Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 15

I have such a peace today... do you ever feel like things are coming together? I don't exactly know what was apart, but it feels fixed! Maybe it is just witnessing an anonymous kindness done to a friend... or maybe it is that I  have part of my work done for tomorrow in case our ice storm does come. I'm not sure, but as I get ready to go to bed, I'm at peace with the world.


  1. Awwwwwwww! Now THAT is great!! I'm so glad today was such a good one!! I hope you don't get it with the ice storm!! Sending hugs and prayers for your warmth and safety!

  2. Thanks Karen... I'm holding out for snow. Old Man Winter (who isn't supposed to be here yet) can keep the ice!

  3. An awesome thought (or set of thoughts), indeed. :)

  4. I agree completely!!! I'm keeping warm near the wood stove cracking some pecans! I think my bowl is not very full, but my tummy is!! LOL

  5. I'm not sure I'm at peace...but I'm certainly comfy. Then again, I have some rocking awesome friends. =D

  6. Peace is a good thing. I love when it happens. :)

  7. Best quote I have seen in a while. So true.

    You seem to be such a task oriented person. I bet, like you said, a lot of that peace comes from having tasks done ahead of time.

  8. That could be, Steve. School is on a 2 hour delay this morning and I'm still in bed- and not worried about work at all. I know I'm ahead and can afford to lose a couple of hours!

  9. It's a great feeling to be at peace Janeen. Have a great sleep there. I am just starting my day here but I'm thinking of going back to bed for an hour to get warm again.

  10. Oh no, hope you didn't get ice too. It was terrible here. I could hear fire and police sirens all day and evening because the slick roads were causing so many wrecks.
    I'm hoping you have a peaceful white Christmas, not a loud icy one!

  11. Thanks Sue- we got some ice but it wasn't too bad- mostly melted by lunch- and no power outages. Still waiting on snow...

  12. I just heard on the news that at one point 5,872 homes were without electric today. Some people still don't have electric. Temps went above freezing today but are dropping now so I hope no more trees or limbs fall on electric lines.
