Thursday, December 2, 2010

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 2

I found JOY in today, several places. Joy isn't always easy to see- it can be mistaken for happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction. But today, I saw joy.

My brother was working out of town today and asked if I could pick my niece up from school and keep her until he got home. She is 9, and is a bundle of energy and pleasure. She loves me- and lets me know it every minute. I was almost late picking her up because of an errand that my mother asked me to run for her, but when she saw me, she started squirming and almost couldn't contain herself with joy. Her teacher helped her into the car, then introduced herself to me. I thought for a moment that she mistakenly thought I was her absentee mother, but when I introduced myself as "Aunt NeeNeen" the teacher told me that she has heard so much about me- almost every day!

This girl is a chatterbox. She began to tell me of a dream she had where she traded lives with my daughter. She would absolutely love it if I were her mother. She really wants a mother. But in her dream, she began to realize that she wouldn't have her brother- she wouldn't have her father- she wouldn't have her dog- and that made her realize that God gave her to the right family. And she can still spend a night with me every week!

That she is so sure of her place brings me joy- that she can see God working in her life brings me joy- and that she loves me so much brings me joy!


  1. Chatterbox girls are interesting. My daughter was and still is one. And my daughter Sara's middle name is Joy. Why Joy? I was so happy to have a daughter she brought Joy to my life.

  2. This sounds like a WONDERFUL day of JOY!!! That sweet and special way they get this little gleam in their eyes when they see you is just pure JOY all right!! Thanks for sharing such a great day!

  3. That is a great blog Janeen. I love the way you always think and act.

  4. I love the innocent trust a child (and an animal) gives us. I like the feeling of knowing they are so comfortable anticipating acceptance. Not everyone has that growing up, I didn't---I'm glad you're able to give that to your niece.

  5. Yes Kat, you are right. So do I. By the way, I love your Father Xmas GS

  6. I am too- I know I'm just as lucky to have her as she is to have me!
