Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

The last two days have been wonderful. I had to work on Christmas Eve until about noon, then it was off to get the last of the errands done. I had a couple more gift certificates to buy and had to go by the store to get the things that we didn't have on the list the day before. Then I went to mom's to start cooking. We do an appetizer spread on Christmas Eve that takes time to prepare. This year it didn't seem so bad. We used things from Sam's Club like cheesecake bites, cream puffs, bagel bites, and shrimp. Plus I made the easiest punch ever out of Cheerwine and pineapple juice.

My brother, stepsister, mom & stepdad, uncle, me and all our families gather to eat, play dirty Santa, and just have fun. This year, we had the added pleasure of having my cousin and his family, including his parents and his son and new baby. The new baby (she's 6 weeks old) got all the attention!) We still had a lot of food left over!

The boys and I went to the 11pm service at church. Savannah fell asleep and didn't go with us. It was really nice. I was missing singing Christmas carols and I always love the candlelight and communion. This year they used electric candles. Didn't bother me but people were complaining about them. I know real candles are a hazard and make a big mess. I figure if I don't want to clean it up, I can't complain.

But I was tired when we got home at 12:20am! That's two hours past my bedtime, and I had to get up to help mom cook our big Christmas breakfast. We ate and opened presents and IT STARTED SNOWING!! Not only snowing, but sticking to the ground! Considering that the last white Christmas this area had was in 1947, that is very unusual. It has continued to snow all day. We have about 3 inches so far and the forecast is for 4-8 overnight. So mom decided to go ahead and have our Christmas dinner about 3pm so everyone could get home safely.

I was so tired when I got home, I took a nap. Think I slept from 4 something to 6 something. I still feel like a slug. Just tired after a wonderful day.

I hope all of you had a good, happy day, too! Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas!!!!!! *hugs*

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun! I say you take another nap! =D

    We got a couple of inches and then it's going to melt later this week and then rain. :/ I'd rather have the snow! lol! Have fun and be careful on the roads!

  2. Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

  3. I'd love to- Savannah's upset that I slept so much. The boys left to go to their grandmother's and it is just the two of us. She's bored. Been out in the snow a lot, too. I'll just aim for an early bedtime at this point!

  4. Have Savannah take a nap with you! lol!

  5. With it snowing outside? No way she's sleeping through that!

  6. lol..... how wonderful to have so much family around you and so many blessings..... it started snowing here around five pm..... and it's sticking too! maybe we'll get four inches..... no plans for tomorrow so house bound and safe...... Merry Christmas!

  7. Enjoy being a slug. It is 8:30 and I am thinking about going to bed myself. LOL

  8. Electric candles, while not ideal, would not be a show stopper for us. We had a gerat day in really cold weather, and in a few hours are going midnight skiing under the lights.

  9. Sounds like you had a very Merry Christmas time with the family. We had a great one here ourselves.

  10. So you have a white Christmas Janeen. Great. I am wondering what dirty Santa is. We had a great Christmas Day here and after a few tipples, the cold was no problem. We had power all day from 8am to 5pm which was wonderful for us.

  11. Yeah, what is that dirty Santa thing? Don't think I've ever heard of that.
    So you got snow. Go read the Christmas card I sent to you. I believe it said something about hoping you'd have a White Christmas. Tell Savannah I sent the snow to you. lol We got snow today too. I was so glad I didn't have to go anywhere in it.
    Merry Christmas to you too!

  12. Dirty Santa is a gift exchange. You draw numbers and the first person gets to open a gift- the second can take that gift or open one of their own. It is a fun way to exchange gifts with a lot of people.

    You did Sue! I thought of that earlier today. I wonder if you could wish me a million dollars now?

  13. I'm so glad you got to enjoy so much family and fun! And FOOD!! We've had heavy rain all night and all day!! Snow sounds nice!! We've got big puddles joining each other everywhere!!

  14. Sounds like a fabulous holiday for you all. Merry Christmas, Janeen. Don't feel like a slug for getting in some rest...vacation is for relaxation! Give yourself an A! haha

    PS. I would have been one of the complainers about the electric candles ;)

  15. They play that Santa gift exchange at my brother's on Christmas Day, but I don't think they call it Dirty Santa. I remember playing it last time I went up there for Christmas. Each person would buy 10 inexpensive things from somewhere like the Dollar Tree and then wrap them. On Christmas day we'd pile them in the floor and then like you said, take turns picking a gift or taking one from someone else. It was a lot of fun.
    Not sure if you'd get a million dollars if I wished for it. I'm surprised the snow wish came true. lol

  16. I have never heard of this game; how do you play it? Sounds like a lovely Holiday, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

  17. It is a gift exchange- usually everyone brings a $10-20 gift and they get put in the middle of the floor. You draw numbers and the first person gets to open a gift- the second can take that gift or open one of their own- third can take the gift from one or two or open one of their own.... and so on and so on!

  18. I love it that you had snow, Janeen. :) Happy Christmas indeed!

  19. I love it that we had snow- and it is still snowing. Topped out at 5 inches! Which is a big snowfall for us in the heart of winter- and unheard of at Christmas! The kids are out pulling each other around on the boat tube with the 4 wheeler.

  20. It really is magical! It has made that typical "Day-after-Christmas letdown" go away!

  21. How wonderful Snow for you Janeen! Merry Chistmas! oxo

  22. Thanks Janet! And thanks for the pretty spider web! I don't know if I ever told you how much I like spider webs!

  23. I had to read the comments before commenting on Dirty Santa. Sounds like White Elephant.

    I fell asleep three times on Christmas day after we got to my parents' house, until I just gave up around 9:30 or so and went to bed. The rest of the family stayed up past midnight. My parents got up before 7 AM on Sunday and put Christmas music on, got the coffee going like they usually do. Mir and the kids are still grumbling about that.
