesn't seem very eventful to me, just the usual get-up-and-go-to-work morning. Savannah gets Hardees on Thursday morning if she has had good grades for the week, so we started out with Smothered Country Potatoes. That's fried square hashbrowns with sausage gravy on them. Not my thing, but she likes them.

Work has been crazy this week. The presiding elders (Presbyterians call them the Session) are going on a planning retreat this weekend, so guess who has done all the planning!? Yep, me. But they should be all set when they get there tomorrow, I just have a few more things to copy and put into organized notebooks for them. Oh, and get a bunch of snacks. So that's tomorrow.

Scott wanted to have lunch so we met at a little dive down the street that has the best salads. That's all I get when I go there. And since I'm trying to stay on my diet, salads are good. And so is Scott. He's back in college after taking last semester off and seems to be back in the groove pretty well. He has a new girl he likes- I sure hope she is better than the last one. He sure knows how to find the crazy chicks (that's what I tell him, anyway!) Guess they have to be crazy to put up with the relationship he has with me. Which is strictly platonic, but we do talk every day. Heck, I'd be jealous of me if I was them! Weird- sure- but it works for me. He isn't the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with but he's a great friend!

Mom sent me her housekeeper today so I have a clean house! Yay! Of course, payback was me painting her hallway today. So I spent a couple of hours and got the base coat on. She wants a faux finish that apparently only I know how to do! It's fine, I like to paint and I got a clean house out of the deal. But I'm tired. Went through KFC for dinner and now I'm going to watch an episode or two of Supernatural. I'm hooked on that show!

How did I do, Kat?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I survived my first P90X workout!! I might not be able to move tomorrow, but I'm still breathing!

I know why the polar ice caps are melting..... all the frigid cold is down here where it shouldn't be!

Ten Thoughts for Twenty Ten (The First Tuesday)

1. I've been thinking about who is the better singer- Mark Hall or Mac Powell. I still can't decide!

2. Have you noticed how God gives you just what you need when you need it? My nana died 2 days before Christmas but the gathering of the family after the funeral brought me back in touch with a cousin that I haven't talked to in 20 years! We've met for dinner a couple of times and are planning a day trip to the mountains this weekend. Yes, God is good!

3. Why is it that the kid feels sick on the first day back at school? I think it is psychological.

4. I have the bestest friends in the world on Multiply!

5. I started a new diet yesterday. I hate diets- and I hate exercise. Explains why I'm still trying to lose this 20 lbs, huh?

6. I have a headache this afternoon- wonder if I have what Savannah has or if it is food deprivation?

7. I'm glad to have Patrick back on Multiply. I don't like it when you make a friend and they disappear! (I know, real life gets in the way sometimes!)

8. Susan has me thinking about vacations now. I don't know what we're going to do this summer. My church has asked if I'll lead a group on a mission tripto New Mexico. And it has been 4 years since I've been to the beach so I'd like to sneak in a trip there. I don't know if there is enough time or money to do it all.

9. Almost time to cook dinner. We're having chicken and mushrooms.

10. The dog is driving me crazy. But then I read all that Kat goes through with her animals and I think I can handle this one. For now.

Friday, January 1, 2010

What a difference a decade makes

Wow, another decade down. Does it seem that they just go faster and faster? It doesn't seem like 10 years since the Y2K scare. Maybe that is a sign of growing older, but when I look back, boy is my life different.

I had just started a new job at the church in the office. Just me and the youth director. There was a part time interim minister. To say "on the job training" doesn't even describe it! More like self-trained. We had been in our house about a year and the kids would have been 11, 9, and 3. The husband was driving a truck east to west coast, so I was pretty much a single mom.

Early in January, the husband fell at work (on the ice) and hit his head. Temporarily paralyzed and facing several months of rehab, he made a full recovery. This prompted him to come off the road and spend more time with his family. The boys were happy because he wanted to coach their ball teams. I wasn't, because we were strapped for money after his long recovery and he wasn't finding a job making near as much as he was. But it was nice to have some help around the house.

These couple of years are a blur. Savannah started kindergarten. Chris changed schools and began to succeed at the charter school. We continued to charge necessities while the husband "found" himself. Stressful is how I remember them, which means eating for me. I was gaining back the weight that I lost after the girl was born.

This year brought a big change in that the husband found a career- heavy road construction. It would take this year and part of the next to learn, promote, and get to a salary that would let us breathe. We were able to buy a reliable car for me to take kids to school. Frustration would set in because some of this "learning" was coming in the back yard as he made "improvements" back there. Truthfully, they looked like piles of dirt, not improvements to me!

I took a second job teaching music at church this year. I remember the freedom that the extra money brought. I hired a friend to clean my house twice a month, mostly because I was having a hard time keeping up with things. Husband might have not been out on the road, but he really didn't learn that meant that he was supposed to help! And, he wasn't a good influence on the boys on that front either. I began to see the chauvinism as he would say that doing the dishes was 'girls' work.

This is the year everything changed. I made a new year's resolution to take back control. I found a great web site and lost almost 50 pounds. The house was cleaner, the kids grades' better, and the husband decided to bail with a druggie girlfriend who made him feel younger instead of, in his words, living with his mother. He left in October that year but we didn't tell anyone other than immediate family until after Christmas. This is also the year that I discovered the online community at Y360. I don't remember exactly when we landed at multiply, but if it wasn't for Kat, Anne, ZB and a few others in those early days, I wouldn't have the relationships here that I have today.

This was a year of healing. I began to see that life was easier without him. He took without giving, so all of a sudden the work was easier. And, although he took his salary with him, I was able to pare down the bills where I had more money left over at the end of the month than I did with him here. I filed for divorce and didn't look back. Neither did he as he lost touch with the children, too. I took my first mission trip to Montana and got to see Glacier National Park. Turned around a month later and flew to Oklahoma to see the boy graduate from basic training. Giving back gives you things, and in November met and became friends with Scott.

Healing continues and learning begins. Through this new friendship, I began learning more about myself- the girl I had lost in 13 years of marriage. The adventurous girl who loves taking weekend trips to explore, ride, hike, or just see. Savannah found her a replacement daddy even though both of us knew that this was just going to be a platonic relationship. This is the year that my music job turned into a "lead children's worship" job. That meant church every weekend with practice on Wednesdays. This is the year that Chris got married and Savannah started middle school.

Somehow, this feels like the year of arrival. I feel healed. At least, I feel ready to go out and make friends and be social again. Which is only fitting, seeing that I got to spend a week in Cherokee, making a great friend there and also meeting an online friend in Tennessee. Susan, you know I wish we were geographically closer somehow, but I don't know if we could possibly be any closer friends. Brandon graduated from high school and left for college. My grandmother died from a long battle with Alzheimer's and that feels more like a ballast that has been released than something to grieve.

I hope this is the year of moving ahead. I have spent the past two years healing, watching my kids grow and flourish, and I feel like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon after a long metamorphosis. I still need to stretch my wings and figure out how to fly, but I'm ready to test it out. I know God has a plan for my life and, with prayer and meditation, I'll be able to figure out what that is and take flight.

Thanks to all of you who came with me on part of this journey. You'll never know how much a kind work, a ribbing joke, or a silly distraction helped me get from one day to the next. You're all special to me and I hope 2010 is the best year yet for us all. HUGS!