Monday, December 27, 2010

Here's a New One

1. What time did you get up this morning?

Hmm... I didn't set the clock... didn't have to work... I think it was around 8am

2. How do you like your steak?

Rare to medium rare... lots of pink, no raw.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

Paranormal Activity 2- but I didn't watch it. Sat with my Kobo reader and Ipod. I think the last one I watched was Shutter Island.

4. What is your favorite TV show?

Clean House

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

I like it right here in NC!

6. What did you have for breakfast?

Rice and sausage

7. What is your favorite cuisine?

That's hard... I like too many of them! How about "southern?"

8. What foods do you dislike?

corned beef, liver, livermush

9. Favorite place to eat?

We have a Greek restaurant called Showmars... yummy!

10. Favorite dressing?

Paul Newman's Sesame Ginger

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?

Toyota 4Runner

12. What are your favorite clothes?

Anything I can wear with my black yoga pants

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?

The Grand Canyon, Alaska, Hawaii, Cabo San Lucas, Greece, Caribbean, Nova Scotia... and Carson City to see Kippy, Springfield to see Susan, and New York to see Kat... and if money and safety weren't an option, to Kathmandu to see Dai and Kumar.

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?

Wrong sized cup! Ha! Ok, I'm a 1/2 full person.

15. Where would you want to retire?

Right here in NC or maybe more toward the mountains

16. Favorite time of day?

Afternoon after work...

17. Where were you born?

In Charlotte, NC. Grew up in the house across the street from where I live now

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?

Either football or baseball

19. Who do you think will repost this on their blog?

Depends- which ones of my friends are bored tonight?

20. Person you expect to comment first?

Whoever reads it first?

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?


22. Bird watcher?

Not really- I like to watch birds, but those people who sit out in the woods for hours with binoculars don't appeal to me!

23. Are you a morning person or a night person?

Probably a morning person, at least that is when I'm at my best. I'm tired at night.

24. Pets?

One dog- Roxy. She's so funny and so sweet. She strayed in at my mom's and Savannah brought her home!

25. Any new and exciting news that you'd like to share?

I'm helping Chris get a car tomorrow.

26. What did you want to be when you were little? honestly?

I wanted to train dolphins for SeaWorld

27. What is your best childhood memory?

My mom taking us to the local pool to play for hours with our friends.

28. Are you a cat or dog person?

More dog than cat.

29. Are you married?


30. Always wear your seat belt?


31. Been in a car accident?

Yes, a couple. No really bad ones though

32. Any pet peeves?

Repeated irritating noises...

33. Favorite pizza topping?


34. Favorite Flower?

Calla lilies

35. Favorite ice cream?

Fresh banana, birthday cake, or peach

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?

KFC or Wendys

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test?


38. From whom did you get your last email?

Savannah's volleyball coach

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

I never choose to max out my credit card, but if I could do it, probably Ikea or Talbots

40. Do anything spontaneous lately?

No, I like to plan things

41. Like your job?
I do like my job!

42. Broccoli?


43. What was your favorite vacation?

Our mission trip to Montana- we got to see Mt. Rushmore, Devil's Tower, Little Bighorn battlefield, and Glacier National Park

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?

My kids... or one or the other of them!

45. What are you listening to right now?

Savannah talking

46. What is your favorite color?


47. How many tattoos do you have?

None and I like it that way

48. Coffee drinker?
Sometimes. I like hot tea more.

49. What nicknames do you go by?

None really- my niece calls me "Aunt NeeNee" though

50. Do you have a type when it comes to a guy/girl

Not really. I guess I know it when I see it, but can't define it. But I love blue eyes!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

My White Christmas

It rarely snows here, and when it does it is mostly in January and February. The last white Christmas this area saw was in 1947. Between yesterday and today, we have 5 inches on the ground! I love it- everything looks so beautiful. Well, until the kids tracked it up with feet, doggie prints, and 4 wheeler tracks!

Christmas 2010

That's my brother and the mound of presents we have to open.

