Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Picture Perfect- Industry

These women get together all year long to make crafts to sell at our church's annual craft sale. They usually raise over $10,000! What an industry!

Welcome to

P I C T U R E   P E R F E C T


~ Each week a theme will be posted up on Wednesday, and you are invited to put up your best picture with that theme in mind, it should be

only ONE  picture please and it should be YOURS

 not off the internet, not a friends picture but your very own

No slide shows please, and no automatic music on the page


  1. They all have busy looking hands. My mom does that with quilting. Very nice and for a good cause.

  2. It doesn't matter what the theme is or is there a weekly one?

  3. Great job...very well done to them.

  4. We have a group here in Glenpool that meets at the local library each Saturday for crafts. I'm not involved, but I hear it is a lot of fun!

  5. Well The funny things is I am a beader(The indian blood in me) I should a took a pic of my beading club....great take on the theme...

    My PPF

  6. Cool love this shot feels friendly!

  7. Great photograph ideally suiting the theme. Thanks for sharing. My entry is at –

  8. My Gram used to make sweaters for teddy bears for mentally or physically hurt children. That is the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture.

  9. That's great! What a nice picture! This one has me stumped. I'll have to think about it. Hey,wait,I work for an industry...hmmmmmm

  10. Great picture, I have been there and done that. We don't raise that much but we do pretty good. A great industry , church ladies and bazaars.

    Thanks for visiting and your comment

  11. I think that is very admirable, I would love joining in something like that! Great photo on Industry !!

  12. Industry as it should be... working with your hands for the love of it : )
    Tint~ for Picture Perfect

  13. And I'm just happy if I manage to get one needlepoint project done a year! They definitely look like busy ladies. Great shot!

    My Picture Perfect Theme

  14. They are crafty industry? LOL Great idea for the theme. They look very busy and intent! Great PP

    Click here for Empress C's Industry

  15. Great shot and what a noble things to do for the church. God bless them all!
    Please feel free to stop by: Industry

  16. Janeen, what a great thing these ladies are doing. If only people were like that everywhere. Take care Janeen
