Saturday, December 4, 2010

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 4

This Saturday is what I've thought of as "the calm before the storm." The next few days are just crazy busy- I think I have breaks tomorrow of about an hour for lunch and maybe an hour and a half for dinner. Otherwise, I'm at church by 8:30am and home around 9pm. As I look back on the day, I realize it was a day filled with love.

I went to lunch with my two best girlfriends today to celebrate the birthday of one of them. I love these two women. They are part of our worship team and just tons of fun to be around.  We went to our favorite Japanese place, the same one we went to for my birthday. They have huge windows and, as we ate, we watched the snow. I love snow! We don't get much here, and never have to shovel it, so I am like a small child when it snows! When we were finished with lunch (and a huge complimentary Bananas Foster) we went walking through the village, just enjoying the day. I love it when I don't have to be anywhere at a certain time.

On the way home, I stopped to get my niece so she could spend the night with me. Talk about love- she had her bag and was out the door. I had to make her go back and give her daddy (my brother) a hug. Tonight, she helped me get my tree up! I was wondering if there would be time if I didn't do it today, since our community chorus concerts start tomorrow. I was unpacking ornaments and discovered all the ornaments I received last year in the ornament exchange. They made me smile as I remembered each one of them and who sent them. I do love you guys and these exchanges are simply fun!

Now I'm going to show myself some love by going to bed. Tomorrow is going to be nearly impossibly crazy and I need all the sleep I can get! Good night!


  1. I should be in bed too. I got my first ornament today from Bill (Lightkeeper) so I better get crackin!

  2. Your niece sounds like a great helper! What a great day together!! That's LOVE all right!!

  3. I am so happy that you had a relaxing day. You deserve it. A day filled with fun, friends, laughter. All good!
    You'll have to take a pic of your tree and share it.

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Since you like snow, got some here and more everyday for the next week. I'll ship it for free to you! (-:

  5. Good Night Janeen. Do you like Japanese food? I found it quite strange at first, when I went to Japan. But everything is strange in Japan. I love Japanese food now but not the raw fish. I also love Japan.

  6. I've never been to Japan, but I like Japanese food! I don't do raw fish, though.