We opened presents on Christmas morning with my family....

Christmas 2010 Presents

Christmas 2010 Presents

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

The last two days have been wonderful. I had to work on Christmas Eve until about noon, then it was off to get the last of the errands done. I had a couple more gift certificates to buy and had to go by the store to get the things that we didn't have on the list the day before. Then I went to mom's to start cooking. We do an appetizer spread on Christmas Eve that takes time to prepare. This year it didn't seem so bad. We used things from Sam's Club like cheesecake bites, cream puffs, bagel bites, and shrimp. Plus I made the easiest punch ever out of Cheerwine and pineapple juice.

My brother, stepsister, mom & stepdad, uncle, me and all our families gather to eat, play dirty Santa, and just have fun. This year, we had the added pleasure of having my cousin and his family, including his parents and his son and new baby. The new baby (she's 6 weeks old) got all the attention!) We still had a lot of food left over!

The boys and I went to the 11pm service at church. Savannah fell asleep and didn't go with us. It was really nice. I was missing singing Christmas carols and I always love the candlelight and communion. This year they used electric candles. Didn't bother me but people were complaining about them. I know real candles are a hazard and make a big mess. I figure if I don't want to clean it up, I can't complain.

But I was tired when we got home at 12:20am! That's two hours past my bedtime, and I had to get up to help mom cook our big Christmas breakfast. We ate and opened presents and IT STARTED SNOWING!! Not only snowing, but sticking to the ground! Considering that the last white Christmas this area had was in 1947, that is very unusual. It has continued to snow all day. We have about 3 inches so far and the forecast is for 4-8 overnight. So mom decided to go ahead and have our Christmas dinner about 3pm so everyone could get home safely.

I was so tired when I got home, I took a nap. Think I slept from 4 something to 6 something. I still feel like a slug. Just tired after a wonderful day.

I hope all of you had a good, happy day, too! Merry Christmas!

Mobile Uploads

Friday, December 17, 2010

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 17

Highs and Lows

I've had both today. I suppose ying comes with yang for a reason, but I much prefer the better! (which one is better, by the way?) Anyway, today started out with the end of a challenge for my friend Kat. If you know anything about her, you'll know that she has a soft spot for animals and a big vet bill! Today, her friends rallied together to surprise her and pay it off. I've had tears in my eyes half of the day seeing how happy and grateful she is. Most of all, I'm warmed that she knows how loved she is. You have awesome friends, Kat- and we all love you!

Then I got home to start on a project of my own. Remember Savannah moved across the hall to her lovely new room? Well, her old room was a total junk pile. The smart girl only put the things she really wanted in her new room. I recruited some help to get the rest of it sorted out. My friend Regina loves having yard sales, so she came over and we went through things. She took a lot of stuff to put up for this spring and the boys took a lot to the dump. The rest of the room is organized and neat. There's a spare bed, so I suppose it is the craft/guest room now!

All of this would have me feeling wonderful but the kids have been fighting all afternoon. The boys can really pester their sister when they want to. At one point, she locked herself in her room and they were shoving things under the door. I finally had to drag them out and tell them to get out- I didn't want to see them until they could respect people. They weren't respecting her telling them to leave her alone, and they weren't respecting me. That did buy me some quiet for a couple of hours.

Now I have a raging headache and it is time for bed. I hope it is just the stress of the day catching up. I did have a small glass of my chocolate wine (I could be a wino on that stuff!) and am in my jammies. Good night all!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 15

I have such a peace today... do you ever feel like things are coming together? I don't exactly know what was apart, but it feels fixed! Maybe it is just witnessing an anonymous kindness done to a friend... or maybe it is that I  have part of my work done for tomorrow in case our ice storm does come. I'm not sure, but as I get ready to go to bed, I'm at peace with the world.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blame Bill....

Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends.
Okay, for those who have time, just copy and paste into a new survey 4 yourself :-)

Change all the answers so that they apply to you.
*.*.*.*.*.*.Have fun!*.*.*.*.*.*.*.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both!.

