Friday, December 17, 2010

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 17

Highs and Lows

I've had both today. I suppose ying comes with yang for a reason, but I much prefer the better! (which one is better, by the way?) Anyway, today started out with the end of a challenge for my friend Kat. If you know anything about her, you'll know that she has a soft spot for animals and a big vet bill! Today, her friends rallied together to surprise her and pay it off. I've had tears in my eyes half of the day seeing how happy and grateful she is. Most of all, I'm warmed that she knows how loved she is. You have awesome friends, Kat- and we all love you!

Then I got home to start on a project of my own. Remember Savannah moved across the hall to her lovely new room? Well, her old room was a total junk pile. The smart girl only put the things she really wanted in her new room. I recruited some help to get the rest of it sorted out. My friend Regina loves having yard sales, so she came over and we went through things. She took a lot of stuff to put up for this spring and the boys took a lot to the dump. The rest of the room is organized and neat. There's a spare bed, so I suppose it is the craft/guest room now!

All of this would have me feeling wonderful but the kids have been fighting all afternoon. The boys can really pester their sister when they want to. At one point, she locked herself in her room and they were shoving things under the door. I finally had to drag them out and tell them to get out- I didn't want to see them until they could respect people. They weren't respecting her telling them to leave her alone, and they weren't respecting me. That did buy me some quiet for a couple of hours.

Now I have a raging headache and it is time for bed. I hope it is just the stress of the day catching up. I did have a small glass of my chocolate wine (I could be a wino on that stuff!) and am in my jammies. Good night all!


  1. Siblings...*sigh* Ian and Laz do that to each other on a daily basis and then they're stuck to each other like glue.

    I hope your headache goes away and get some rest. xoxo

  2. It's been a really unusual day for me thanks to you! I'm feeling pretty good mentally. You're the best.

  3. yup. Only it was always the boys who did the tormenting.

  4. I need to taste that wine.... at least once.....

    and siblings.... we get no choices there, but we do get to choose our friends.... amen to that....

  5. Being the younger sister, I did my fair share of tormenting.

  6. I think today was an up and down day for allot of us!!! Siblings can be so cruel to each other, but let anyone else try and they get the boot! Hope they mature soon!! I remember my little brother and sister bugging me no end and then I would get in trouble for bugging them when I told them to get a life! My oldest was tormented by his younger brother too! What's up with that any way!!!??? Hope tomorrow is better! I think what you and others did for Kat is phenomenal!!!!!

  7. Funny thing was, they weren't happy with each other either. I would have thought the two of them ganged up on her (which is usual) but they were snapping at each other just as much. I don't know- something in the air today?

  8. And why is that? Savannah doesn't do it back, although if they push her far enough she'll wallop them pretty good. At one point Brandon came to me, whining that she had hit him. He's 20 and weighs 185. She is 14 and weighs 120. I'm sure he can fend for himself! LOL!

  9. I don't know, Mo... I don't think you can taste it just once. It is too good!

  10. Everyone is getting wound up because we're so close to Christmas. Everyone is excited and emotions run high and nerves are on edge.

  11. The boys are 20 and 21... when does that happen? LOL!

  12. Chocolate wine? Oh now thats a new one on me, how yummy. Im seeing alot of love going around lately, I love it. Its in the air, isnt it? :)

  13. Well you can't have Yin without Yang. It all equals out. I've been away for a few days and didn't know everything that was going on. Have to high tail it over to Kat's page and find out. Oh sibling rivalry, always a pain lol.

  14. Isn't Ying and Yang a pair of asian gay partners?

  15. I hope your headache is gone today and that you don't have a hangover from your chocolate wine.
    Chocolate wine, wonder what they'll think of next-wine flavored chocolate? Or has that been invented already. lol

  16. I'm not sure Sue... I think I'd prefer the chocolate wine.

    No headache this morning- just lots and lots of wrapping to finish. My least favorite part...

  17. My favorite wine is Sangria made by Carlo Rossi. Or Lambrusco. I can't imagine what chocolate wine must be like. I'm usually not big on flavored things.

  18. I love sangria! I usually make it myself- I haven't bought it from the store.

  19. Ah Kat is well loved...very! Kids ha mine fight sometimes!
