Monday, June 9, 2008

Biblical Truths

I am officially 2/3 of the way through the Bible. I read the passage for the last day of August last night. I am still going to finish the entire reading I have started (it is actually a whole lot easier than I thought it would be) but my church is starting something new that I'm really excited about! Following a model used by a church in Hawaii, all our church leaders are going to participate in the Life Journal Reading. You can find the link here if you're interested. You read the passage, pull out the verse(s) that spoke the most to you, write in your journal what God is telling you through the verse, then write a prayer. If you do this every day, you will read the entire old testament once and the new testament twice in a year. Plus, in our planning meetings we can share our thoughts and prayers with each other, and will all be reading the same place at the same time.

Since I'm a Republican, and I know many of my friends are, I can't resist sharing one of the verses from the passage today:

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecc. 10:2

And who says the Bible isn't relevant?

Oh, and by the way, if you follow that link and then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, that is my pastor in the yellow shirt. He is about to baptize someone in the Pacific Ocean!


  1. So what's wrong with being a conservative?

  2. I don't think there is anything wrong with it!

  3. According to Ecclesiastes, conservative is the right way to go!

  4. For a while, I sat down with my children once a week for a bible reading. At first, they moaned and groaned, but eventually they looked forward to it and even asked me why we stopped when I allowed life to get in the way. We would gather around the kitchen table with potato chips, popcorn, or whatever kind of treat I decided on that night and I would read - stopping every so often to ask a question so that my voice didn't drone on and put them to sleep ... and, to make sure they were paying attention - ha ha ... But, it was fun.

  5. For a while, I sat down with my children once a week for a bible reading. At first, they moaned and groaned, but eventually they looked forward to it and even asked me why we stopped when I allowed life to get in the way. We would gather around the kitchen table with potato chips, popcorn, or whatever kind of treat I decided on that night and I would read - stopping every so often to ask a question so that my voice didn't drone on and put them to sleep ... and, to make sure they were paying attention - ha ha ... But, it was fun.

  6. oops - I accidentally posted twice - deleted one, in case you wonder. :)

  7. I dunno. According to me, conservative is the ONLY way to go!

  8. This study has a youth study to go along with it- with its own cool journal. I ordered one for Savannah. She will enjoy doing this, although will probably not be as faithful about doing it every day. But every little bit helps.

  9. the faithful about doing it part is what gets me...and we all know how I have been wandering lately! *sigh*

    Very cool though...I like it!

  10. FG, it has become part of my bedtime routine. Something is a little off if I miss it!

  11. well it would help if I had ANY kind of routine but I don' always changes..nothing is ever the same....

  12. I just wish we lived closer. I'd have more fun and be more into the studying part if we could hold a real in person discussion, over coffee and such.

  13. Oh, now wouldn't that be so much fun! Maybe it would work over the internet, but it wouldn't be quite the same!

  14. I know we could do that online but it still wouldn't be all that much fun. We'd have to get Dave because he's supersmart too, and my husband in on this. Art's just brilliant, seriously.

  15. I mean, it would be FUN but not AS FUN as live, in person, 3d! lol!

  16. Well we knew that already, didn't we? Nice to have scriptural confirmation, though.

  17. I didn't know it. I'm glad Momma told me about it.

  18. I think an on line bible study would be a lot of fun.

  19. Dave? Dish? You want to start it? I'm going to try to get a conservative political discussion board going, I think.

  20. I think Dish is the one for this. I'm afraid my own bible reading has been far to lax lately. I'll gladly participate, though.

  21. I'll be happy to participate. I've not read the Bible seriously and in a discussion group since I was confirmed in the Lutheran church back home. *sigh*

  22. roflmao!

    You're terrible!

    Dish, watch out for the penguin. He's armed with a horribly funny and off beat sense of humor.