2. Real tree or Artificial?  Artificial one. 

3. When do you put up the tree? Whenever I have time to- this year it was the week after Thanksgiving. I usually try for the day after Thanksgiving!

4. When do you take the tree down? Again, whenever I have time to- but usually always after New Year's!

5. Do you like eggnog? Not really- for the calories, I'd rather have other things.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? I got an Atari when I was early in high school- must have been '82 or so- and I thought I was big time lucky!

7. Hardest person to buy for? My mom- she doesn't need anything, and if she wants it, she buys it for herself.

8. Easiest person to buy for? Savannah- she likes things like I do!

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes. I have a little cheap Walmart one and then someone gave me the Willow Tree one of Mary and Joseph and the Baby.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I can't remember a bad one really- the ex used to go for those gift baskets of soaps and things. Never really liked them - he didn't put any thought into it, plus I wondered if he thought I was smelly or something!

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? The Santa Clause (at the moment anyway- it always changes!)

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?  After Thanksgiving.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No- I threatened to with my grandmother once- she never used anything you gave her and I told my mom I was going to dig out something I gave her a few years ago and give it to her again!

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My mom's Life cereal party mix

16. Lights on the tree? Yes- all white ones

17. Favorite Christmas song? "Do You Hear What I Hear?"

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel- across the street to mom's house!

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes.

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? This year, it is a big bow.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Morning. We do a gift exchange with extended family on Christmas Eve.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Crowded stores! Oh, and don't call me a Scrooge, but the Salvation Army bells are really annoying, too! 

23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Hmm.. this is hard, but I really like the ornaments the boys and I made the year I was pregnant with Savannah.

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? I like our Christmas Eve dinner which is all appetizers- shrimp, meatballs, etc!

Days of December - Hope, Peace, Joy and Love- Day 14

This is a day of hope... of peace. I have been surrounded with wonderful friends debating Christian thoughts without attack. Riete had a good blog on different religions, which turned in to a discussion of how these religions could have some practices that would benefit a good Christian (who is open-minded enough to realize that!) Steve has had some wonderful advent blogs (and so has Riete); Sea and Karen have been doing Days of December blogs, and I had a good chat with Patrick this afternoon about false prophets in today's time.

I would say that at least half of my friends here are not Christian, but are wonderfully supportive of my beliefs. I had a warm pm from one just saying "I love, love, love your attitude!" I am so grateful that you are all a part of my life!

Today was laid back at work- which is really scary, since we're T-7 work days left until Christmas and usually this is a wildly hectic time. But I was able to finish a project that will make a few other projects easier to do. It took me all day, but I needed a calm day to get it done. I had to input all our "time and talent" forms into the church database. This is a list of all the things people want to volunteer for in the next year. Since I also need to do nursery worker, usher, and other schedules, having this input will save a lot of time. There were 225 forms to input, but now sorting data will be so much easier than flipping through all those forms every time I need to know something! So there's my joy for the day!

I had fun reading some of them. I have worked here 11 years and know the people pretty well, so I laughed out loud at some of the things people volunteered for. Not in a bad way, but I'll give you an example. The teenagers volunteer for EVERYTHING! They really want to be involved in things. The people who are dedicated to one ministry area volunteer for everything in that area. There's a group of older people who volunteer for one or two things. Then there are the ones who don't want to be caught not filling out a form (like we send the form police out?) so they turn one in but don't check anything!

I'm home, lying on the sofa and looking at my tree and my winter village which are all decorated! The mantle lights are on, and there's a fire in the fireplace. I don't think it got above freezing today. This is the south! It doesn't get this cold! (I know, someone is going to tell me how to blame this on global warming- right?) The wind chill was 5 this morning- temps of 15! They're actually calling for snow Wednesday night. All I can say is either snow or get warmer, darnit!

Breath Of Heaven - Amy Grant

Eby has "Mary Did You Know?" on her playlist and while it was playing, I thought of this song. Both are wonderful and among my favorite songs during Christmas. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow! I see snow! (Oh please, can we have a 2 hour delay in the morning?)

