Saturday, June 21, 2008

Welcome to the Weekend!

This has been a fun but busy week. We had VBS at the church where I work with over 100 children each day. It was so great getting to sing and dance with the kids. They're so much smarter than we think they're going to be! I took my niece and Savannah and, even with the 5 year age difference, both had a blast! I like that they offer things that appeal to different ages.

Savannah made this picture frame in crafts. I'm glad she is getting old enough to make things I really want to keep! Some of those construction paper creations get old after a bit.

Scott gets back this afternoon. I've only heard from him once this week, but it sounds like they got a lot of work done on his mission trip. He likes to build things, so I'm excited to hear his stories, especially since I'm not taking a trip myself this year.

That also means Madi goes home today. I've had a lot of fun with her this week. She is one smart dog- and even knows how to hide the fact that she knows how to do things thinking I won't make her! Example: I can get her to sit and lie down easy, although she really wants to jump up on me. I CANNOT get her to heel. I had her out last night, and Scott's best friend showed me how to make her heel- she had pretended all week she didn't know how just so she could pull on the leash!

Both kids are gone tonight. Savannah is with her best friend on their houseboat (I really need to make a best friend with a houseboat- that sounds like fun, doesn't it?) Brandon is at Duke University at Coach K's basketball camp. So tonight will be nice and quiet again!


  1. My daughter seems to be gone more and more as she gets older. I have to stamp my foot and demand she stay home! They just grow up so fast - gotta go and get their own life. (sigh)

  2. I have Carlin overnight. He's passed out on the sofa right we may be having a quiet night too!

  3. Update: Scott is home- he came by about 2 1/2 hours ago and just can't stop talking about all the great things that happened- and some of the not-so-great things that usually happen when you take 30 youth on a trip! But Madi is staying here until tomorrow. He has a lot of unpacking to do and a house he hasn't seen in a week, so he can get settled back in and worry about taking her and her things home tomorrow.

  4. Sounds like you had a great week! And what a wonderful photo frame Savannah made.

    btw: I couldn't agree with you more about houseboats sounds like so much fun. I remember the one in Sleepless in Seattle... always thought it would be so cool to live on one of those.

  5. Vacation Bible School ... some of my best memories and most trying. I coordinated over 25 for local churches. I was the Baptist Association VBS director in four different southern Baptist associations to include metro Atlanta, Georgia in the early 1980 where I coordinated all training and encouraged churches to have VBS. When I lived in Louisiana I coordinated VBS a the volunteer lead for the entire Louisiana Baptist Convention. I loved the planning and preparation. I dislikes the actual week sometimes. The main challenge was volunteer workers that willfully broke rules by bringing under-aged children or failed to follow the curriculum or the schedule. I use to do things like Morning VBS and afternoon activities like filed trips and swimming. I would feed the workers lunch everyday for free. I would let the lay leaders lead. I enjoyed doing things like carnivals to wrap up the week. I also had a very strong evangelistic emphasis that I personally lead. I was wonderful on the follow-up. I would get in the homes of almost 100% of the children. I was able to get a lot of dads involved as well.

  6. Cool Jimmie! VBS is fun, but trying. You're right- a lot of the time the kids are better behaved than the adults. This year we had a real trying person as the leader. To me, she was unorganized. Actually, she was one of those people who didn't do her job and then tried to make it look like other people didn't do theirs. Luckily, I've done this for 9 years now and know what needs to be done, so it got done and everyone had a great time!

  7. I keep saying I need to find some wealthy friends! LOL.

  8. Hmmm... me too, Silly!

    I still have the dog today. She is a really fun animal and could just live with me and I wouldn't care. Scott is staying too busy this weekend to unpack. (Too bad he is a broke college student- why can't I find friends who have money?)
