Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow! I see snow! (Oh please, can we have a 2 hour delay in the morning?)


  1. We're not even supposed to be having snow...

  2. Lots of evening activities are being canceled tonight. And probably plenty of schools will be canceled in the morning.

  3. This is the SOUTH- this doesn't happen here until at least January- so I'm excited! I've been saying if it is going to be frigidly cold, the least it can do it snow!

    From WBTV Weather:
    Sunday Night:A flurry or snow shower is possible, but accumulations are not expected in the piedmont. The foothills could get a thin coating of snow, snow will become heavier in the mountains. All areas dropping into the 20s with gusty WNW winds.

    Monday: Sun and a few clouds, highs near freezing with mountain snows continuing.

    Monday Night: Clear and cold, mountain snows, 14

  4. We're not supposed to have Frost Giants

  5. I hope you get your 2 hour delay! It's too cold in the mornings to get started to fast any how!! Guess my niece at Ft. Bragg will be a bit chilly too! Ya'all stay warm!!!

  6. ;o)
    we haven't seen any of the white stuff yet, this year..
    Sure hope we do for Christmas..
    Stay Warm..

  7. Karen, I didn't realize she is at Ft. Bragg! They're east of here, so don't know what they're getting. Looks like rain right now. It is supposed to get so cold that I imagine they'll be down below freezing, anyway!

  8. Hi Winn and Terra... thanks for stopping by!

  9. We are getting it, and schools are closing above us and below us. LOL I bet they send us anyway.

  10. My daughter's school is like that- no buses to worry about, so they err on the side of having school!

  11. Oh we have buses, they just keep sending us. LOL

  12. They canceled school here with just the threat of snow. So I bet yours will be closed then. When it snows in areas that dont normally get it, they cant handle the roads so they tell everyone to stay home.

  13. Our county snow plow (singular) and salt truck (again, just one) can't usually keep up too well. Especially when it is unexpected like this. But no use to spend money on more when they're rarely needed!

  14. I wish they'd cancel school here.

    I hope you get your delay! lol!

  15. I want what you want! So I hope you get some snow lol!
    Snows so beautiful. I know its dangerous careful Janeen oxo

  16. i want snow dangit! so what do ya do if you work, can't go in late, and the kids are on a delay?

  17. :-( no delay.... no dusting... but it was fun watching it come down last night!

  18. We just got the cold and wind. An hour south of us it was a blizzard.

  19. lol all around me seemed to get a bunch of snow, but here we got just enough to make the plows go out once, lol

  20. We have the cold and wind today- high about freezing and 20mph winds are not fun. I'm still holding out for some snow!