Days of December - Hope, Peace, Joy and Love- Day 12

I've been in a real funk the past couple of weeks. Really, I've been so busy that I am exhausted. Starting to feel better, though, after a pretty easy weekend. I really want to learn to say NO! I told myself that I would, but it seems that I say yes to all these great things that I really want to do! So, the things I'd like to say no to I can't- like work, taking Savannah places, etc. and the things I want to do just pile up on top of that.

I got a FB message from an old high school friend today. He's been divorced a year and is still having a tough time of things, especially with the holidays looming. He really just needed to know that healing can happen- that things can get better and life does go on. And it really does! I realize that I'm at peace with that whole situation now. I have hope that one day someone awesome will come along. I can wait until they do- and find joy in the friends I have and the work that I do. I have plenty of love from family and friends. So I need to get rid of the funk. Things will calm down the closer we get to Christmas (seems all the parties and things were in the early part of the month) and I can get some rest. I also need to go to the gym tomorrow. Strange as it sounds, I need to work off some of the tiredness, finding some energy by expending some.  And get to work on losing this last 30 stubborn pounds! That would bring me lots and lots of joy!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Days of December - Hope, Peace, Joy and Love- Day 9

I have been silent this week. I had a hard time finding hope, peace, joy or love much of anywhere. I'm tired- ok, I'm exhausted. And I'm fighting a cold and losing my voice and haven't felt like looking for the good in something. I just want to sleep.

We had our community chorus concerts on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. That's really what tired me out- and how I mostly lost my voice. Sunday I left home at 8:30am and got home at 9:30pm. Throw a church council meeting in there, too. Worked Monday and then sang in the concert. Took Tuesday and Wednesday off to try to do most of my shopping, and by the end of Tuesday (with the last concert) I had done all I could do. Wednesday was spent mostly sleeping.

I do feel a little better today. Went back to work, which was a crazy place! (Don't work for a church two weeks before Christmas- it is nuts!) And I'm tired again tonight. But I have HOPE! I am nearly done with my shopping and am almost ready to box up my ornaments and gifts to my friends out there, so that will be done. Two parties this weekend, which should be fun- if I don't decide to sleep instead!

So that's where I've been- needed a little PEACE for myself (showed myself some LOVE- bought some chocolate- thanks Eby!) and now I think I can go look for JOY again. After one more night's sleep!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Carol of the Bells

I love the Muppets! And you gotta love Animal!

Shipment #1- With a Little Help from My Friends

I have the most awesome-est friends! I don't really care if that is a word or not- it fits today! Thanks to you guys, I sent cards that total $200 to my friend in need today. I really intended to get these out yesterday, but I didn't have a chance to make it to the post office. So they shipped today.

I still have another shipment to send- I ordered some gifts for the girls that aren't here yet. So if you wanted to help, there's still time! Let me know and I'll include your things in my next shipment!

I love you all for helping!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 4

This Saturday is what I've thought of as "the calm before the storm." The next few days are just crazy busy- I think I have breaks tomorrow of about an hour for lunch and maybe an hour and a half for dinner. Otherwise, I'm at church by 8:30am and home around 9pm. As I look back on the day, I realize it was a day filled with love.

I went to lunch with my two best girlfriends today to celebrate the birthday of one of them. I love these two women. They are part of our worship team and just tons of fun to be around.  We went to our favorite Japanese place, the same one we went to for my birthday. They have huge windows and, as we ate, we watched the snow. I love snow! We don't get much here, and never have to shovel it, so I am like a small child when it snows! When we were finished with lunch (and a huge complimentary Bananas Foster) we went walking through the village, just enjoying the day. I love it when I don't have to be anywhere at a certain time.

On the way home, I stopped to get my niece so she could spend the night with me. Talk about love- she had her bag and was out the door. I had to make her go back and give her daddy (my brother) a hug. Tonight, she helped me get my tree up! I was wondering if there would be time if I didn't do it today, since our community chorus concerts start tomorrow. I was unpacking ornaments and discovered all the ornaments I received last year in the ornament exchange. They made me smile as I remembered each one of them and who sent them. I do love you guys and these exchanges are simply fun!

Now I'm going to show myself some love by going to bed. Tomorrow is going to be nearly impossibly crazy and I need all the sleep I can get! Good night!

Snow! I saw snow! Well, for about 10 minutes. Then it quit.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 3

Today I see peace. Maybe not in the world, but in my own corner of the world. But sometimes in order to see peace, you have to have been at war.

Some of you know my step-son came back from Iraq in July. He had no job, no car, no place to stay, his wife left him, his parents don't want him... so I took him. He is my hard child to love. He always has to do things the complicated way. He wants to be one step ahead of where he is. But I see the potential.

He has been home now for nearly 6 months and he isn't looking for a job. He is in that Catch-22 position where he can't buy a car without a job and he can't get to work without a car. Things came to a head today. It seems that he expects someone to give him a car so that he can find work. Well, life doesn't work that way. I was calm and rational and told him that he had to earn the car. I also told him that he had to have a job. There are jobs out there- they may not be what he wants, but they pay more than he has now.

But things are calm now... the air is cleared and he knows exactly what I expect. I came home tonight to find him filling out applications online. One step at a time. But now I feel a peace- a peace that I cleared the air and got some pent-up resentment off my chest.

It does remind me that without war, we don't recognize or appreciate peace. Without noise, we don't know silence. Without stress, we don't know calm. Maybe peace can't exist in the world without chaos to accompany it. But when we are in a state of peace, all is right in our own little world.


Here's the screen shot where I sent an answer to Joanne on November 23.... strange that she didn't get it!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 2

I found JOY in today, several places. Joy isn't always easy to see- it can be mistaken for happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction. But today, I saw joy.

My brother was working out of town today and asked if I could pick my niece up from school and keep her until he got home. She is 9, and is a bundle of energy and pleasure. She loves me- and lets me know it every minute. I was almost late picking her up because of an errand that my mother asked me to run for her, but when she saw me, she started squirming and almost couldn't contain herself with joy. Her teacher helped her into the car, then introduced herself to me. I thought for a moment that she mistakenly thought I was her absentee mother, but when I introduced myself as "Aunt NeeNeen" the teacher told me that she has heard so much about me- almost every day!

This girl is a chatterbox. She began to tell me of a dream she had where she traded lives with my daughter. She would absolutely love it if I were her mother. She really wants a mother. But in her dream, she began to realize that she wouldn't have her brother- she wouldn't have her father- she wouldn't have her dog- and that made her realize that God gave her to the right family. And she can still spend a night with me every week!

That she is so sure of her place brings me joy- that she can see God working in her life brings me joy- and that she loves me so much brings me joy!

Days of December- Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love- Day 1

I know I missed posting this yesterday- not a very good start, but I was up late doing a very good thing. I'm the chair of our Council on Ministries at church and we had a very important, possibly church-changing meeting last week. I have a presentation to make to our Administrative Board on Sunday night and I now have a fabulous powerpoint to go along with it!

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, the Council on Ministries is the leaders of the different groups in the church- missions, children's ministry, women's groups, men's group, youth, preschool, and worship team. We get together quarterly to discuss what is going on in our group, especially where it may affect another group. The Administrative Board is just what it sounds- that's where the ministries, finance, trustees, etc. come together to run the life of the church. Methodists have much more lay control than other denominations- the pastor is not a part of these committees, although he is usually there putting in his two cents!

This presentation gives me hope- that is my theme of today (ok, yesterday...). This is a huge opportunity to start a satellite church at a church that is almost nearly defunct. It will take more than one meeting, and lots of prayers, but I can see how we're uniquely positioned to do so, and how God has set everything up for the relationships and the knowledge for us to take this on. This would be a big step for our church, one we've never talked about before at this level. Pray for us, that we are seeking God's guidance in this endeavor.